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Legal question regarding roommate


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cool guy thanks thinking about since she isnt going to give the key back for the apartment unless she has her money. I need the key back since she also has the mailbox key and since she doesnt live here and the key is mine i consider it theft, and why else would you need a key for an apartment you dont live in unless you were planning to steal/vandalize my stuff, so i plan on getting a police officer and telling her to give my key back so there are no further incidents


and tim thanks a lot for the advice that was a lot of good info that i needed.

where do i go to file a restraining order against them my roommmate has also been harassed by her and is on my side so i will have him file too, but i just dont know where lol

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dude, there's no reason to sweat her mom calling you. that's actually pretty laughable. I'd love to hear her call though.


she has nothing on you. don't ever lie in court. I repeat...don't lie. she paid you in cash to help pay for groceries and incidentals while she crashed with your buddy. you got approximate amounts in cash and never questioned why she was


she never officially lived there. she stayed a lot but then they were dating and their personal affairs are none of your concern. she never had mail there and so far as your involvement, again, you just let her crash there with your friend. she has no legal ground to force you to return any amount of money. especially so if there's no check or trail in paper. even if your buddy sides with her, all you have to do is stand your ground and not admit anything but simply ask for agreed upon documents. otherwise, any cash given was just for incidentals while you hung out.


your complex isn't going to come after you in any way. that's a completely different point so don't overlap the two. they really have nothing on you in the way of proof. you weren't subletting as there was no contract. you're allowed to have friends stay overnight and the number of nights isn't provable. they aren't going to be able to reference the first case since there is no case there.


deal with the PIA mom, but just tell her to do what she needs to do and to leave you alone. document everything with dates and time.


if it were me, I'd go first thing Monday and file a temporary restraining order against them both. remember, you need to keep a complete paper trail. phone harassment too. file a report and let her know that she is not to call you either.


seriously....do the above as while you may not have anything to worry about, you need to leverage the tools available to keep her at bay legally. mom is very likely trying to help her daughter and is pulling a power play on you with your apt complex. she has no grounds. pull one right back on her that has some teeth. one that will appear online should anyone search about her in the future too.


play to win or don't play at all.



^^^^ I like how this person thinks- however- if she's hot did you ever consider throwing the roomate out and letting her stay?


hehe j/k I am with pdqgp

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cool guy thanks thinking about since she isnt going to give the key back for the apartment unless she has her money. I need the key back since she also has the mailbox key and since she doesnt live here and the key is mine i consider it theft, and why else would you need a key for an apartment you dont live in unless you were planning to steal/vandalize my stuff, so i plan on getting a police officer and telling her to give my key back so there are no further incidents


and tim thanks a lot for the advice that was a lot of good info that i needed.

where do i go to file a restraining order against them my roommmate has also been harassed by her and is on my side so i will have him file too, but i just dont know where lol


Just go down to the Franklin County Courthouse. Bring ID of course. tt. them about how it will be served and the options to do so.


Re: Mailbox Key. Fuck it. Don't even worry about it. Just get the lock changed through either the post office or the Apartments. Just tell them an old girlfriend took your key and won't give it back. If it costs you a few bucks, it's worth it. Besides, take away the objection before it even comes up. I had to do this a couple times in college when roommates moved. Better safe than sorry.


Same with the whole mom thing. Don't take any of her calls and do not speak directly to her. Again, she has no case. It's funny, she wants the money back....if so, she must be saying it was a loan from her daughter to you. If yes, then where's the contract for what the loan was for and the details surrounding it. Again, to hell with her.


If it was for rent because she was a tenant, then she can't ask for it back. Big deal, you were subletting, you'll just take the hand-slap from the apt. mgr. They aren't likely even going to bitch at you because you're at least paying rent. They likely have vacancies and in today's market are happy they at least have their money.


Just make sure your buddy is on your side. Women and booty will make even friends go a little crazy towards one another.

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You guys do realize that she doesn't have to legally be on the lease as long as you aren't breaking any housing laws correct? The only reason you add someone to the lease is to give them permission to

1. Submit work orders

2. give consent to enter to management

3. allow entry in lock out situations

4. split liability with the complex for any damages or missed rent.


Why anyone is making any kind of deal of her not being on the lease is beyond me. She had a verbal lease with you, she paid her part of the rent, she technically owes you another 30 days of rent if she wants to play hardball.


Her stuff is there, take pictures of it. Mail is not the only thing that confirms residency in the state of Ohio. Her stuff being there, her paying you rent and her having a key would confirm residency, therefore would validate your verbal contract.


These are all very straightforward, simple, landlord/tenant laws in the state of Ohio. You don't need to lie about squat.

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You guys do realize that she doesn't have to legally be on the lease as long as you aren't breaking any housing laws correct?


I think he's more concerned with his relationship with his landlord and how that will come off. I personally don't think he will have any issues there, but whatever he signed iniitally is likely in his mind as a concern more than just trying to get the next 30 days out of her.

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I think he's more concerned with his relationship with his landlord and how that will come off. I personally don't think he will have any issues there, but whatever he signed iniitally is likely in his mind as a concern more than just trying to get the next 30 days out of her.


Oh, I don't think he should try for it, but it is a good STFU point to bring up if she keeps being a bitch about it. Not only would she lose in court, but she would owe another 30 days in rent. Informing people that if they pursue civil action against you will most likely cost THEM money usually shuts them up.


Landlord would most likely stay out of it. I know for a fact my dad and grandpa would have, esp if we never had any problems with the tenants.

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Oh, I don't think he should try for it, but it is a good STFU point to bring up if she keeps being a bitch about it.


Good point. Maybe that should follow the TRO......as I'm sure she won't let it go. Mom defending daughter equals crazy situation.

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got 2sources of video one was a camera in my pocket with video recording for backup audio and another was my cell video recording pointed toward her at my side and could see everything!!! well her mom just came over and demanded her money and stuff claiming she will sue me and get me kicked out she then proceed to call us every name in the book and technically assaulted my roommate and told him that her boyfriend is going to beat his ass. SO i then called CPD and had a long chat with them and let them see the fun filled video. we are filing a restraining order and pressing charges to shut them up but i still assume that we will go to small claims. I just hope i can talk to the apt people stating that she never lived here just spent the night and such and also tell them we got a restraining order.
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got 2sources of video one was a camera in my pocket with video recording for backup audio and another was my cell video recording pointed toward her at my side and could see everything!!! well her mom just came over and demanded her money and stuff claiming she will sue me and get me kicked out she then proceed to call us every name in the book and technically assaulted my roommate and told him that her boyfriend is going to beat his ass. SO i then called CPD and had a long chat with them and let them see the fun filled video. we are filing a restraining order and pressing charges to shut them up but i still assume that we will go to small claims. I just hope i can talk to the apt people stating that she never lived here just spent the night and such and also tell them we got a restraining order.


Why are you going to lie about her living there? Does it say in the lease that you are not allowed to have someone live with you?

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gproceed to call us every name in the book and technically assaulted my roommate and told him that her boyfriend is going to beat his ass.


sounds like an opportunity to test out the castle law when he kicks in the door. prolly wouldn't be too hard to plant a general purpose knife in his hand when he's dead. remember, you feared for your life. :bangbang:

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