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Avoid Cycle Search! Warning Females!


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This is a word of caution to all you Ohio Riders, especially females! I went to Cycle Search in Delaware for the first time today. Let's just say that it wasn't the best experience! (Read the whole thing for some good entertainment!)

I was higly interested in a GSX600 and finally got around to talking about a price. The sales person, Mitch Wallace, had me go from one ghetto building to another. On the way, in a freezing ass alley, I asked him about the price. He basically stopped in the middle of the alley, threw his hands up, and told me "DON'T DO THIS HERE!". He said this in a very stern and scolding way! My friend and I both thought, "What the hell did we do wrong?" He proceded to scold us and headed us to the second ghetto building.

I let him know what I was willing to pay and chose a catch phrase that he truly enjoyed. "Out the Door" This prompted him to act like a highschooler and yell it across the room to his coworker. They kept calling it back and forth to each other over a dozen times! Now...you would think that a joke would get boring after a while? Nope! This kept going on... through the whole coversation about the bike! Even when he left to track down someone else...the joke continued with his coworker. My friend and I were totally humiliated! We both just wanted to get up and leave! Who the hell....trying to sell a bike....makes fun of the customer??? This male chauvinistic pig didn't take us seriously and continued to act like we were not worthy of being there!

This really doesn't stop here! As an Ohio Rider, I was aware of the discount members get, so I had brought that up at one point. The closeout price happened to be better than the OR discount, so no biggie. But wait, here comes Mitch to work some more of his magic. Mitch made it out like I was being given a special "club" price... The price that I was given for the bike was the actual closeout price that was on the website! He made it out to sound as if the price they had brought it down to was due to the OR discount, when in fact, it was just the standard closeout price ANYBODY could walk in and get.! He couldn't even do anything with the price! What a bunch of shit! (My friend actually checked it on her web cell phone and it was the same price!) We left feeling inferior and taken advantage of! Do they truly want to sell a bike?

After I left, I eventually called back to speak with the manager...... I let him know that he needed to make this right... While on the phone with him.....I had to question if he was "laughing"!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!...... SERIOUSLY! He asked me how he could make it right... I thought a good discount or something?? "A SPECIAL PRICE?" NOPE...Nothing! He basically couldn't figure anything out! I didn't even get an apology from the sales person!

My suggestion to you is..... AVOID CYCLE SEARCH... especially if you are a female! I guess we females are not worthy of riding a bike! Help me out fellow riders! Let karma come back to bite them! :) ----I already have some tricks up my sleeve to get them back!

If a worker from Cycle Search sees this.... give me a damn discount and an apology!

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wow, really? That doesn't sound like the people I have spoken to up there, but at the time I wasn't shopping for a bike.... sorry you got treated badly. You might wanna try craigslist... I've seen some pretty decent deals on there....

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  JRMMiii said:
Must be because YOU (cmoosego) have a penis.

Since when did they let women start riding motorcycles? Next you'll tell me they're letting them drive tanks in the military! Silly people.

last time my wife checked I still did.....

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So are you more upset about the "ghetto buildings" or the "chauvinistic pig"? That company has been in the same place for over 10 years and its far from "ghetto" in Delaware. It's fucking cold in Ohio in the winter, they are not there to supply you with heat. I'm sorry about the situation, I really am. But we all want something at the price we think we should pay. I want an Evo, but dealerships are still selling them at 27k and up...but I know damn well I can get one on a forum for less.

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While I may have referred to the buildings as ghetto and cold...I could have cared less! It could have been operating out of a carnival tent.. I'm not even bitching about the price! It was totally the way we were treated.... Who..trying to sell ANYTHING..mocks a customer... That's just bad business!

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A vehicle salesperson's job in life is to jerk people around. On the other hand, when you hear somebody go out of control, you need to tell them to STFU. For some reason, it never occurs to them on their own...

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Or, you could run a little social experiment... get a trucker hat, some flannel, and a fake mustache. Go back in, and talk in your gruffest voice - ask for something manly like a VTX, or a Harley, ya know, a big cruiser bike, and see if you're treated any different.

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  KentStateTsi said:
No I don't work there. Not since 2007...and then back in 2001. I don't even know what to say really. If you honestly felt humiliated or that it is an sexist environment you have very thin skin.

No wonder you worked there..You fit right in!

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  Isaac said:
Or' date=' you could walk in with a pistol grip shotty and demand a discount. I'm thinking you could have any bike you wanted for next to nothing if you go that route.[/quote']

That's more of an advanced bargaining tactic... but I too have found people more receptive in giving you material possessions when you offer to pay with shells or bullets.

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  KentStateTsi said:
No I don't work there. Not since 2007...and then back in 2001. I don't even know what to say really. If you honestly felt humiliated or that it is an sexist environment you have very thin skin.

It has nothing to do with thin skin. I was there with Scrappy. Both of us got the same vibe from that jerk. Two completely different people in the exact same situation. I'm no stranger to buying bikes. I understand the difference when somebody is a nice, friendly, good-humored person trying to sell me the bike I want and when a person is constantly mocking us for using regional slang. There's a BIG difference. I would like to thank you for insulting our (both Scrappy and my) intelligence and implying that it was our fault we came away from Cycle Search with those feelings of inferiority and humiliation. Scrappy said it best, you must have fit right in.

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  KentStateTsi said:
No I don't work there. Not since 2007...and then back in 2001. I don't even know what to say really. If you honestly felt humiliated or that it is an sexist environment you have very thin skin.

Dude you are obviously missing the whole point. The guy was a dick to her and all she really wants is an apology.

First thing any good sales person learns is that a customer's perception is reality. If they feel they are being miss treated chances are they are and they are not going to buy. Doesn't matter what the sales person thinks of thier own performance on the sales floor. Thats why sales people have to be able to read thier customer and adapt. And obviously this dickhead mitch wallace didn't read her very well or he would have dropped his little act. If its who I think it is he is a bit crude and I beleive he once worked at MOC. go figure

With that said, I've been up there once with a friend, wont go into the whole story but the sales guy had us sign in which is routine for most dealerships, in order to follow up with thier customers. thing is after spending almost an hour with him he didn't know my name and kept calling my friend instead of me for about a month. Dumbass

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Huh. Speaking as a 'retired' motorcycle salesman I would say that if I didn't feel absolutely 100% comfortable with the entire process then somebody didn't do their job correctly. I never kissed anybody's ass when hustling bikes but I never made them feel like shit. This sales team would get a serious kick in the ass if I were the sales manager and caught wind of it.


wow..thats ridiculous. sorry to that happened, especially from a site sponsor.

just wondering: what did "mitch" look like? i was up there over the summer looking at bikes, and this salesman kept giving me the run-around (funny because I told him i was a sales rep for a motorcycle dealer too), was rolling cigarettes in front of me, and didnt have a fuckin clue what he was talking about when it came to the bikes, goofy dude too....

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  JRMMiii said:
You sure he works in Delware? He looks like he belongs in Coshocton :sheepfucker:

He's got the same grin on his face that Kawi always does. :D

Edit: How long do you think it'll take for Kawi to find and post in this thread? j/k buddy.


and yeah sorry to hear about the bad experience, i really havent shown any inerest in buying there products in the first place. there pricing really isnt that competitive (especially with salvaged bikes) and now bad experiences with multiple customers. sad to hear from a site sponsor. i know its kinda harsh and i thank them for being a sponsor of this site but hey bad service is bad service there is nothing you can change about that.

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  jrmmiii said:
you sure he works in delware? He looks like he belongs in coshocton :sheepfucker:

He's got the same grin on his face that kawi always does. :D

edit: How long do you think it'll take for kawi to find and post in this thread? J/k buddy.


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