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Rockin a snuggie...........

Jizzle Juice

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And drinkin wine watching righteous kill!!!! Good movie IMO any opinions?? Anyone seen the the movie?? Anyone own a snuggie?? Anyone like drinking wine?? And the GF made me drink it!!







Hahahahaha Brandon these are the things you keep to yourself.

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And drinkin wine watching righteous kill!!!! Good movie IMO any opinions?? Anyone seen the the movie?? Anyone own a snuggie?? Anyone like drinking wine?? And the GF made me drink it!!


Ok, I'll respect the snuggie ownership but..


You're drinking wine in a snuggie? Get the fuck out of here. I was gonna start a snuggie owner club here but I don't want kids drinking wine in their snuggie. Shit's queer as fuck. Atleast drink liquor when enjoying your snuggie.

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I am rocking a normal robe and drinking water. It is very warm and I can turn lights on without it falling off. It has this thing I tie around my waist. Very wonderful invention lol. I still will buy a snuggie for the wife.
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Hahahahaha Brandon these are the things you keep to yourself.

Im not gay!! Gay would be me rockin the snuggie naked and taking O'doyle's request to drink natty and play gamecube!!

Ok, I'll respect the snuggie ownership but..


You're drinking wine in a snuggie? Get the fuck out of here. I was gonna start a snuggie owner club here but I don't want kids drinking wine in their snuggie. Shit's queer as fuck. Atleast drink liquor when enjoying your snuggie.

Snuggie owner club! :lol: There is nothing wrong with wine instead of drinking liquor. So wine is queer? So your saying beer is for pussies and you must drink liqour at all times??....NO. Wine is just for a higher class of drinker i guess?

wine is amazing but the snuggie looks like cult garb. lol I wouldnt be surprised if the next mass suicide a bunch of the people are wearing snuggies. It does look comfortable though.

Hahaha i could see a cult thing about them. And wine is good!

i thought you were black? im starting to doubt that now

:lol: I am trust me just cause i have taste doesnt automatically rule me out! :D

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Snuggie owner club! :lol: There is nothing wrong with wine instead of drinking liquor. So wine is queer? So your saying beer is for pussies and you must drink liqour at all times??....NO. Wine is just for a higher class of drinker i guess?


Liquor was the name of the game last night so it took my dislike of wine to a whole new level. I dunno. I don't take what I said back, but I still respect you for sporting a snuggie.

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