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Hopefully not a repost, amazing parts machine


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It basically takes a detailed picture of a part which can be transferred into another machine to either make the part itself, or like in the link, it makes it out of plastic. The "printer" is pretty amazing. It can make real working parts in one shot, no assembly or anything needed for any of the things seen in the video.

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Very cool. "Prototypers" have been around for a while actually. I remember seeing one in '93. But they have changed a lot. (3D scanners have been around even longer, just not as compact)


The first one was actually a tank of liquid plastic. Two perpendicular lasers were set up to fire through the bath. Where they intersected, the plastic would solidify. By using the two lasers, a computer could build a plastic part. It wasn't a strong plastic, but it let engineers make a rough "sketch" of the part in 3 dimensions.


This thing is really impressive. The way it can make multiple parts with those disolveable supports is really cool.


Want to know a really cool use for one? Have a favorite computer character or object? Export the 3D frame and have the printer make an action figure or model in real life. There are even services that will do this. If you know of Second Life, there was a guy who was using one of these printers to make 3D models of people's avatars.


Cool stuff indeed.

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Very cool. "Prototypers" have been around for a while actually. I remember seeing one in '93. But they have changed a lot. (3D scanners have been around even longer, just not as compact)


The first one was actually a tank of liquid plastic. Two perpendicular lasers were set up to fire through the bath. Where they intersected, the plastic would solidify. By using the two lasers, a computer could build a plastic part. It wasn't a strong plastic, but it let engineers make a rough "sketch" of the part in 3 dimensions.


This thing is really impressive. The way it can make multiple parts with those disolveable supports is really cool.


Want to know a really cool use for one? Have a favorite computer character or object? Export the 3D frame and have the printer make an action figure or model in real life. There are even services that will do this. If you know of Second Life, there was a guy who was using one of these printers to make 3D models of people's avatars.


Cool stuff indeed.


Yeah the vid mentioned that the tech has been around for a while, but its the price and compact size of the current gen stuff that will help them get into shops that aren't building 100k+ restorations and projects.


The action figure/avatar idea is cool too.

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that is amazing. The fact that it can print those moving assemblies as one piece is freaking incredible. I don't know how they just melt plastic that precisely, its insane!


They explained it in the video. The moving pieces are all solid when they come out of the machine, but the parts where the moving assemblies meet that get laced with a soluble plastic, that when put in a special bath, melts only those parts.

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They explained it in the video. The moving pieces are all solid when they come out of the machine, but the parts where the moving assemblies meet that get laced with a soluble plastic, that when put in a special bath, melts only those parts.


I understand that, I'm saying to create the piece so precisely in the first place with basically a plastic shooting gun is incredible.

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