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PETA has gone too far - "Sea Kittens"


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PETA went too far about three days after they were founded. You're surprised by this PARTICULAR act of stupidity?


True, but I never noticed they had gone this bat-shit crazy until now.

I guess if they were trying to get my attention they have it... just not in the way they wanted, I'm sure.

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Why can't people just get the natural order of life through their fucking idiot skulls? We are supposed to eat other animals for proper nutrition, and wearing fur and animal hide goes back to prehistoric times. I don't agree with a god damned thing that comes from that group of dumbasses.


The only thing better is the founders of PETA being killed and eaten by cannibals.

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So, throwing paint, flour, urine, etc on people wearing fur didn't snag your attention?

I always assumed that was just some individuals taking it too far, not the whole group that did that kind of silly crap. Perhaps I misjudged how out in left field they all are as a group.

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I always assumed that was just some individuals taking it too far, not the whole group that did that kind of silly crap. Perhaps I misjudged how out in left field they all are as a group.

Granted, you're right about the actual feces-flingers being just a little whackier than the rest, but still, every time it makes the news, the rest of them stand up and cheer. So fuck the lot of em.

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One time PETA wrote a brochure comparing the making of chicken nuggets to the holocaust. They implied in it that the chicken nugget making is even worse than the holocaust because the chickens didn't know why they were being killed while the jews did.


my point is, PETA has been apeshit crazy for a long time. This sea kitten garbage is pretty tame compared to some other allegations they've made. Also, they give money to terrorist groups.

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It is absolutely true that we are overfishing the seas, and disrupting entire ECO systems. Some possibly to the point of no return.


Sea Kittens is a bit much though. I could give a fuck less about a fishes life, more concerned with giving mother nature time to spawn more fish.

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