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Why must my dog...


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Because he sees you going in the warm comfort of your home, and he hates you for making him freeze off his balls, everytime he's gotta deuce.



I don't let him out alone....I walk him each time he uses, so I am out there with him. I could careless if I just opened the door and let him out.

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I don't let him out alone....I walk him each time he uses, so I am out there with him. I could careless if I just opened the door and let him out.


I meant he sees you "going" (defecating, urinating) in the comfort of your warm home.


Though I'm telling you, he hates you. Just get over it.

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That's the dog equivalent of reading the paper or checking his email. Every time I let my dog out front she runs to the mailbox to sniff the post and surrounding area - apparently checking up on the dog current events. She won't "go" until she's done checking things out. If I let her out back where there's no other animals usually she goes right away and comes back to the door.
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Neither do I, but I have a shelty, and she knows where it is warm and her food is. She never leaves the yard. Hell in the winter she poops and pees in the yard just off the deck steps, then comes back on the deck. The snow is too deep for her to run in. her belly is like 6 inches from the ground so any snow is a nuisance to her.
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No trade for murder dog. She is prolly the best dog I have ever had. No accidents, lets me know when she needs to go out, goes out and runs around the yard, does her biddness then comes back in. End thread.




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My dog does this as well. The other thing that's really dumb is if I get tired of waiting on him and start walking back towards the door, he then gets serious and assumes the position.


LOL....I have to stand still. If he thinks I am going to leave it...he won't go. If I move...the whole process above has to start over in a different area.

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