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Legal question regarding roommate


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I have an issue with my current roommate and ill try to explain the situation. I have lived in my apartment and only my name is on the lease. My other roommate and his girlfriend moved in october and we all split the bills. there was no written agreement between us stating that they had to pay money or the time frame in which they were staying. At the beginning of this month they paid the 2/3 of the rent to me in cash as always never any checks and all was great. Last week my roommate broke up with his girlfriend and kicked her out and she came and got most of her belongings from here. Now she is saying that we owe her the rent money back and saying she will get a lawyer and talk to the apartment complex. She could have stayed for the remainder of the month and i dont think that i should have to pay her back at all, i just dont want to get kicked out of the apartment because I am technically subletting. There is no evidence what so ever that she ever paid the rent at all so proving it in court would be impossible. So how should i go about this cause i have no job at the time so no income to even start to pay any money back and nor should i have to i think.
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well, there is no writen proof she was living there? keep the money, it will be very hard for them to prove her case with no paper trail, shame on you for letting friends sleep over for an extended amout of time.


if ur a nice guy give her back some of the money but not all and tell her the rest is for deposit only speak to her in person in case she tapes the calls.


if ur really a nice guy give it back cause u are subletting and you want to avoid the hassle anyways.


my 2 cents

good luck

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I have an issue with my current roommate and ill try to explain the situation. I have lived in my apartment and only my name is on the lease. My other roommate and his girlfriend moved in october and we all split the bills. there was no written agreement between us stating that they had to pay money or the time frame in which they were staying. At the beginning of this month they paid the 2/3 of the rent to me in cash as always never any checks and all was great. Last week my roommate broke up with his girlfriend and kicked her out and she came and got most of her belongings from here. Now she is saying that we owe her the rent money back and saying she will get a lawyer and talk to the apartment complex. She could have stayed for the remainder of the month and i dont think that i should have to pay her back at all, i just dont want to get kicked out of the apartment because I am technically subletting. There is no evidence what so ever that she ever paid the rent at all so proving it in court would be impossible. So how should i go about this cause i have no job at the time so no income to even start to pay any money back and nor should i have to i think.


Actually, she owes you another month's rent. She broke a verbal lease without 30 days notice. She was renting from you and you had no relationship with her. It's pretty standard, but basically, you don't owe her a dime. I would also leave the extra money alone, I would just explain that to her.

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no lawyer is going to take the case as the amount they will charge is likely > than what she's wanting.


if she wasn't on the lease your complex likely would not approve but they aren't likely going to kick you out unless you were a problem tenant. If you pay your rent timely they aren't going to fuck with you.


the entire story is up to her to prove. you don't have much to worry about.

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no lawyer is going to take the case as the amount they will charge is likely > than what she's wanting.


if she wasn't on the lease your complex likely would not approve but they aren't likely going to kick you out unless you were a problem tenant. If you pay your rent timely they aren't going to fuck with you.


the entire story is up to her to prove. you don't have much to worry about.


You left out the fact that there is nothing for her to prove. remainder of month +30 is what she is legally responsible for. No lawyer would take it because she has no case

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Fuck her. You have nothing to worry about i had a roomate do the same thing. He even called the complex. They gave me a call and i denied the whole thing. She has no prof to show she was there. there for its your word vs hers. You are the renter, they collect YOUR money you will have nothing to worry about.


I can disspose of the situation for a small fee if you would like!!..lol

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well i guess her mom is coming tomorrow evening to pick up the rest of the stuff and she says we had better have the money or else she will call the apt and a lawyer. I am video recording the whole incident so if for some reason it would go to court or anything else i have evidence of what was said. My roommate seems to think she will get loud or hostile if she doesnt get the money so the video will also be if needed if i have to call the police for any dispute lol. Just trying to cover my ass. Any other suggestions lol
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Take the girls shit, and put it outside. Lock the door. If mommy gets out of line, call police. People hate it when the cops show up and they're in the wrong...... hahaha


This. I would park my car somewhere else, or in a garage if you have one, and pretend you aren't home haha.

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get all her stuff and put it in bags. set outside of door WHEN you see mommy pull up. talk to mom through the door and tell her to go through everything and make sure its there, make her sign paper. if she insist on coming inside, call the cops before shes comes and and tell her to wait on the cops and let her in when the cops get there and tell her to take you to court over the money. you owe her nothing. it was just aa long overnight sleep...



and get naked pics... post.... enjoy/./

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her mom just called my on my cell and left a msg stating that if my roommate doesnt have the money then she will be talking to my apt manager and also taking me to small claims court for the money since i am the only one on the lease. I saved the msg to my pc if anyone wants to hear it haha hopefully some video tomorrow. So should i be worried?
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her mom just called my on my cell and left a msg stating that if my roommate doesnt have the money then she will be talking to my apt manager and also taking me to small claims court for the money since i am the only one on the lease. I saved the msg to my pc if anyone wants to hear it haha hopefully some video tomorrow. So should i be worried?


dude, there's no reason to sweat her mom calling you. that's actually pretty laughable. I'd love to hear her call though.


she has nothing on you. don't ever lie in court. I repeat...don't lie. she paid you in cash to help pay for groceries and incidentals while she crashed with your buddy. you got approximate amounts in cash and never questioned why she was


she never officially lived there. she stayed a lot but then they were dating and their personal affairs are none of your concern. she never had mail there and so far as your involvement, again, you just let her crash there with your friend. she has no legal ground to force you to return any amount of money. especially so if there's no check or trail in paper. even if your buddy sides with her, all you have to do is stand your ground and not admit anything but simply ask for agreed upon documents. otherwise, any cash given was just for incidentals while you hung out.


your complex isn't going to come after you in any way. that's a completely different point so don't overlap the two. they really have nothing on you in the way of proof. you weren't subletting as there was no contract. you're allowed to have friends stay overnight and the number of nights isn't provable. they aren't going to be able to reference the first case since there is no case there.


deal with the PIA mom, but just tell her to do what she needs to do and to leave you alone. document everything with dates and time.


if it were me, I'd go first thing Monday and file a temporary restraining order against them both. remember, you need to keep a complete paper trail. phone harassment too. file a report and let her know that she is not to call you either.


seriously....do the above as while you may not have anything to worry about, you need to leverage the tools available to keep her at bay legally. mom is very likely trying to help her daughter and is pulling a power play on you with your apt complex. she has no grounds. pull one right back on her that has some teeth. one that will appear online should anyone search about her in the future too.


play to win or don't play at all.

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