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This guy needs his ass kicked!!!


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If you didn't get a check you make enough money to not give a fuck about $600.


Actually, in 2007, I sold a property that I inherited and got taxed to hell on it. All the monies that I was left with went into investment accounts that are now valued approximately $30,000 less than what they were last year at this time. And I didn't have a job for 6 months in 2007. So, yeah, I don't give a fuck about $600. :rolleyes:


And when I was at the bank trying to figure out what to do with the monies, I asked the "Senior Investment Banker" if I should pay off my house. He told me not to do that because I'll be much better off diversifying it in investments. Fucking dickhole!!

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Actually, in 2007, I sold a property that I inherited and got taxed to hell on it. All the monies that I was left with went into investment accounts that are now valued approximately $30,000 less than what they were last year at this time. And I didn't have a job for 6 months in 2007. So, yeah, I don't give a fuck about $600. :rolleyes:


And when I was at the bank trying to figure out what to do with the monies, I asked the "Senior Investment Banker" if I should pay off my house. He told me not to do that because I'll be much better off diversifying it in investments. Fucking dickhole!!


Thought it might have been something different than that. So $30k in relation to how much original money/how much now. If you are talking about 100k, 200k originally now and it's worth 70k or 170k. Or even if it was originally 60k and now 30k, who gives a fuck about $600 in relation to that? If it was originally 40k and now 30k, you might get Warren Buffet to cry a little for you. You were given a property and sold it and got $xxk free and lost it because you (wisely) invested it and the economy went to shit.


I'd agree with you about the 'senior investment banker' although it's a crap shoot for either me or you to say whether he steered you in the wrong direction maliciously for his own benefit/profit or he truly didn't know. Whether him not knowing was through stupidity or negligence I don't think really matters either. No too many people could really know in 07' about what was going to happen now.


For those of you that didn't really look into it IIRC you need to 'make' something like $90k single to get $0 for the stimulus.

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I didn't get it because I was overseas making non-taxable money. I read everywhere that I should still get it since it was war money, but I still didn't get it.


That's shit IMHO since you were serving our country overseas. Although I'm of the mindset you should never 'get back' money on your 'taxes' you didn't get 'taxed'.

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