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I need Dr. House

V8 Beast

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All of this extra schooling and I have yet to find a doctor anywhere in Hilliard that knows what they are doing (This is after going to 5 different offices over 3 years).


Any recommendations for family practice out west?


To put things into perspective..

I was talking to the 5th doctor explaining how all of the other doctors were horrible. My only problem at this point is that I still have dizzy spells, chest pain, and a low heart rate. She tells me that its normal to be dizzy and as long as I dont faint I'm ok :eek: I hold my calm, and listen to her talk mess about it being GERD (I told her I was tested for that by a specialist... but obviously she wasnt listening when I said that). Then she gives me the "you work out so your heart rate will be low" nonsense that all of the other doctors have been saying. I didnt work out for 7 years until recently and I was 250pounds. I know for a fact I didnt look in shape!


I said oh well and asked her to fill out my medical paperwork that gives me protection if I cant drive due to the dizzy spells. She tells me that the spells shouldnt prohibit me from driving and that I didnt need that. I politely asked her which way she drove to work. She asked me why and I said so that I can pull up beside your little car in my envoy while having dizzy spells and accidently run you off of the road... I dont think she'll see me again after that so I'm going to need a 6th doctor now :rolleyes:


Over the years the only time anything has been done right is when I have had to go to the ER. Maybe I should just keep going there and think of it as a 24 hour practice with a $75 copay

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So the doctor is a moron because she will not give you your way? You're going to be seeing lots of doctors.


My guess after maybe the 10th doctor tells you the same thing maybe then you can step outside yourself and say maybe I the moron and they have the schooling and are right. I mean I don't see MD after your name and if I am wrong about that, are you Verizon's on call Dr.?



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Nope, are they pretty good?



Decent. Our Family Doc is Dr. Shiela Westendorf. There are a few other in there too that the misses has seen on short notice. All are about equal, and seem to want to do whatever it takes to make you happy.... to a point. ;) Won't hurt to at least be seen. They ARE close.



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So the doctor is a moron because she will not give you your way? You're going to be seeing lots of doctors.


My guess after maybe the 10th doctor tells you the same thing maybe then you can step outside yourself and say maybe I the moron and they have the schooling and are right. I mean I don't see MD after your name and if I am wrong about that, are you Verizon's on call Dr.?



Yes they are idiots. You dont mask problems you investigate them and try to fix them. Are dizzy spells a normal way of life for you? Would you like to have to pull your car over on the way to work because you suddenly feel drunk and out of it? Yup lets tell him to go see a specialist he already went to because I dont feel like thinking. Maybe they can run the exact same test 15 more times and one of those will show that I'm right once and they were wrong 14 times..


Its like have a knife sticking out of your back and the doctor saying its suppose to be there.

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I politely asked her which way she drove to work. She asked me why and I said so that I can pull up beside your little car in my envoy while having dizzy spells and accidently run you off of the road...


I think I'd leave this part out for the next doc.

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Its like have a knife sticking out of your back and the doctor saying its suppose to be there.


McDonald's hardly ever gets my order right, so I don't expect much from doctors either.


It's hard to find a doctor who can diagnose your problem. Most I know just treat symptoms and keep adjusting treatments as they go. I understand this is a necessary evil, but damn!

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The second they fix my problem is the second they stop getting paid... I hope they dont look at me as job security lol.


Unfortunately, they have to play games with the insurance companies and the patients suffer.

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Oh you broke your leg.. Here, have an anti-drepressant


You're Leg still hurts.. ok, double the dosage of anti-depressants


Still having leg pain and its green now... Have you been taking your anti-depressants???


It fell off....we should try you on NSAIDs.

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The health care system in this country has evolved to the point that most family MD's just consider symptoms and treat them, and the specialists take only a narrow view of the patient from within their specialty. On top of that, the way insurance works doc's have to minimize patient time so they get paid so they have gotten in the habit to where they don't take time to really listen and discern what is going on. They just hear an answer and move on to the next question.


What I might suggest is that you do some research on your own via WebMD or other resources to see what the collective symptoms might indicate. Then from there go to a doctor and have a more in depth conversation.


There could be one, two, three or more factors at play, and none of them serious enough at the moment to make it evident what is really going on.


I am BY FAR not a physician or even educated enough to diagnose, but when I read your post, I started thinking about things like:


- What are your eating habits like? When do you eat? What do you eat? Do you stay hydrated during the day? Blood sugar variations produce some of the symptoms you describe.


- What are your sleeping habits like? While I am a bit older than you, I find that lack of or great variation in my sleep pattern plays havoc with my system.


A good doc should have asked you these kinds of questions. Accurate answers are important. Start keeping a notebook of when these symptoms occur and what yoou were doing / eating at that time. You can maybe develop a pattern that will clue a good doc in to what is going on.


My parents have all sorts of issues, and if I have learned nothing else it's that we have to manage our own health issues because the docs aren't going to do it until we get really sick, and even then it is questionable. Be an educated health care consumer as much as possible.

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I'm just guessing...


Brian doesn't sleep much, 4 am Pms 3 am posts....

I bet Brian does not eat real healthy, maybe a little....

And now I guess you are working out?


Change your diet, go to bed at a decent hour like when your kids go to bed. Limit your self to your kids and your wife, leave this place for a week or two and your other hobbies.


Why do you need a script for not driving? Just so you can stay at home and work from home? If that is the case then it the same thing in my eyes as a doctor thinks when a patient asks for a script for tinted windows.....


Seems to me a patient shouldn't be asking for a script not to drive but to fix the dizziness.... Kind of like an addict asking for opiates.


I'm not being a dick brian, just playing devils advocate.

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The health care system in this country has evolved to the point that most family MD's just consider symptoms and treat them, and the specialists take only a narrow view of the patient from within their specialty. On top of that, the way insurance works doc's have to minimize patient time so they get paid so they have gotten in the habit to where they don't take time to really listen and discern what is going on. They just hear an answer and move on to the next question.


What I might suggest is that you do some research on your own via WebMD or other resources to see what the collective symptoms might indicate. Then from there go to a doctor and have a more in depth conversation.


There could be one, two, three or more factors at play, and none of them serious enough at the moment to make it evident what is really going on.


I am BY FAR not a physician or even educated enough to diagnose, but when I read your post, I started thinking about things like:


- What are your eating habits like? When do you eat? What do you eat? Do you stay hydrated during the day? Blood sugar variations produce some of the symptoms you describe.


- What are your sleeping habits like? While I am a bit older than you, I find that lack of or great variation in my sleep pattern plays havoc with my system.


A good doc should have asked you these kinds of questions. Accurate answers are important. Start keeping a notebook of when these symptoms occur and what yoou were doing / eating at that time. You can maybe develop a pattern that will clue a good doc in to what is going on.


My parents have all sorts of issues, and if I have learned nothing else it's that we have to manage our own health issues because the docs aren't going to do it until we get really sick, and even then it is questionable. Be an educated health care consumer as much as possible.


Docs ask the same 3 question, how long have you had this issue, are you taking any medications for it, and what did the last doctor say.


I've already changed my diet. Never been tested for vertigo, never been to a sleep clinic (even though requested). Had to recommend they test for diabetes, also recommended a heart specialist as well. The doctors always check for ear infections, but thats about it. I purchased a heart monitor and have been documenting the results. I made an appointment with a heart specialist but they are booked through April. At this point I'm hoping I can fix it without the need for a pacemaker. I even went and got my eyes checked to see if the symptoms are not linked. At this point I'm just fed up. It would be nice to not have dizzy spells and be able to make it to a meet on the east side every now and then.


Also, my dad went to the doctor more times than we can count over the last year. After complaining about pain and being blown off they checked and said he had liver cancer and will probably not make it to February... The entire system sucks.

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I'm just guessing...


Brian doesn't sleep much, 4 am Pms 3 am posts....

I bet Brian does not eat real healthy, maybe a little....

And now I guess you are working out?


Change your diet, go to bed at a decent hour like when your kids go to bed. Limit your self to your kids and your wife, leave this place for a week or two and your other hobbies.


Why do you need a script for not driving? Just so you can stay at home and work from home? If that is the case then it the same thing in my eyes as a doctor thinks when a patient asks for a script for tinted windows.....



Seems to me a patient shouldn't be asking for a script not to drive but to fix the dizziness.... Kind of like an addict asking for opiates.


I'm not being a dick brian, just playing devils advocate.


I get 8 hours of sleep per night. 4am posts for me are like 10pm post for a normal person.


I've been eating healthy for the last 18 months(nutrition and personal training were my minor in college so I know about dehydration, being malnourished, ect).


Been working out hard core for 6 months. Lost 35 pounds over the last year in an attempt to see if that would help.


I know you are playing devils advocate.. But what you have to remember is I'm management. Anytime I take out of office doubles the amount of work I have to do when I get back. This mess is actually making my job harder than it has to be. BTW, I use probably about 2 hours of it per month and work well over 45 hours per week. This is just to cover me in the event that the company tries to pull some bullshit. Better safe than sorry is what I say.


Forgot to add that the doctor did approve the "script". I'm looking for a new doctor that will be concerned when they see I have low blood pressure, and a heart rate that has dipped into the 30's (with them standing there). Its in the kitchen so needless to say I'm venting while doing it...

Edited by V8 Beast
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