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apartment questions

Guest tbutera2112

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im not reading through all the posts. where im at right across the street from your parents, its <600 for a 2br/2ba, all electric, its about 80 summer, 120 winter, HD cable/DVR/high speed internet is 100/mo, dont pay water, sewage, and no gas.
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Guest tbutera2112
im not reading through all the posts. where im at right across the street from your parents, its <600 for a 2br/2ba, all electric, its about 80 summer, 120 winter, HD cable/DVR/high speed internet is 100/mo, dont pay water, sewage, and no gas.


wow nice...what apartments are you in?

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if we got a place together we would probably get married, and its like 5 bucks a month to add her onto my insurance


So did everyone else miss this?!


Ok I wont give you the normal schpiel about how your too damn young to think about that shit right now all Im gonna say is some simple advice from someone who was in your same EXACT position a few years ago.


As a man you need to be prepared that it wont work out and you might have to provide for yourself. You mentioned a COMBINED income of $2000 right? Could you realistically afford to live in this place without her there? Should this place be a one bedroom your really going to screw yourself in the long run b/c there's no way you can get a roomate to split the bills with IF (big IF here) you guys split up.


Worst case scenario you split she leaves you with all the bills and no way to afford it and you get a eviction notice on your credit history. At least I think it goes on your credit history, im not positive ive never had one HOWEVER I was in the same exact position you were in a few years ago. We got a place and after the 'impossible' happened and we broke up I was fucked. Luckily i could barely afford everything on my own though.


Again, Im not going to try and baby you or tell you what to do. But you asked for opinions and advice so im just trying to get you to look at the big picture. Goodluck with your apt search.

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im right across from flyers in jefferson chase. like 1/2 mile from you.


im with ^^ this guy. you're way to young to think about moving in a year and marrying her. im dating this chick for 3 years now, am i getting married? no. you could probably make it on 2k/mo. after taxes and my insurance is deducted, my base monthly salary is about 1600/mo (if i dont have a bonus check)...hers is about 1000/mo. i pay rent ($588) and she pays electric and cable (about 225). we split groceries, she covers her cell/car insurance, as do i. could i afford it without her? yep. probably be tight though.


you think a 1br will be fine, but trust me, it wont. 2 of us in a 2br/2 full bath is barely enough. our spare bedroom serves as storage for the most part. theres a futon in there, but the closet is stuffed, and theres shit laying everywhere. we did have a room mate a couple times for a few months each, which was nice on the pocket having an extra couple hundred bucks, but sucked having to find space for all that crap.


will be thrilled if/when i buy a house soon so i can have plenty of storage and space for myself

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Guest tbutera2112
and hotcarl and evan, thanks for the advice...ill jsut brain storming at the moment... and while i dont think we will be breaking up, im sure you didnt either carl... but i guess ill jsut see how things work out when the time comes
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