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Obama To close Gitmo and other CIA facilities.


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Maybe this instead of holding them prisoner for however many years:

Article 3 of the Geneva Convention, "Noncombatants, combatants who have laid down their arms, and combatants who are hors de combat (out of the fight) due to wounds, detention, or any other cause shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, including prohibition of outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment. The passing of sentences must also be pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples."

Maybe it's time people started looking at some of those prisoners as potentially innocent humans instead of painting them all as faceless, evil terrorists without that same rights we would demand. Maybe we should afford them with the same due process that we hold so dear in a manner that would go a long way in making ourselves look better as a country and less like hypocrites.

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Those laws only apply if BOTH sides follow them. If their going to cut off the heads of out innocent civillians then I say all bets are off.

Like fusion said (+1 for that, btw)... you can't paint everyone with that broad of a brush.

You can't take the actions of a few radicals and say every prisoner in Gitmo did those things. Not only that, but you're trusting that the gov't has the appropriate 'actionable information' to detain these people - which is a bad assumption.

If the US gov't has the information - lets go to court and see it, if they don't - well that's how you end up looking for WMDs that don't exist.

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get your supplies ready at home, cuz 6 months after those people are let go, they will be back in the US, better trained, and severely pissed at the US.....here comes the REAL Jihad....

Maybe. I think though the bigger problem is that if there a bunch of detainees that are innocent and we let them go, they are going to be really, really pissed at us. There's potential there for having made new enemies where there were none and giving existing enemies even more reason in their minds to hate us even more.

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Maybe. I think though the bigger problem is that if there a bunch of detainees that are innocent and we let them go, they are going to be really, really pissed at us. There's potential there for having made new enemies where there were none and giving existing enemies even more reason in their minds to hate us even more.

There were probably a large number of detainees who were innocent. That is a serious issue, and can never be undone. Should the innocent ones be released, hell yes...and should have been released a long time ago. But how do we know which are the innocent, and which are the guilty?

Now, we have a large group of people who are going to have a serious case of "Time to get Even Mother-@#$#@*!!!!" :beating: for the good 'ol US of A....

I hope I am wrong, and we have mechanisms in place to prevent that group of people that want to get even. But I seriously doubt those preventative mechanisms are in place...so have your home security setup, and be prepared for whatever gets thrown at us.

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What the hell is he going to to with all of the prisoners what is going to happen now?


you mean you dont know?....they will be offered U.S. citizenship....given a 10 year tax abatement and be allowed to make efforts to make their language part of the mandatory language of this nation like the rest of the foreignors here.

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Like fusion said (+1 for that, btw)... you can't paint everyone with that broad of a brush.

You can't take the actions of a few radicals and say every prisoner in Gitmo did those things. Not only that, but you're trusting that the gov't has the appropriate 'actionable information' to detain these people - which is a bad assumption.

If the US gov't has the information - lets go to court and see it, if they don't - well that's how you end up looking for WMDs that don't exist.

People need to ask themselves..if the government has the information to prosecute these people..why haven't we seen it yet?

You can be assured that not everyone that has been locked up is guilty. BUT now that they have spent a considerable amount of time in a US jail for no apparent reason other than being Muslim, they will foster and sow hate towards this country. Who's fault is that? (General question to everyone)

These secret jails and the one in Cuba do nothing but foster hate and distrust around the world. In a way, they are counter productive. As far as the torture goes, I'm kinda half way on that. I'm 100% positive that we have gotten actionable intelligence from torture, but I don't agree that every suspect should be tortured (if that makes sense). Just because you're muslim and MIGHT be affiliated with Al Qaeda is not enough to justify torture in my eyes. Just my opinion.

I say, if there is anything on these people, run them through our justice system. Holding someone indefinitely without being charged because they happened to be the wrong color or religion or in the wrong place at the wrong time is counter productive.

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There were probably a large number of detainees who were innocent. That is a serious issue, and can never be undone. Should the innocent ones be released, hell yes...and should have been released a long time ago. But how do we know which are the innocent, and which are the guilty?

Now, we have a large group of people who are going to have a serious case of "Time to get Even Mother-@#$#@*!!!!" :beating: for the good 'ol US of A....


That's the problem..the government most likely knows of a small percentage in Gitmo that has blood on their hands, and the rest are probably a question mark. Do they deserve to be in jail because the government has a 'hunch'? Hell no. That makes us no better than countries like Iran.

Unfortunately, the damage is done. You might as well keep the ones you can charge, and let the others go because if they didn't hate the US before, they damn sure do now. You can't lock someone up for life because YOU fucked up or have a hunch. Regardless of what they are suspected of.

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Maybe. I think though the bigger problem is that if there a bunch of detainees that are innocent and we let them go, they are going to be really, really pissed at us. There's potential there for having made new enemies where there were none and giving existing enemies even more reason in their minds to hate us even more.

Well, they're ALREADY pissed at us. Their families are pissed at us. The damage has been done already. By keeping them locked up, all we are doing is sending a message to the world that our own laws don't mean shit. I think that's Obama's point here. Show the rest of the world that we are not hypocrites (we are) , and process these people if we can produce proof, otherwise they deserve to be released.

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Shut it down' date=' ship 'em back, stop sending them money and keep our eyes and ears wide open. If we even smell the thought of another attack then carpet bomb the entire region until it is nothing but a very, very shiny parking lot.

The first thing we need to do about this whole 'Global Terrorism' business is to stop funding it. No more money to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, all of it needs to stop flowing into the pockets of people that want to kill us.

Anybody remember Ronald Reagan and the U.S.S.R. ??? Stop funding it, let them start starving and see what happens.

And we shouldn't have military bases in other countries, including Cuba.[/quote']

I agree with every word. Except the flat carpet bombing statement. I could never condone killing innocent people purposely. If we could convince all the terorrists in the region to congregate in an unpopulated area..like say for a bake sale or a class on making falafel , then I'd say go for it.

I ESPECIALLY agree with the military bases in other countries issue. I understand the reasoning behind it, but all it does is foster hate against us..we are seen as occupiers, and the minute one soldier does something wrong we all get painted with that broad brush. People don't seem to realize that we don't have any foreign military bases on OUR own soil. The american public would never stand for that.

The issue of 'giving money' to somewhere like Saudi Arabia is more complicated than just 'we're indirectly funding terrorism'...but I believe our government really needs to take a good hard look at bringing that $$ back to the US. I also believe we need to slow down the foreign investment in this country. That too is more complicated than it sounds...but it needs to be done.

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Shut it down' date=' ship 'em back, stop sending them money and keep our eyes and ears wide open. If we even smell the thought of another attack then carpet bomb the entire region until it is nothing but a very, very shiny parking lot.

The first thing we need to do about this whole 'Global Terrorism' business is to stop funding it. No more money to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, all of it needs to stop flowing into the pockets of people that want to kill us.

Anybody remember Ronald Reagan and the U.S.S.R. ??? Stop funding it, let them start starving and see what happens.

And we shouldn't have military bases in other countries, including Cuba.[/quote']

Amen. I'm smelling fucking cowardice again. I say fuck Gitmo, carpet bomb it with the "innocent" prisoners inside and say "woops, it accidently burnt down while all the guards were out of the building on a smoke break".

Feeling sorry for people who wanted to kill you and your family before, during and after their incarceration is pure faggotry.

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I didnt get it from your post. If you want to send them back fine. I'd rather dispose of them before they get a chance to harm anyone. These aren't political prisoners, they are vermin and need to be treated as such.

Edited by max power
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I didnt get it from your post. If you want to send them back fine. I'd rather dispose of them before they get a chance to harm anyone. These aren't political prisoners, they are vermin and need to be treated as such.

We should apply this to all the prisoners in our jails too, huh?

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I dont say to kill all the inmates in our country, however I do feel that we spend way too much money on making them comfortable. In 2001 the operating cost was about 22,650$ per inmate :eek:, thats more then some good citizens make. In my eyes if your convicted and found guilty your life should not be easy.


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I dont say to kill all the inmates in our country, however I do feel that we spend way too much money on making them comfortable. In 2001 the operating cost was about 22,650$ per inmate :eek:, thats more then some good citizens make. In my eyes if your convicted and found guilty your life should not be easy.


Prisioners should be forced to work for the food and lodging. You don't work you don't eat and you sleep on the floor. I like what Sheriff Joe Arpaio is doing with his inmates. Make them watch G rated movies, no porn, no weights, and wear pink.

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I agree with both of you. Prison should not be a place to hone your skills or become a beast in the gym. Nor should I have to bankroll your extracuricular activities while you're there.

My comment to max power was dripping with sarcasm. A criminal is a criminal, a murderer is a murderer, whether they planned 9/11 or shot someone at 7-11 in the head. There is no difference. They deserve to be punished the same..whatever our society determines that punishment should be.

I just can't get into the 'treat muslim or arab criminals (or those SUSPECTED of crimes) one way' and 'american' criminals another way. Sounds too much like the 60's and prior times to me.

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