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need - 5 gallon buckets


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anyone got some i can borrow for a day? i dont need them for a month or two. just found out my offer on a house was accepted, and one of the things i have to move that im not looking forward to is my 55g fish tank. i dont plan on transporting every drop of water, but i would like to keep about 1/2 of it so that there is enough bacteria in the water and the fish dont get too stressed. if i could get like 6-7 buckets with lids, it would help me immensely.



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There is no beneficial bacteria in the water per se... It would be on your ornaments and rocks. I have moved five or six times with two tanks (125 gallon and a 55 gallon) and I have never kept the water. It's too much of a hassle to drain and move IMO. You have freshwater fish right? If you had saltwater I would consider keeping the water since saltwater fish are more sensitive to water chemistry than fishwater fish. I have never had any issues with using completely new water each time with my cichlids. None the less, if you really want to keep your water I may have some buckets you can borrow. I'll check later tonight and post tomorrow.
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There is no beneficial bacteria in the water per se... It would be on your ornaments and rocks. I have moved five or six times with two tanks (125 gallon and a 55 gallon) and I have never kept the water. It's too much of a hassle to drain and move IMO. You have freshwater fish right? If you had saltwater I would consider keeping the water since saltwater fish are more sensitive to water chemistry than fishwater fish. I have never had any issues with using completely new water each time with my cichlids. None the less, if you really want to keep your water I may have some buckets you can borrow. I'll check later tonight and post tomorrow.


thanks. i've got 3 oscars and a pleco, and i dont have rock bottom to hold bacteria, its all sand, with some plants. im sure theres a bit in the filter, but i'd like to keep about 30-35 gallons for peace of mind, then add the rest with fresh water when i get it set up, which would be like doing a 25% change.


if you do end up finding them, i'd appreciate it greatly if i could use them for a day or two

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Take some gravel too, that has loads o' bacteria


i dont have rock bottom to hold bacteria, its all sand, with some plants.


be sure there is not any chemicals in those buckets. honestly the sand, plants and filter will hold alot more of the bacteria then you think. also they make some chems you can put in the water to help after the move. talk to you fav trustworthy pet store.

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