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Sirius to start charging $2.99 for internet radio


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I got an email this morning telling me that I had to "Lock in" to keep my free internet radio subscription. It told me that I had to get a 1, 2 or 3 year and that I would get free internet radio for that period. (I currently pay by the month). Otherwise, it will be $2.99 per month.


I intend to call and complain. I was however looking through their terms of service and found this interesting note:


If you prepay your subscription, as you do with the yearly contracts, and Sirius goes under, you don't get a refund.




G. CANCELLATION: The term of your Subscription will automatically renew for additional terms of the same length as your initial Subscription Term or, at our option, on a month-to-month basis until you cancel the Service.


2. Refunds: LIFETIME, AUTOMOTIVE PRE-PACKAGED, MONTHLY AND CERTAIN PROMOTIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE NONREFUNDABLE. If you cancel your Subscription prior to its expiration (excluding the aforementioned types of Subscriptions), you will receive a refund of amounts paid directly by the subscriber, if any, on a pro-rata basis, less any applicable fees, unless provided otherwise in any offer for the Service that you accept. IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT THAT WE CEASE BROADCASTING THE SERVICE, WHETHER AS A RESULT OF A LIQUIDATION, BANKRUPTCY, OR OTHERWISE, ALL PREPAID SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE TREATED AS NONREFUNDABLE.

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I already pay the extra 2.99 for the 128k stream of music. Mine is not going up. When you pay the 2.99 extra you will also get the 128k stream is my understanding, so really you are just upgrading. Also NiceMacLLC has submitted to apple their app to get the Sirius/XM stream on the iPhone. When apple approves the app in the next week or so, you will be able stream sirius/XM on your iPhone. Howard anywhere I go on my iPhone will be killer, fuck the stiletto. Also remember when you upgrade you are helping a company stay around that you use, or you wouldn't have Sirius/XM.
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I already pay the extra 2.99 for the 128k stream of music. Mine is not going up. When you pay the 2.99 extra you will also get the 128k stream is my understanding, so really you are just upgrading. Also NiceMacLLC has submitted to apple their app to get the Sirius/XM stream on the iPhone. When apple approves the app in the next week or so, you will be able stream sirius/XM on your iPhone. Howard anywhere I go on my iPhone will be killer, fuck the stiletto. Also remember when you upgrade you are helping a company stay around that you use, or you wouldn't have Sirius/XM.


I don't think that I should have to pay more for a service that I'm already getting. I'm perfectly happy with the standard quality of their internet radio. Forcing me to upgrade to premium will likely cause me to cancel my subscription all together.


And per their terms of service, I'm not comfortable paying them $349 for a 3 year term and expecting to get $0 back if they do go under.


also, I don't have an iphone. only my work crackberry. :)

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explain, you have to have a sirius account...... Or is someone recording it and you are downloading it?




Somehow someone figured out how to stream the show. No, I have nothing with Sirius, but their stock. I say it's not a recording cause it's Live. When time is recited on the show, it's the time on my clock.

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I think so. He's the only reason I ever considered satellite radio. So npw my radio in the car is off in the morn...I turn the iphone speaker up and listen to him, then plug the headphones in when I get to work.
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I have two subscriptions and I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I do listen to sirius online and my son has account through my wife's radio to stream it. I'm not paying $300whatever bucks a year. F' that. I normally pay every 6 months.
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I have two subscriptions and I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I do listen to sirius online and my son has account through my wife's radio to stream it. I'm not paying $300whatever bucks a year. F' that. I normally pay every 6 months.


I'm on the monthly plan. I called in and told them that I can afford to pay several hundred dollars to get the yearly subscription. She ended up crediting me 35.88 (2.99*12). so basically, I'll get a free year of the internet radio without having to shell out the huge amount of money to pay for the year upfront. Plus I don't have to worry about that nonrefundable clause in the TOS.

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I received the Xm version of this infuriating email, as well. So, let me get this straight...


You want to raise my rates after monopolizing satellite radio. This wouldn't be so bad had they actually ADDED the sirius and xm stations together. But no, they added some, took some, and mixed some. Do I enjoy many of my old stations as much anymore? No. Still wanna up my fees? I don't care for Howard Stern or similar or the online radio. So, I'm less happy with the service and I don't really feel like I've gained anything by the merger. I'm very close to canceling. Looks like I'll be making a call and seeing where it goes.


I did find this on the xm site. I've bolded the important part. However, maybe they do have a separate clause that wouldn't allow refunds if they go under.:


Multi-Year Service Packages:

• Hurry - Lock in XM's lowest rates by selecting a one-year or multi-year pre-paid subscription plan. The longer you sign up, the more you save:


Multi-Year Option: Price: Effective Rate: Save: Discount:

1-Year Package $142.45 $11.87/month 12.95 8%

2-Year Package $271.95 $11.33/month $38.85 13%

3-Year Package $359.64 $9.99/month $106.56 23%

4-Year Package $479.52 $9.99/month $142.08 23%

5-Year Package $599.40 $9.99/month $177.60 23%


• No Obligation

Cancel any time and receive a prorated refund of the balance of your remaining subscription.


• Maximize Convenience & Savings

No frequent invoices or payments. Save 20% or more!


• Just call Listener Care at 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346) to get started.


• Already have an XM Radio?

Switch to a Multi-Year Package and start saving today!

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Just got off the phone with XM. I told them I didn't use the XM Radio Online and wouldn't in the future. Would I still be charged for it? They said no and that my main radio would still be $12.95 a month. But, my second radio would go up from $6.99 to $8.99. They find a way.:rolleyes: All this shit begins on March 11 so you've got a month to decide. I'm going to discuss cancellation tonight with my gf. She has the secondary radio. $2 isn't alot, but we've been less happy with them since the switch and now they want to charge more. Yet, we do both travel extensively and it would be a serious loss to in-car entertainment. They did say they'd be revamping the channel lineup this year, but that doesn't really tell me shit.
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A co-worker called them last week to cancel because his radio went dead and he doesn't own a computer at home. They sent him one of the newest model radios, he had to pay like $7 shipping. He got the radio in 2 days.


Hey, maybe I can make a little of my money back that way. :D Do you have anymore details on said acquisition?

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They are GETTING RID OF the low-quality stream, that was free.


If you want the better quality stream, you have to pay for it.


I never used the online deal, so it makes no difference to me. I don't have the Best of XM package, because frankly, if that's the "best" of XM, I can't imagine how XM even stayed in business. O&A, Oprah, Golf, Public Radio...and somehow people chose XM over Sirius??!!

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I have sirius and noticed this year they were farming out some of the college football games to xm. Think they'll do that with the nfl? Really the only reason I have it is so I can listen to Saints games in the fall. They farm one of those to xm and I'll drop them like a bad habit. My radio goes weeks or longer without even being turned on sometimes. I really need to cancel it during the summer and just pick it up every fall for football season. There are times during the summer we go on trips though and it comes in pretty handy.
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I don't have the Best of Sirius package, because frankly, if that's the "best" of Sirius, I can't imagine how Sirius even stayed in business. four day a week Stern, Playboy, Martha Stewart...and somehow people chose Sirius over XM??!!



I was thinking the same thing. Thank god I don't have to pay for Stern's half a billion, oh wait, $2.99 per month, I think I am. He is unlistenable, and irrelevant.

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I was thinking the same thing. Thank god I don't have to pay for Stern's half a billion, oh wait, $2.99 per month, I think I am. He is unlistenable, and irrelevant.


LOL you don't even know what you agreeing about, Joe listens to Stern a lot. :lol: Joe is refering to the XM content, the XM content that came over that you would pay extra for absolutely sucks. Stern unlistenable? Hmm, I listen almost every day even weekends if I miss a show. :gtfo:

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