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My 4dr GSR build


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4/29/10: Well Mista Bone aka Transbone sent me some pictures of my transmission. I get it back this weekend!!


Differential and Bearings installed




Shafts being put back together




Everything back inside the case




Trans back together!!


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Fucking sweet coming along nicely.....


Thank ya sir, should have bay sandblasted tomorrow, bondo/primed saturday and painted either saturday night/sunday....and hopefully have brake lines ran by Monday/Tuesday, Fuel lines ran wednesday/thursday, all parts from powder coater installed by friday and motor in saturday!!


It has been a long ass process in which I have wanted to call it quits a few times, now I am about to reap the benifits of my hardwork and hard earned money coming together after a year.

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Are you painting the car?


I am painting the engine bay this weekend. Gonna wait to paint the car til after I get the engine all wrapped up. Might get around to painting it this summer, might wait til winter. My dads buddy just rented a shop that happens to have a spray booth in it and has already told me I am more then welcome to use it. I just picked up my buddies air compressor so I can run my sandblaster tomorrow.


Gonna pull the car out back of my garage and blast away, shouldn't take but 15-20mins to get the entire bay shaved and i'll have 12bucks in materials lol. I was kinda torn as to what color I want to paint the damn thing, but in the end I think its just gonna go back the stock Cyprus Green Pearl

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5/2/10: Transmission came back home today!! Once again thanks Mista Bone!! I have been busy the last few days grinding, welding and grinding some more on my engine bay. All I can say is fuck shaving engine bays, def not worth all the time and energy spent lol. I have also decided to do a complete color change on the teg, should have the engine bay in paint by weeks end so you'll have to wait til then for another update!
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I am painting the engine bay this weekend. Gonna wait to paint the car til after I get the engine all wrapped up. Might get around to painting it this summer, might wait til winter. My dads buddy just rented a shop that happens to have a spray booth in it and has already told me I am more then welcome to use it. I just picked up my buddies air compressor so I can run my sandblaster tomorrow.


Gonna pull the car out back of my garage and blast away, shouldn't take but 15-20mins to get the entire bay shaved and i'll have 12bucks in materials lol. I was kinda torn as to what color I want to paint the damn thing, but in the end I think its just gonna go back the stock Cyprus Green Pearl


I'm sorry but did you say 15-20 min to get the entire bay shaved:confused: once you start on it you will realize what's up lol. It's not a job for the faint of hear that's for sure lol if you did it in 15-20 I would be worried.

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I'm sorry but did you say 15-20 min to get the entire bay shaved:confused: once you start on it you will realize what's up lol. It's not a job for the faint of hear that's for sure lol if you did it in 15-20 I would be worried.


I think he meant for the sand blasting, not the whole shaving.

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I think he meant for the sand blasting, not the whole shaving.


Ok I can see where he meant that. I was gonna say man I hope you knew it was gonna take a lot longer than that lol. shit's looking good man always nice to see a long project getting near the end even though you have a lot more to do it's came a long way.

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Haha yeah I have about 15-20hrs in shaving the damn bay and its still not done, 15-20mins in sandblasting the fucker. I am behind schedule but thats ok my goal is to be able to drive it to Import Alliance in July, if it gets done before then so be it. I have waited a year to drive the damn thing, whats a little extra waiting at this point.
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5/3/10: Today I decided that I kinda wanna change shit up. So I headed to my local paint store and started looking at colors. I was torn between several colors, the list included Rootbeer Metallic, Cypress Green, Medium Green (GM color), ultimately I chose none of those lol. I instead went with a color that is the same shade as rootbeer, just a 1/4 of the cost and has more metallic in it. I am going to spray my engine bay first just to make sure this is the color I want to paint the entire car. I have shown it to several people and I get nothing but positive feedback on the color, maybe you can chime in with yours. I know the color isn't for everyone but just curious as to what others have to say about it.



(It looks really red in these pics, but its darker in real life, just has a lot of red metallics in it)






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5/4/10: Parts at powder coater are finally finished up...well almost all of them. The only thing not done is my mounts, they turned out darker then everything else. Should have those back in a few days. Also while at the powder coater I picked a little something up off him for $50 bucks lol. The valve cover will be going back cause as you can see in the pics it has decided to start spider cracking. It didn't do this until about an hr after I brought it home :(


Heres pics of my valve cover with the new gold color and my subframe, manual rack and sway bar:











Also heres a couple pictures of my engine bay progress. Gotta pick up some seam sealer to cover the areas I welded and then put it in primer, body filler, spot prime and then paint.







Oh and what did I pick up for $50?








Just a blast cabinet lol:



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  • 2 weeks later...

5/15/10: So freaking far behind where I had hoped to be at this point, so gotta bust ass to get caught back up. Finally found time today to work on the car. Got all the welding done except for 2 holes which I am going to finish in the am. I also got all all the welds grinded down and got them into bondo to start smoothing/leveling everything out. Got the first coat of bondo all sanded out, gonna apply a 2nd coat tomorrow morning and then some spot putty. I am hoping to have the bay in primer and possibly paint by tomorrow evening.


Engine Bay in Bondo:





Driver Side:





Passenger Side:





Core Support:





Shock Tower Sanded:



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5/16/10: I was on a mission to get shit done today, and I think I did pretty well given I started working on this thing at almost 2pm. I got the engine bay sanded, spot puttied, primered. Tomorrow I am going to run seam sealer and do a little touching up with putty to fix some blimishes.


Heres some pics:


Supplies included 80grit, 180grit sandpaper, seam sealer, bondo




After getting the body filler sanded I did some spot puttying





Once every thing was spotted in and sanded I mixed up some primer and went to town, 2 coats later this is what you get:











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