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Why is it-


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Fuck it. Cut 'em all off. Get your balance back and try again.


What good is having six chicks if you're not happy? I don't know about you, but I don't put up with shit like that. Pussy's great, but it's not the be-all/end-all of life. Think like that, and you'll be pussy-whipped.


Take back control of your life.

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Dont dive into a dime piece, just to stay at home, watch the cavs game, and maybe Fap?



See my Delema.:mad: .


Well then you obviously aren't as tired of it as you think . If your dick head isn't hurting from get in to so much then you're not finished. Keep at it! :D

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Dont dive into a dime piece, just to stay at home, watch the cavs game, and maybe Fap?



See my Delema.:mad: .


Fapping is the answer. If not for fapping, I would've cheated on every girl I ever dated, instead of just most.

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Guest 614Streets
No matter how hot a chic is, its not as exciting after you hit it?


The more chics that play hide the penor a week, the more work it is. The less fun it becomes



And Why does EVERY fucking stripper have some sort of issue? Is there not one normal stripper outside of work?





They still don't make cheap ferraris. In the causual sex world its better to have a positive go to a negative than to have a negative go to a positive unless your talking business.


You should start a porn business or a strip club .

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You dont understand-I miss sleeping in my own bed. By my fucking self. I really do.


Im at the point were Im talking to 6 chics-3 of which are strippers (at the same club no less). The 2 are dirt-hot, but dirt. One is a smart fucking girl, book smart, street smart, and will rape you at Chess. But, she smokes pot 4 times a day. WTF


The other 3 are normals that are comfortable seeing me once a week. At this point, if I miss a day-I miss someone till next week. I actually feel used-im not a fucking fuck machine. It gets old, seriously fucking old. I Miss workouts, Im missing school, I cant touch a car. For what? Pussy?! Im in a personal porn vortex I cant get out of.


Ok I'll tell you what I did when i was in a similar situation. Although mine was a bit different. It only involved one stripper (no not the same one from the other thread) and only 3 others, not 6. Sorry my pimp hand isnt THAT strong.


I was in the same shit, i just got tired and honestly wanted to sleep in my OWN bed, BY MYSELF. You just have to clean the slate. start over. get rid of all of them however leave on a positive note so if things get bad in the future you have a backup or two... or six. Focus on yourself and doing your own thing, taking care of yourself. However this doesnt mean you have to become a recluse. go out and have fun. Try actually dating one woman for an extended period of time, yeah i know crazy but try it.


Im simply telling you what worked for me.

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Well JP, I've given it some thought and even though I don't really know you...I'm going to man up and help you out....The solution to your problem is...(drum roll please)...I'll take one off your hands. Now I know what you're thinking sloppy seconds, isn't classy. And I have to agree, but in this desperate time well you have to have someone to turn to. Think of it as wing man. I'll talk to the ugly girl so you can talk to her hot friend, it's the same thing here. You just let me know which one of the 3 is worse in the sack and I'll “distract” (aka fuck) her for the next few weeks. I know that still leaves you with 2 but I was thinking about that as well. And I think you'll have better luck convincing 2 girls to sleep with you at the same time vs. 3 girls. So let’s recap... 3 girls 5 nights a week turns into 2 girls at once 3 nights a week. That gives you 2 other business days to do other things. The offer is only good through this weekend, so let me know and good luck. ;)
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Well shit hit the fan Monday. It was industry night at my place- cheap drinks- it was packed. All three (strippers) where there, I thought they'd be at work so I brought a normal. Train wreck-fucking train wreck.


Im down to 3. Ruff getting here, but fuck it. Cant win them all.

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Well JP, I've given it some thought and even though I don't really know you...I'm going to man up and help you out....The solution to your problem is...(drum roll please)...I'll take one off your hands. Now


When you fucks come to Cleveland I'll put the pussys in your lap! Lets ROLL

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Try not fucking whores and finding someone with some substance.


Strippers aren't women with substance. Most are coke whores, ALL are messed up in some significant way.


I dont think he said he wanted a relationship. simply said he's getting tired of all the action thats all. Theres a big difference there.


But your right. ALMOST all strippers have some sort of problem and most have 'daddy issues'.

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Investing in yourself by going to school is the right decision. You can still have sex with random women if you please but keep school at the top of your priority list. OR give up the women for a few months. Just think of all the extra cash you can have if you are not spending it on them.
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Investing in yourself by going to school is the right decision. You can still have sex with random women if you please but keep school at the top of your priority list. OR give up the women for a few months. Just think of all the extra cash you can have if you are not spending it on them.


I dont spend a dime on them as it is- actually Cassie bought me a twin disc.:D



Its the time thing that was killing me-it was out of confucking-trol!

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I dont spend a dime on them as it is- actually Cassie bought me a twin disc.:D



Its the time thing that was killing me-it was out of confucking-trol!


OK look at it this way more time away from them gives you more time to go make some money. You got to pay yourself first before anyone else. That is the rule around here.

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