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Texas Girls HS BBall game 100-0


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WOW so a HUGE school beats a private school specially designed for students with dyslexia, learning differences, and small attn spams. I feel bad for the kids. Says they havnet won a game in four years! :nono: Thats kinda sad... I give them props for continuing to play

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No one needs to apologize, this is the problem with the new pussy kids generation we're raising. Id tell them to get fucked and put some effort into it

Having coached youth sports the last 10 years; currently jr. high football & basketball......I've been on both sides of this situation, though not to this extreme.

Our football team was beating a team by 30+ points this fall. We're a mixed 7th/8th grade team.....our opponent strictly 7th graders. I'll also mention that this was a quality opponent we were playing.....They traditionally have a very good football program, and came back from 12 points down at halftime last year to beat us. We had been VERY conscious of rotating in our younger players once we were up by several TD's, and were using our 7th grade QB, who is a very gifted athlete himself....Most of his "pass" plays end up as QB scrambles for TD's....even against 8th graders. Not unususal, as pass plays at this age are almost more of a gamble than running plays. Our head coach called a pass play during the 4th qtr, which this 7th grade QB turned into another TD run with only a minute or 2 left in the game

During the handshake line, the other team's coaching staff shook hands with our boys, then proceeded to make a beeline for our head coach. Things got very heated between the staffs, with the referees commanding everyone back to their sidelines, and I thought for a few minutes we were gonna end up on SportsCenter. ;) They took exception to us calling a pass play & perceived us as trying to run the score up even higher, and wouldn't listen to us when we tried telling them he was our 7th grade QB & the backup to our 8th grader, who we'd pulled much earlier.

Bottom line.....We got word shortly after that they no longer want to play our program going forward. This after some of their adult fans (dads) stood behind our bench last year, at their place, heckling our boys & staff :rolleyes:

On the other side of the equation, my basketball team scrimmaged a very good jr. high here in town last year & got BLOWN OUT! I think the final score was like 90 somethin' to 30 somethin', and we do have some very good athletes on our team, but they just had more, top to bottom. Even their 3rd string was even with our starters. Our boys got very frustrated, as they weren't used to not being competitive, but to their credit, continued playing hard to the end, though it was a real morale buster for them & they were quite down on themselves for several weeks afterward.

Edited by Fonzie
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I read this article early this AM. I don't have a problem with them beating this 'handicap' school. (developmentally challenged..whatever..you know what I mean). What I DO have a problem with is, that this coach and team were cheering the players on the closer they got to 100. AND they continuously rained unnecessary 3's all game long. It also sounds like they were in a full court press all game long. Come on. Really? You're up 90-0 with 2 minutes left and you're in a full court press? Assholes.

I also see Mark Cuban is bringing the losing team to his suite for some NBA action. Good for him and them.

I'm not into the 'pussyfication' of kids..but this was taking it WAY too far. You're gonna win some..and lose some. And this team sounds like they lost quite a bit..but there's a difference between getting your ass handed to you be a better team and taking advantage of a team you know you'll beat. Are you supposed to lose on purpose? Of course not..but the way you win is just as important as winning itself.

Edited by InyaAzz
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I read this article early this AM. I don't have a problem with them beating this 'handicap' school. (developmentally challenged..whatever..you know what I mean). What I DO have a problem with is, that this coach and team were cheering the players on the closer they got to 100. AND they continuously rained unnecessary 3's all game long. It also sound like they were in a full court press all game long. Come on. Really? You're up 90-0 with 2 minutes left and you're in a full court press? Assholes.

.......I'm not into the 'pussyfication' of kids..but this was taking it WAY too far.

Agree 100%! thumb.gif

Those were my problems with the situation as well. There's such a thing as winning graciously, & teaching your kids about good sportsmanship in the process. Winning doesn't have to be the only life lesson learned...It can be combined with others

Then there's the Bobby Bowden school of thought......"It's not my job to stop my offense". That's why I don't feel a bit sorry for his losing a$$ right now.....You reap what goodwill you sow

Edited by Fonzie
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Sorry winning or losing my kids are taught to give it their all until they are done. Whether your stomping the other team or having your ass handed to you, you give 110% until that final whistle blows.

You can give 110% without full court pressing a handicapped school that you're beating by 100 points.

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we did not play any handicapped school but our high schools girls bball team used to crush people they didn't apologize. We used to win 70-12. But I do agree running a full court press with 2 minutes to go is kinda fucked.

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He got fired because he publicly went against the statement the school and had made and their apology. He should have just stfu and waited it out. That's just messed up to shoot threes and press up until the end. The other team hadn't won a game in 4 years! What kind of victory is that? What did the girls on the winning team seriously take away from that? At least the girls on the losing team get to watch a Mavericks game from Cuban's suite. I say they won that one ha ha.

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You can give 110% without full court pressing a handicapped school that you're beating by 100 points.

Ever meet an athlete that didn't have a learning disability? :D

Seriously though, They're not "handicapped" it's a school that specializes in students with "learning differences." While you can something like severe dysgraphia that could affect play significantly, we're not talking something like cerebral palsy. The problem at this school is that they only have like 20 female students total as their pool of possible players. Take any school (that's not based on athletics) with only 20 people to choose from and you're probably going to have a really shitty team.

I'm assuming this was a regular scheduled game in their season. If it was a special practice or exhibition game I could understand taking it easy, but that wasn't the case here.

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