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Whole town rumbles, nobody knows why?


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  Isaac said:
It could be the collective force of Ronald Reagan' date=' Barry Goldwater and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spinning in their graves causing a brief disruption in the rotational shift of the planet.[/quote']

I just peed.

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Years ago similar big rumbles were felt on the East coast of Florida. One of the US Navy's battleships was practice firing out in the Gulf. Probably with the muzzles pointed East toward Florida. It made quite a rumble when the shock wave eventually reached shore.

Late one night here on the East side, in still cold air, with a storm way to the South, a very slow moving shock wave from a big lightning strike rolled across the neighborhood. It slammed windows and doors one by one in slow motion. Very very weird. You could hear it going down the streets banging houses one after another, all in a row. Even worse, you could hear it coming for about a half mile away, before it got there. Kinda creepy.

When the fireworks display blew up on the ground in Reynoldsburg, it was felt as a ground shock wave on the East side, before the concussion arrived through the air. I remember jumping up and running outside, I knew somebody's fireworks had just gone all to Hell.

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  jagr said:
They found the source.


Oh my god, it's horrifying but I can't look away.

Fat people should be required to get a dancing permit or something. Nothing against them really; I'm just concerned for the safety of bystanders.

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  Harb67 said:
Oh my god, it's horrifying but I can't look away.

Fat people should be required to get a dancing permit or something. Nothing against them really; I'm just concerned for the safety of bystanders.

Yeah, like a really bad car accident...

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  Ron Burgundy said:
This is the peak mating season for Sasquatch-i. After observing other primates I noticed that the males sometimes stomp the ground to attract mates or warn other male Sasquatch-i that they are too close to anothers territory.

don't forget the ohio grassman.... they have been on the move in eastern ohio....00020129.gif

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