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Chris Brown

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Celebrities amaze me. From actors to athletes & musicians, there are a lot of very wealthy people who are so ignorant, have such low morals and even think they are above the law.


I think there should be a law that says in order them to bring home their money they are blessed with having they need to achieve a certain level of education and professionalism through training....continued training. All of them.


It's a shame so many role models can't play the part.

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Celebrities amaze me. From actors to athletes & musicians, there are a lot of very wealthy people who are so ignorant, have such low morals and even think they are above the law.


I think there should be a law that says in order them to bring home their money they are blessed with having they need to achieve a certain level of education and professionalism through training....continued training. All of them.


It's a shame so many role models can't play the part.


Its like the saying goes, you can take someone out of their environment but you cant take the environment out of them.

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Celebrities amaze me. From actors to athletes & musicians, there are a lot of very wealthy people who are so ignorant, have such low morals and even think they are above the law.


I think there should be a law that says in order them to bring home their money they are blessed with having they need to achieve a certain level of education and professionalism through training....continued training. All of them.


It's a shame so many role models can't play the part.



They actully do get instructed on how to carry themselves and properly balance their family and careers. A lot of professional entertainment businesses require people to go through a mini "boot camp" after signing their contracts. It teaches them what to expect and how to handle it. Then on top of it a lot of them also go to counselling to deal with the stress of everything... No matter what you do, or try to force them to do, you cant control what they do behind closed doors.


In reality he's just another punk that hit a woman. If he didnt sing and dance he would have spent a little time in the system and went on his way without anyone caring.

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They actully do get instructed on how to carry themselves and properly balance their family and careers. A lot of professional entertainment businesses require people to go through a mini "boot camp" after signing their contracts. It teaches them what to expect and how to handle it. Then on top of it a lot of them also go to counselling to deal with the stress of everything... No matter what you do, or try to force them to do, you cant control what they do behind closed doors.


I know they do, but currently there are no check-points in place to see they practice what they have been taught. Give me a contract for $5M over the next 5yrs but tell me I can't have as much as one single speeding ticket or I'll have to start paying you back or losing money in some way, then you best believe I'll be on my best behavior.


I'm not saying cap incomes, but I am saying put stiff penaties and precautions in place that will help build a foundation of behaviour. We have OSU athletes fucking up before they even get to the draft! Fuck that, put stipulations on them for a few years and make them earn the money through other ways vs just football and perhaps we'll turn out more good guys who think like businessmen.


You can't just take a young athlete, many of whom are in college simply for the game, put them through a few basic courses and counseling sessions and then drop millions $$ on them and expect anything to stick. Fuck, half of them have the IQ of dead rat and can barely speak proper English.....and yes, Fuck is properly being used in this post.


Just like our financial crisis where banks and lenders should be held accountable for their actions and should also have in place economically responsible behaviors and rules to live by, so should our celebrities. Hell, even Vet working on dogs and cats takes and oath.


These stars are paid just flat-out stupid amounts of money to do nothing more than entertain the rest of us yet are not expected to do anything responsible in return. These men and women are figures that garnish a lot of wealth and visibility and as a result should be made to have an obligation to set good examples and live by standards that are just as high as their salaries.


I do believe that if we would for some changes upon the companies, sponsors and individuals, we would see a shift in their behavior for the better. With that pay comes responsibility and everyone needs to be made more responsible. Being rich being their wildest dreams is a reality to most of them, but it should be delivered to them as a privilege not a right.


Long winded enough for you? :)

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Holy S, she looks horrible. What a complete failure of a man.


What is really funny here is that I heard audio of him talking about how his mother was in an abusive relationship and that he learned a lot from that. He talked about how unacceptable domestic violence is. I want to say he was on Oprah.

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so....I've heard blurbs here and there, but I thought they hadn't really proved that the picture was ginuinely her? I thought they were spotted together later that night after the "incident" and she didn't look like that?


I guess I'm just not up to snuff on my cleb dirt...so anybody got up to date cliffs?

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Long winded enough for you? :)


When you say that I think about people like Dennis Rodman.. Did taking his money and penalizing him make him stop acting like an idiot? Can a company really fine a guy for acting like a thug when the name of his album is "I'm a thug"??


I understand what you want to do, but we all know the suits that make the rules (and bring in more money than the stars they employ) would never let that happen.

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Dunno if this is a repost but I didn't come up with anything on a search.


I'd say his career is definitely over.



so....I've heard blurbs here and there, but I thought they hadn't really proved that the picture was ginuinely her? I thought they were spotted together later that night after the "incident" and she didn't look like that?


I guess I'm just not up to snuff on my cleb dirt...so anybody got up to date cliffs?




See the tat on the shoulder looks like a match to me

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