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So I get a call this mourning-


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From a chic who's hose I have my bike.


" I dont know what happened, but your bike fell over"


What do you mean it fell over?!



"I dont know, its just laying there"



I though she may have been joking. I get there, and low and behold its on its side. The Cover+ the windy day must have been enough to get it over. Fucking great.



I have to keep this thing outside for the time being-and other way to shore it up so this does not happen again?

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I don't see how wind can knock a bike over......but my bike is always indoors so it's never an issue.


This is the 4th or 5th story I've read about bike covers catching enough wind to yank over a bike. Maybe we should park them so the stand is to the East.

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Honestly, man, I feel for you but how does this happen? If I can figure out how to get my bbq to not fly away with a cover (and trust me, it'll do it easier than your bike) then what were you slacking off on?


Anyway, this brings nothing of actual help to the conversation. However, I believe most logical, common sense ideas have already been given.


Seriously, hope there wasn't too much damage to the bike. Live and learn.

Maybe you can describe your living arrangements, parking area, etc to those who have no visual so they may better understand what solutions may be available to you.

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