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For you guys that work in IT, what do you use to keep a log of your servers, their IP addresses, logins, etc.?


My boss never wrote anything down when he configured our network and servers. :rolleyes: I want to get things a bit more organized.


I also want to use something that is secure. What do you suggest?

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Heh, my title is Desktop Support, however, I know all the network admin id's, ip's, etc. I'm just looking for some sort of secure application or whatever to store the info in. I like being organized.
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Where I worked, the servers and their IP's were all kept in a spreadsheet on a drive that could only be accessed by Network Services personnel. As for the logins, it was one login for each user, that would be granted access to whatever it is they managed. None of those were me however, as I was a network guy not a server guy.


Just a reminder, CCNA trained guy here with 1 year of real world experience and an Associates Degree, with a Bachelors coming in about 9 months. Looking for a job... help a brother out. I can't seem to find anything right now.

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Depends on whether or not it is for personal or intranet/other users. If you just want a personal database for url/un/pw type stuff there are a hundred options out there.


Alot of us use keepass or pwsafe.


Start googling yo.


This is what I'm looking for. It's going to be for my use only. Thanks bro!

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Where I worked, the servers and their IP's were all kept in a spreadsheet on a drive that could only be accessed by Network Services personnel. As for the logins, it was one login for each user, that would be granted access to whatever it is they managed. None of those were me however, as I was a network guy not a server guy.


Just a reminder, CCNA trained guy here with 1 year of real world experience and an Associates Degree, with a Bachelors coming in about 9 months. Looking for a job... help a brother out. I can't seem to find anything right now.


Just keep applying as much as u can. I got an 2 offers 3 weeks after I graduated from Devry with my Bachelors is NCM. I got my job off careerbulider.com so if you haven't signed up already do it. Also got get your CCNA if your trained for it, lots of companies love the certs. Also shoot me a pm when you Graduate my company might be hiring by then.

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Just keep applying as much as u can. I got an 2 offers 3 weeks after I graduated from Devry with my Bachelors is NCM. I got my job off careerbulider.com so if you haven't signed up already do it. Also got get your CCNA if your trained for it, lots of companies love the certs. Also shoot me a pm when you Graduate my company might be hiring by then.


Problem is that Cert tests cost money. No job = no money.

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For you guys that work in IT, what do you use to keep a log of your servers, their IP addresses, logins, etc.?


My boss never wrote anything down when he configured our network and servers. :rolleyes: I want to get things a bit more organized.


I also want to use something that is secure. What do you suggest?


You seem to have a few different questions. Keeping track of servers and IP's, can be done in a spread sheet. Or put them in DNS, then just remember stuff by name, and when you need to you can perform an NSLookup or DIG.


Logins - I never store anywhere but in my head, but if it is logins to Netowkring gear use TACACS or Radius.


Network Config - Rancid, it is open source and has different levels of logging. You can also run Diff's with it, to see config changes from day to day.


Hope that helps some.

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Where I worked, the servers and their IP's were all kept in a spreadsheet on a drive that could only be accessed by Network Services personnel. As for the logins, it was one login for each user, that would be granted access to whatever it is they managed. None of those were me however, as I was a network guy not a server guy.


Just a reminder, CCNA trained guy here with 1 year of real world experience and an Associates Degree, with a Bachelors coming in about 9 months. Looking for a job... help a brother out. I can't seem to find anything right now.


Would you be willing to Relocate to Lima?

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I might be if I was completely done with school, I still have 9 months.


If you are familiar with BGP, RIP, OSPF, and DOCSIS I could at the least get you an interview for a spot in Lima. You would just have to re-locate there, and drive all over NW Ohio.

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If you are familiar with BGP, RIP, OSPF, and DOCSIS I could at the least get you an interview for a spot in Lima. You would just have to re-locate there, and drive all over NW Ohio.


Sorry, I'll have to pass. I have to do something in Columbus or the surrounding areas because of school.

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W T F ?


How in gods green earth did it cost you 4K for 3 certs ?


It actually cost more it was for a year of unlimited access to mentors/teachers, books, and practice test. Plus I had to pay for each certification but it was at a discounted price.


It was a technical school for lack of a better word...

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It actually cost more it was for a year of unlimited access to mentors/teachers, books, and practice test. Plus I had to pay for each certification but it was at a discounted price.


It was a technical school for lack of a better word...


Let me show you a easier/cheaper method. I will retract all of the below, if you tell me you took the IE and passed it, however I have $5000 that says that is not the case. ;)


1. Use online resources to acquire E-Books/CBT Nuggets/Guides Ect.

2. Test

3. Pass

4. Profit ?

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