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Got Screwed ROYALLY!

Jizzle Juice

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You bought tools on the expectation that the job was yours, and the start date moved appropriately.

1. You have a tort case for 'reliance'

2. Unless you have paperwork proving the job offer or a recording to that effect, good luck winning it.


Recording phone calls would not help at all, Ohio is a "right to work state". In other words, I can fire anyone for anything as long as it is not one of the federally protected classes. Age, race , religion, disability. Likewise you can quit for any reason. Due to that his has no tort case at all.

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Recording phone calls would not help at all, Ohio is a "right to work state". In other words, I can fire anyone for anything as long as it is not one of the federally protected classes. Age, race , religion, disability. Likewise you can quit for any reason. Due to that his has no tort case at all.


Um right to work only deals with unions.





secondly Ohio is not a right to work state.



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Recording phone calls would not help at all, Ohio is a "right to work state". In other words, I can fire anyone for anything as long as it is not one of the federally protected classes. Age, race , religion, disability. Likewise you can quit for any reason. Due to that his has no tort case at all.

The key word in your sentence is "fired." It is still the responsibility of the employer to inform the potential employee that the offer has been rescinded. Because having appropriate tools is a requirement of the job, going out and buying them because you have an offer in-hand, then being told when you show up that you don't have a job, is actionable.

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