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Funeral etiquette?


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I have always wondered if it is socially acceptable to go to a funeral of someone you have never met. With recent events being what they are is it something best left for family and friends? As a kid I remember my parents attending funerals of co-workers family members as a sign of support but it kinda seemed strange to me. Whats the general consensus?
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Dude you are there to show respect. Communication is communication. If you want to go, go, the more people show the more comfort families feel as they find out how really important their family member or friend was. That is how I see it. I'm no expert though.
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I'm curious about this topic as well. I wouldn't know what to do at Kenny's showing, so I wouldn't feel right going. Are there any other ways you guys can think of to show respect?

Kenny would have said go in a tux t shirt and jeans

(keep your hands in your pockets or on your nads like him)

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Going to show your respect and support of the family is always socially acceptable. I would hope that even if I never met some one but they knew of me they would show their respect and support to my family and friends thats the least they could do.
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I had a rugby team mate who died a year or two after i graduated high school. While we weren't best friends I really respected this kid. Always stood up for what was right and was a solid guy to have as a friend. I didnt know one person at his funeral but I still took the time to pay my respect.


While I didnt know kenny face to face if I felt a close enough friendship that I wanted/needed to pay my respects then I would go. Its a personal decision if you feel like you want to or should go, then do so. my dad had alot of coworker's at his funeral. Guys ive never seen since but the fact that they were there was respectable.

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I had a rugby team mate who died a year or two after i graduated high school. While we weren't best friends I really respected this kid. Always stood up for what was right and was a solid guy to have as a friend. I didnt know one person at his funeral but I still took the time to pay my respect.


While I didnt know kenny face to face if I felt a close enough friendship that I wanted/needed to pay my respects then I would go. Its a personal decision if you feel like you want to or should go, then do so. my dad had alot of coworker's at his funeral. Guys ive never seen since but the fact that they were there was respectable.


+1 but i hate funerals. I have been to 4 in the past 2 years. I was thinking of making the drive back to columbus for the service for Kenny though

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Kenny would have said go in a tux t shirt and jeans

(keep your hands in your pockets or on your nads like him)


Haha, love it.


"Quit being fag nickels, you pussies. Just show the fuck up."

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Dude you are there to show respect. Communication is communication. If you want to go, go, the more people show the more comfort families feel as they find out how really important their family member or friend was. That is how I see it. I'm no expert though.


Ben ended this thread with the second post - this is spot on. The more people that are there, the more the family is comforted by the fact that the deceased was so-well liked. Also, just because you go to a showing or funeral, it doesn't mean you necessarily need to speak to the deceased nearest kin (e.g., Kenny's parents). Further, there's nothing that says you must have known or been close with the deceased in order to attend the funeral or showing. If you are thinking you should go, then that should tell you that you need to go.


Make sense?

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I'm with Ben and John, the more people the better. When my mom passed away my entire class showed up unannounced, along with hundreds of other people - we literally had to do a second showing because of the masses. There was some sort of comfort that came to me when total strangers introduced themselves and explained how they knew my mom and how special she had been to them, and that's what Kenny's family needs too.
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I'm going to come. I've only met Kenny once, and we've had difference on the forum. I always took it all with a grain of salt just how I feel Kenny took it. It was all fun, and he's too young to be gone. He'll be missed on CR and I'll be there to show my respect.
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Unless a family has arranged for a family and close friends only type of showing/service then it is totally ok to go. Lots of times once the death is listed in a news paper many many people who knew the person end up coming to at least the showing for a time. Its a funeral so nothings going to be comfortable about it and its not expected that it should be.
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What will everyone be wearing? Dressy? Casual? Dressy/casual? I don't want to be disrepectful to his family by looking like a complete outkast.


If I make it, I will probably be on the bike in jeans, boots and what ever dress up shirt I can get under the coat(its tight).

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