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finally... after three long years

2.oh so slow

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say good bye to your last BJ

I've been married for over 4 months. I haven't had to say goodbye.


Good luck. I'm very happily married. But my wife was never waiting, nor would ever make the comment "3 long years." I never felt 1 ounce of pressure; I made the choice to ask her, and knew it was never expected of me. Last chick that tried the expected of me stuff, well, I never even looked at a ring, let alone considered actually asking her.


I can only hope Kevin never felt any pressure to ask. Something about the inital post just rubbed me the wrong way.

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Congrats guys.....


Now Kevin, did you buy her a new TV yet since you weren't around to help carry the first one the first time?


ha!!!!! actually we're bringing one home tomorrow! Another 42'' LCD if i drop this one i think he'll beat me :)




Help me with that, from a woman’s perspective. Why is it the woman always wants to get married and the guy...well...he just eventually agrees. Girls see their friends get married and Oh snap, “when are WE getting married?” starts up. I heard about it all summer. 3 of her friends got married and we went to all the weddings. Now her younger sister is engaged and so is my best friend and she is always dropping hints. I tell her “I love you” and she points to her ring finger. :lol: Don’t get me wrong, I love my G/F we’ve been through a lot in our 6 years and have always hung in there with each other. I think most of our friends see us a married already. I want a nice wedding too, not like I dream about it or anything. But what is it about getting married for women that is the same as a guy getting an exotic car or scoring the game winning touch down in the super bowl? Seriously, women are all about getting married and I just don’t see what the big deal is… Sorry, I’m not trying thread jack or sound like a downer and rain on the good new, just wanted a female perspective.


I'm not sure what it is. For me I know that he and I had been through hell and high water and we had made it. Every day we made the decision to come home to the other one and maintain our family, life and love. But for me I wanted the outward symbol of that commitment and dedication. Very simply it takes it up a notch, if only in a woman's head. So let me ask you a question. If you love her and are planning to be with her anyway and it puts her at ease by doing it then why wouldn't you?



I've been married for over 4 months. I haven't had to say goodbye.


Good luck. I'm very happily married. But my wife was never waiting, nor would ever make the comment "3 long years." I never felt 1 ounce of pressure; I made the choice to ask her, and knew it was never expected of me. Last chick that tried the expected of me stuff, well, I never even looked at a ring, let alone considered actually asking her.


I can only hope Kevin never felt any pressure to ask. Something about the inital post just rubbed me the wrong way.


Well I'm sorry that you took it that way, you would have to know our relationship, as well as our senses of humor.... and all the unbelievably incredible shit we've been through together. Anyone who knows Kevin well knows he isn't pushed into anything... actually he's so stubborn it usually makes him do the opposite!

Very simply when Kevin and I met, we met our match, or equal.

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I didnt feel any pressure at all. Like Amy said, I dont get pressured into things. Kind of like I never believed in "peer pressure". Its the individual that makes a decision, no one else.


We have been through a lot of shit in our 3 years. I think that is what she was meaning by a long three years. Because looking back, we can sigh and say wow that took some love to do it.


We have a lot of stuff to do before getting married so that is why we arent just planning a wedding right away.


She's a good hearted girl and I love her to death. And now shes gonna be all mine!

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I'm not sure what it is. For me I know that he and I had been through hell and high water and we had made it. Every day we made the decision to come home to the other one and maintain our family, life and love. But for me I wanted the outward symbol of that commitment and dedication. Very simply it takes it up a notch, if only in a woman's head. So let me ask you a question. If you love her and are planning to be with her anyway and it puts her at ease by doing it then why wouldn't you?


Because forever is a long ass time...it's like...forever. I don't really know why... I have a hard time ordering off a menu at some places because that's a decision that's going to affect my hunger for the next few hours, let alone the person that is going to affect my life for the rest of my life. Well maybe it's not that extreme, but it's just a tuff, scary decision and for now I don't have to face it. Besides people change, I’ve changed over the past 6 years and so has Kari (my G/F). I just want to make sure we are both comfortable with our lives as individuals before we commit to each other. I’m 24 and she’s 31 so we look at things a bit different. That and lets face it, rings are expensive ;)

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ha!!!!! actually we're bringing one home tomorrow! Another 42'' LCD if i drop this one i think he'll beat me :)






I'm not sure what it is. For me I know that he and I had been through hell and high water and we had made it. Every day we made the decision to come home to the other one and maintain our family, life and love. But for me I wanted the outward symbol of that commitment and dedication. Very simply it takes it up a notch, if only in a woman's head. So let me ask you a question. If you love her and are planning to be with her anyway and it puts her at ease by doing it then why wouldn't you?





Well I'm sorry that you took it that way, you would have to know our relationship, as well as our senses of humor.... and all the unbelievably incredible shit we've been through together. Anyone who knows Kevin well knows he isn't pushed into anything... actually he's so stubborn it usually makes him do the opposite!

Very simply when Kevin and I met, we met our match, or equal.


all very well put! congrats to you two. never met either of ya but wish you the best!


also super_gtp... i could never imagine being married before 25 myself. so its understandable. i am not married, but want to be more then anything. that doesn't mean i am just trying to find someone who would say yes. been pretty well single for ehh 2.5 years. i'm particular. its ben said many times but still true. when your ready you will know. it actually sounds like you are about there now, just need to do it. you know what you might want to do. go look at rings by yourself. dont have to be there to buy. just look, and think about the ring on her finger, and what that signifies. you might be surprised how you feel about it a few days after.

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all very well put! congrats to you two. never met either of ya but wish you the best!


also super_gtp... i could never imagine being married before 25 myself. so its understandable. i am not married, but want to be more then anything. that doesn't mean i am just trying to find someone who would say yes. been pretty well single for ehh 2.5 years. i'm particular. its ben said many times but still true. when your ready you will know. it actually sounds like you are about there now, just need to do it. you know what you might want to do. go look at rings by yourself. dont have to be there to buy. just look, and think about the ring on her finger, and what that signifies. you might be surprised how you feel about it a few days after.


Good call..."Note to self...Stay AWAY from jewelry stores" :p J/K

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I've been married for over 4 months. I haven't had to say goodbye.


Good luck. I'm very happily married. But my wife was never waiting, nor would ever make the comment "3 long years." I never felt 1 ounce of pressure; I made the choice to ask her, and knew it was never expected of me. Last chick that tried the expected of me stuff, well, I never even looked at a ring, let alone considered actually asking her.


I can only hope Kevin never felt any pressure to ask. Something about the inital post just rubbed me the wrong way.

got it last night, so me neither, but after the "honeymoon" stage is over, from what I've heard, it's gone.

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Because forever is a long ass time...it's like...forever. I don't really know why... I have a hard time ordering off a menu at some places because that's a decision that's going to affect my hunger for the next few hours, let alone the person that is going to affect my life for the rest of my life. Well maybe it's not that extreme, but it's just a tuff, scary decision and for now I don't have to face it. Besides people change, I’ve changed over the past 6 years and so has Kari (my G/F). I just want to make sure we are both comfortable with our lives as individuals before we commit to each other. I’m 24 and she’s 31 so we look at things a bit different. That and lets face it, rings are expensive ;)


Although I would like to say age doesn't matter, it sort of does, when you factor life experience into the equation. I totally understand where she is, especially if she's older and you two will be wanting to have kids. For women a pregnancy @ 35 or older is considered high risk and usually its harder to conceive. [How's that for pressure] :)

Kevin and I started dating when he was 23[almost 24] & I was 29. I am glad that we are where we are now, but there is no way I would recommend that.. we were at two totally different places in our lives coming from extremely different background experiences. Truly it's amazing we made it through a lot of it. But when it's right it's right and when you know that person is there and you're a team it's not always going to be perfect but things will work out if you both want them to. Even when I am so pissed I can't see straight I still cannot imagine my life with anyone else, I wouldn't want to wake up to anyone else. There isn't anyone else I would share myself with. [and those who know us really well know that when it's bad it can get ugly, but more often it's good & it's the connection and the love and passion we have, most do not have, it's incredible]


You will know when you're ready, because you're right forever is a long ass time!!!

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