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How much patience before killing stray cat?


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So, I go into the attached garage last night to check on our "outdoor" cat that I put in the garage since it was 0 degrees yesterday. When I open the door, I see a black and brown adult cat run under my Grand Prix, and by the time I look underneath, it has gone up into the engine bay.




I go in, put more clothes on, hat, gloves, etc, and get ready to extract a stray cat from my car. Pop the hood... nothing. No cat. I open the hood of my wife's Equinox, and FUCK ME BACKWARDS - 1 adult black and brown cat, 1 adult orange cat, and 1 orange kitten come at me. They hiss, I about piss. They run everywhere.


For the next 60 minutes, I can not believe the reality that I am unable to find a single cat in an enclosed garage. It's midnight, my ass and fat rolls are frozen. Fuck it.


So, this morning, I go into the garage to find piles of barely-solid, blood-laced cat shit. At least I manage to find one today, lodged between the Ram transmission and trans tunnel. Of course, there is an inch of road sludge on the garage floor that has fallen off of the truck.


I yell, I hiss, I bang a rakey-weed-puller-weasel-thingy handle at it. I poke it with a shovel. Thing won't move.


Plan D. Circa 1985 Daisy single shot BB gun. Let me stop here and say my friends and I used to shoot each other with this gun; I know ahead of time it's not leathal. Six direct shots, cat under flinches and buries itself higher up the trans. That was an hour ago, the cat is still under the truck. I tried starting the truck, honking the horn, pulled the truck outside to allow it to go on it's own.


This Garfield bastard is still there. So, my next step is either to take off down the road as-is, or take out the 1000 fps pellet gun. How much patience would you show a stray bloody shit leaving cat?


Oh, and almost forgot, there may or may not still be 2 other cats in the other cars somewhere. I am impressed with their stealth abilities.

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growing up we lived in the country and had to deal with stray or feral cats.


Rule of thumb if the cat will come to you its a stray and make the attempt to take it to the pound if it runs it runs its a feral cat and kill it. Its harsh but is probably sick and will get your healthy animals sick as well.

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Rule of thumb if the cat will come to you its a stray and make the attempt to take it to the pound if it runs it runs its a feral cat and kill it. Its harsh but is probably sick and will get your healthy animals sick as well.


All 3 cats ran and would not come to me with about 5 minutes of "here kitty, kitty, kitty" bullshit. I'm about half tempted to take a picture of this mess of a shit that one of them left me as a present. Looks very unhealthy to me. None have collars or tags on. They do look pretty well fed and groomed though.

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You can get into trouble for shooting them, call animal control.


Point taken. However, I am not going to allow some fat chick in a jumpsuit to lay under my vehicles and poke around. And, I am not entirely sure about getting in any trouble about removing nuisance animals from my own property.


***Above stereotype learned from watching Animal Planet reruns***

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im a cat lover, i would say take the one that you actually like and feed out of there for a couple days, and leave a small pan full of anti-freeze. cats love it, but it'll kill them.


It's not as lethal in cats as it is in dogs. It'll mostly just make them sick and they'll end up making a fucking mess in his garage.

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My advice....


1. Leave garage door open part way. Set of car alarms and leave.

2. Air horn....the kind off a boat. I used one to get a racoon out of my garage. Took about 5 blasts.

3. Get in vehicles and go for a thrilling ride.

4. Antifreeze and rat poisen. Sweet drink they won't wake up from.

5. Gun

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I <3 this thread. Antifreeze and rat poison...air horns...what a sadistic bunch we are. :)


I like Anthony's smoke bomb option, but I can't imagine making them run out of the garage is going to KEEP them from getting back in eventually. You will need to get rid of them permanently.

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