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Wagenwerks Low-Life.. Fantastic video and editing.


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Here is my attempt at one of the effects you see in the video. Used my laptop in the first shot for the heck of it. In the wagenworks vid they use image stabilization and slowdown to make those smooth pans along with a variety of color correction techniques.


9.2mb .mov - link


It would be cool if we got a whole bunch of good footage and various people could make their own cuts.

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Here is my attempt at one of the effects you see in the video. Used my laptop in the first shot for the heck of it. In the wagenworks vid they use image stabilization and slowdown to make those smooth pans along with a variety of color correction techniques.


9.2mb .mov - link


It would be cool if we got a whole bunch of good footage and various people could make their own cuts.




I was thinking.. is that laptop fake? What software do you find yourself using most of the time?

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Well, this video was posted here, on a racing site..


Your right, all of the pictures and videos posted on here have to do with racing. :gtfo:


Slow is relative, thats what I meant by my comments. A low 13, high 12 sure isn't fast for those on here, but it is about all the hot hatches can expect without a huge turbo.


There were probably a few dubs there that would hand you your ass.


Now go back to being a sarcastic ass hole that only talks shit. A true enthusiast can appreciate hard work and passion regardless of the type of car, or the owners personal taste.

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I was thinking.. is that laptop fake? What software do you find yourself using most of the time?


I hope it's real. I am using it now to type this message. :D


I used iMovie '09 for that quick clip I just posted. iMovie is great at about 6 things... then if you want to do anything else you have to go use something more professional. I use After Effects if I need more control. 90% of the stuff in that wagenworks video I could do in iMovie.


I am sure there are plenty of people on here with decent camcorders and better video skills than myself. Would be great to get something together for CR. Once we get a nice day out I will go take some car footage and edit it together to get people interested.

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I'm getting FL Studio right now to make my own beats now for my videos. No going to play around with royalties and legal bullshit anymore. I think it was Universal or someone like that that claimed copyright on the music that I used in one of my videos on Youtube. They've really been cracking down on shit lately. It's kind of annoying.
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Nice vids, I pick up performance VW and Performance BMW every once and awhile. It's cool to see them moving and stuff. I still like the factory VW paint scheme where they paint all the body panels different colors, never seen one modded.


I'm still not sure how I feel about the Harlequin look yet.

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Harlequin's are the bomb.


check out southfloridadubs.com they have some really cool videos. I went and met up with that crew last year and they are fucking insane. They have like 30-50+ car GTG's weekly all of which are show worthy (10k+ in mods) and they just rage n booze.

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