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Avoid Cycle Search! Warning Females!


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Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I never dealt with cyclesearch...and maybe I'm wrong for stating this but think their bikes are over-priced. I know they need to make money...but looking on ebay/craiglist and doing comparisons to their website listed prices (maybe they list them high on the website???) it's pretty ridiculous. Seems like Mitch was a dick. Hopefully their parts/sales manager sees this thread and Mitch hears about it.

So now, it seems like their bikes are over priced and their one salesman Mitch and maybe his coworker aren't nice to the ladies. SAD.

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  JRMMiii said:
You sure he works in Delware? He looks like he belongs in Coshocton :sheepfucker:

haha funny funny we''ll remember that next time u fockers wanna come ride our roads. we'll be hiding in the woods with throwing sand in the corners just before u get there!!!!:boxing::thefinger:

but u might wanna take that pic of the thread cuz seth might get excited at the sight of his pretty mouth.... :bj:

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  ScrappyGrl said:
This is a word of caution to all you Ohio Riders, especially females! I went to Cycle Search in Delaware for the first time today. Let's just say that it wasn't the best experience! (Read the whole thing for some good entertainment!)

I was higly interested in a GSX600 and finally got around to talking about a price. The sales person, Mitch Wallace, had me go from one ghetto building to another. On the way, in a freezing ass alley, I asked him about the price. He basically stopped in the middle of the alley, threw his hands up, and told me "DON'T DO THIS HERE!". He said this in a very stern and scolding way! My friend and I both thought, "What the hell did we do wrong?" He proceded to scold us and headed us to the second ghetto building.

I let him know what I was willing to pay and chose a catch phrase that he truly enjoyed. "Out the Door" This prompted him to act like a highschooler and yell it across the room to his coworker. They kept calling it back and forth to each other over a dozen times! Now...you would think that a joke would get boring after a while? Nope! This kept going on... through the whole coversation about the bike! Even when he left to track down someone else...the joke continued with his coworker. My friend and I were totally humiliated! We both just wanted to get up and leave! Who the hell....trying to sell a bike....makes fun of the customer??? This male chauvinistic pig didn't take us seriously and continued to act like we were not worthy of being there!

This really doesn't stop here! As an Ohio Rider, I was aware of the discount members get, so I had brought that up at one point. The closeout price happened to be better than the OR discount, so no biggie. But wait, here comes Mitch to work some more of his magic. Mitch made it out like I was being given a special "club" price... The price that I was given for the bike was the actual closeout price that was on the website! He made it out to sound as if the price they had brought it down to was due to the OR discount, when in fact, it was just the standard closeout price ANYBODY could walk in and get.! He couldn't even do anything with the price! What a bunch of shit! (My friend actually checked it on her web cell phone and it was the same price!) We left feeling inferior and taken advantage of! Do they truly want to sell a bike?

After I left, I eventually called back to speak with the manager...... I let him know that he needed to make this right... While on the phone with him.....I had to question if he was "laughing"!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!...... SERIOUSLY! He asked me how he could make it right... I thought a good discount or something?? "A SPECIAL PRICE?" NOPE...Nothing! He basically couldn't figure anything out! I didn't even get an apology from the sales person!

My suggestion to you is..... AVOID CYCLE SEARCH... especially if you are a female! I guess we females are not worthy of riding a bike! Help me out fellow riders! Let karma come back to bite them! :) ----I already have some tricks up my sleeve to get them back!

If a worker from Cycle Search sees this.... give me a damn discount and an apology!

Wow...lots said in that. Now that you have managed to speak you part, I will speak ours.

1. Mitch's last intention is to insult or humiliate you or any customer that walks through the door.

2. I spoke to you and your friend prior to you leaving, and at no time did I sense there was a problem. Nor did you mention there being a problem.

3. When you called in after leaving, I did apologize for his behavior, and went into explaining why he did not want to talk numbers in the "freezing ass alley". We stive to put things down on paper when talking numbers.

4. The banter about the "out the door" "regional slang" as you call it was nothing more than a joke, possibly overdone, but a joke non the less. Both Mitch and Jason(coworker) both felt that it was an understood joke.

5. The close out deals are just that. The satandard OR discount is 5% off retail price, which I explained to you. The $4000 + tax and fees is in fact less than what the retail price we had on that bike($4995) minus the OR discount($249.75). I also mentioned that the closeout prices are it, that bike in particular we would have made an amazing $221 on. Does anyone think we had more room to move on this? I didn't.

6. You would have recieved a phone call from Mitch appologizing to you for todays events given you would have answered the phone in the three times he called you.

To finish up here, when you called, I asked you how I could rectify the situation. You said "you just needed to think about it yourself and come up with something", and had nothing to add. I always aim for customer satisfaction. I am truely sorry that you had a bad experience, but after reading this, I doubt anything I would try to do for you would result in you changing your mind. So you will recieve your appology, and my offer of $4000 + tax and fees is still available to you. For the other potential female customers out there, you can also check with Ananda (SchmuckGirl) on here in relation to an experience with our shop. We sold her a GS500 before she upgraded to her GSXR. I would be willing to bet that her thoughts would greatly differ from what you have read here today. I look forward to seeing more girls make it by the shop!

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Funny that he didn't leave a message. The only two phone calls I missed, while watching my daughter at gymnastics, were from a number that I couldn't even call back. It came up..... 740-614 yup..that's it! You probably didn't sense there was a problem because we were so much in shock with what had occurred. Oh well... your loss..not mine!

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I get the impression "out the door" is regional slang? What? Seems to me I remember sales people writing OTD down on sales receipts....

Maybe I'm missing this:


"out the door"

Something that is excellent, or that brings great pleasure.

Person A: I just won a car!

Person B: Dude, that's out the door!

Doesn't make much sense to me, but then again, it's slang...

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  Isaac said:
Well' date=' I guess it's settled then.

What year GSX-R are you looking for anyway? Want a Honda CBR instead? I have one that's absolutely darling!![/quote']

You get tired of it already?

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I wasn't aware that "out the door" was regional slang either until this afternoon when I was informed otherwise. I have heard it used in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Las Vegas motorcycle dealerships where I have personally purchased bikes. I guess it's a big region they were referring to? It was news to me.

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  ScrappyGrl said:
Funny that he didn't leave a message. The only two phone calls I missed, while watching my daughter at gymnastics, were from a number that I couldn't even call back. It came up..... 740-614 yup..that's it! You probably didn't sense there was a problem because we were so much in shock with what had occurred. Oh well... your loss..not mine!

That is just one example of what number would come up if we called. Our phone setup is not ideal in that it doesn't not properly display our number. No matter, Mitch tried to call you, he will try again on Tuesday. :)

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  Lpsanders13 said:
I wasn't aware that "out the door" was regional slang either until this afternoon when I was informed otherwise. I have heard it used in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Las Vegas motorcycle dealerships where I have personally purchased bikes. I guess it's a big region they were referring to? It was news to me.

Given the joke was not well played, it is not easy to laugh about it now. However we have been discussing lately about how many people are always asking for the "Out The Door" price when there are other things that need to be brought to your attention prior to giving the OTD price. There are options. Service contract? Salvage inspection service? ECT... Some things taxed, others not. The regionality comment comes just from Mitch's previous experience in PA. Does not mean the term is exempt from being used anywhere else, but it has been uncommonly common here lately. Just a joke though.

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Honestly, as soon as the guy lost his cool and was a dick the first time, I would have said "what the hell is your problem, you know what dude, you just lost the sale prick" and walked out. If a seller is being a dick, they're probably also planning on dicking you on the sale, so count on that.

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  jagr said:

I had all the clinical definitions of ADD in high school, but sure wasn't ADD. I'm pretty sure it was hyper active high IQ wanted to be somewhere else bored out of my skull cheerleader sitting next to me distraction sort of thing....

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on a side note if you have a bad experience at hinds don't post it here with any names or else they will threaten to take legal action on you

Originally Posted by madisonriley viewpost.gif

I understand in life that you are entitled to your opinion and feelings. But I also understand that many of you are "bashing" people who have not been given the ability to defend themselves properly and the rest of you make judgements based off one side of the story. Phillip has contended that bits of his story were "fabricated" to express his anger. He is entitled to it. But using actually people's names is slander. It is illegal. I have heard through the grapevine that legal action is being taken against him for publicly using an employee's name. He breached privacy laws and libel laws. Good luck with that. I think all that "documentation" talk will back fire on you, because that employee has tons of "documentation" due in part to your tirade.

The gentleman that is upset because he did not feel that a available salesperson greeted him in a timely manner, has obviously not been in an establishment that was busy. Maybe everyone was already working with a customer. If you feel that someone should leave the customer they are with to accommodate you, you are sadly mistaken.

you might just want to avoid them all together http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=15777

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  bigbluebird said:
on a side note if you have a bad experience at hinds don't post it here with any names or else they will threaten to take legal action on you

you might just want to avoid them all together http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=15777

No legal action threats here. I want to resolve things. On a side note, she mention that the people at Hind's were the nicest she had ever met...:dunno:

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Those guys are dicks...don't second guess yourself.

I get the "joke". If it makes the customer uncomfortable, you quit. Period.

The manager is just "going through the motions" of an apology.

When these guys don't see sales for awhile they will have wished they actually tried to make a sale with you:rolleyes:

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the smart move here would've been to just say, "the joke was inappropriate; I have spoken with the salesman regarding the situation, and we hope you will give us another chance to treat you the way you should be treated" and THEN explain about all the pricing/margin information and why you cannot offer further discounts. This statement is in complete agreement with everything you've stated above, would have cost you nothing, had the potential to earn good PR with a good clear response, and possibly saved a botched sale.

but i guess hindsight is 20/20. or maybe not, since the response thus far by management has been a mediocre semi-apology at best, and at the worst, a weak attempt at defensive rationalizing, full of excuses for failure at customer service.

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  jbot said:
the smart move here would've been to just say, "the joke was inappropriate; I have spoken with the salesman regarding the situation, and we hope you will give us another chance to treat you the way you should be treated" and THEN explain about all the pricing/margin information and why you cannot offer further discounts. This statement is in complete agreement with everything you've stated above, would have cost you nothing, had the potential to earn good PR with a good clear response, and possibly saved a botched sale.

but i guess hindsight is 20/20. or maybe not, since the response thus far by management has been a mediocre semi-apology at best, and at the worst, a weak attempt at defensive rationalizing, full of excuses for failure at customer service.

Eloquently stated -> +1 rep

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