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Joe Rogan's open letter to Kelloggs regarding Michael Phelps


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man, it didn't really start till about half way through, but damn was that last half great!


just one thing that annoys me about all these pro-weed articles; they all say 'its not that harmful/its never killed anyone', but its been shown time and time again that pot is more harmful for your lungs than tobacco is. im all for weed, just like alcohol and insurance payed vicodin due to self inflicted bodily injuries(long story), but in moderation. unless you just dont give a shit about your body, lol.

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man, it didn't really start till about half way through, but damn was that last half great!


just one thing that annoys me about all these pro-weed articles; they all say 'its not that harmful/its never killed anyone', but its been shown time and time again that pot is more harmful for your lungs than tobacco is. im all for weed, just like alcohol and insurance payed vicodin due to self inflicted bodily injuries(long story), but in moderation. unless you just dont give a shit about your body, lol.


Vaporize- Most healthy way to inhale.

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just one thing that annoys me about all these pro-weed articles; they all say 'its not that harmful/its never killed anyone', but its been shown time and time again that pot is more harmful for your lungs than tobacco is. im all for weed, just like alcohol and insurance payed vicodin due to self inflicted bodily injuries(long story), but in moderation. unless you just dont give a shit about your body, lol.


quoted for truth... weed is harmful to your body, just like booze, cigs, etc....


and the fact that people that are high annoy the shit out of me.

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OMG that was great! I am LOL at the ending.....worth posting a snip here...but to those that haven't read it, read the whole blog. Well worth the read.


"It’s 4:40am here in LA, and I’m going to wrap up this blog and to celebrate its completion I’m going to enjoy one of my personal favorite Kellogg’s products: Eggo waffles.


I’m gonna pop 4 of them bitches into the toaster, and then I’m gonna stuff the bong with some fine, American grown “Train Wreck” and sacrifice the sacred plant to the fire gods in tribute to the unjustly persecuted 8 time Olympian hero. Then I’m gonna get some butter, and I’m gonna smear it on those Eggos, I’m gonna cover them with maple syrup, and I’m going to eat the ever loving fuck out of them.


Good day, sirs."

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As a frequent traveler to Amsterdam, I have to say. Legalized pot would do quite a bit for a small segment of this country. Tax revenue alone is almost worth the paperwork to legalize it.


It is harmful, it is also no more harmful than the booze. I have never heard of anyone with cancer related to weed, but pancreatic cancer related to drinking is quite common.


anyway, vaporizing is excellent, and since Phelps was taking bong hits he was trying to filter the badness in the water. I expect to see a high-times endorsement on his next racing suit.

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man, it didn't really start till about half way through, but damn was that last half great!


just one thing that annoys me about all these pro-weed articles; they all say 'its not that harmful/its never killed anyone', but its been shown time and time again that pot is more harmful for your lungs than tobacco is. im all for weed, just like alcohol and insurance payed vicodin due to self inflicted bodily injuries(long story), but in moderation. unless you just dont give a shit about your body, lol.


Hilarious. (The letter.)


As for this comment, could you please show your work? In other words, I would like to see the studies that show smoking marijuana is worse than tobacco. And please, something from this decade, if you could. Feel free to pm me with it, if you'd like.

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Only time i ever smoked pot, was at work in a hand rolled cigarette that someone gave me that had little bits of pot mixed in with the tobacco... and i didn't even know it had pot in it until about 2yrs after the fact when one of my shift managers told me. I don't care what people do as long as it doesn't enter the work place.
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