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  mikehaze said:


They're affiliated with Lowe's. There's one connected to the Lowe's in Easton, however, I do not know for sure which Sunbelts carry it, so call first.



ha. you posted too quick for me. i remembered theres a sunbelt ~2 miles from my apartment on reynoldsburg new-albany road

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update - (and im copying from another forum i post on because im too lazy and tired right now)


today, instead of replacing drywall, i rented a wallpaper steamer for $21. it took me working from 830ish to 5pm with a 30 minute break, and my brother helping me from ~1130 to 5. this is ontop of the 2-3 hours me and my mom spent on it last night. today with the steamer, it took time, but it came off NICELY. a lot better than any sort of scoring/soaking would have done.


after we got done with the wallpaper, g/fs sisters b/f (the painter) came over, finished everything from yesterday. we then went to get my 55 gallon fish tank while he was doing the wall it was going on. we took 2 2x4's about 54" long, put 2 2x4's on the tops at each end, and one attached to the side, so me and brother lifted the tank after it was emptied, g/f slid contraption underneath.


we had 5 5-gallon buckets w/ lids. we drained water into each, put 1 oscar in each, and a pleco in the 4th, and extra water in #5. carried the tank down the steps (a bitch with ~50lbs of sand, which was wet...probably 150lbs all together...wet sand, tank, 2x4s, etc) fit it somehow into his scion xA. put the 5 buckets of water into g/fs dads mazda6, along with the fluval filter


got back, got all the fish in to the tank, went back to her parents, got more water. only had 3 capfuls of dechlorinator, so i still have a bucket of water there i need to put into the tank. heater is on, filter is on, so hopefully they're good tomorrow



also got my appliances today. not what i remember them as in store (black plastic siding, stainless front. i thought the sides were stainless)...turns out fridge is 1.5" too wide, so we had to cut part of the cabinet blank and the counter to fit it. oven didnt slide right in, bottom of cabinet wasnt square, but we got it in. working on putting an electrical box in for microwave now.


also g/fs dad started tiling the upstairs bathroom, but since hes got a bad shoulder, he wasnt able to cut the tiles after a while, so him and his dad are going to work on it tomorrow


i took my camera but didnt get a single pic. maybe ill upload a few from the cell later of me and my bro working




of my list from yesterday


1) the plumber comes to fix the gas leak so we can get the heat on and have hot water called today, said part will be in tomorrow and he is coming over as soon as he gets it

2) the appliances should be coming as well tomorrow, which will be good, but suck at the same time since done

3) we've got to redo the walls in the kitchen. somewhat done. going to prime, mud, and prime again tomorrow

4) gotta run a water line from the sink to the fridge for the ice maker/water dispenser (god i cant wait to not have to fill ice trays anymore...w00t!)didnt get done. also have to hook up dishwasher...maybe g/fs dad did it though...not sure

5) hoping to move my fish tank since its the only day off my brother has, and he's the only one strong enough to help me (g/fs dad has a bum shoulder, cant lift shit)done. what a PITA

6) guy that goes to the dr office my mom works at who does carpet is going to come give me an estimate done. wasn't a bad price either, seeing as he quoted me less than 1/2 for the same thing g/fs parents neighbor had done, house is same layout

7) need to get paint for bedrooms, patch walls, remove anchors/nails/etc not even close. wnaplay - let me know if you found anything on the paint youve got around

8) tile bathroom? we'll see. g/fs dad started this. with his bad shoulder he had to stop because it was bothering him...he couldnt cut the tiles anymore. her grandpa is coming over tomorrow to help him finish those up

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well, being as there is no gas now, i have no hot water.


oh well. its done now, it wasnt a bunch of scoring/scraping. more like iron the wall, move steamer, pull paper, move steamer, pull paper. was a lot easier with 2 people working on it




brother is about 6'2

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you should have seen some of the wall paper we found in our house. red crushed velvet and gold, awesome lol.


we've had our house since december and are still working on it, we didn't have to remove any paper though. give it a few months and you'll be amazed how much you can knock out. i'll have to post up some before and after pictures here in a few weeks.

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i need to take some pics.


the big thing we still have to do (and i say big because i dont know how hard it'll be) is to put cable outlets in the bedrooms. i cant sleep without a TV on, so thats up on the priority list

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  evan9381 said:
i need to take some pics.


the big thing we still have to do (and i say big because i dont know how hard it'll be) is to put cable outlets in the bedrooms. i cant sleep without a TV on, so thats up on the priority list


yes you need a before and after not only for you but for insurance reasons if ever need be.

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thats actually my younger brother. lol. all the time though, i get ID'd. people must think im like 17.


fuck, i got carded to get into EASTON after 9pm a few weeks ago. me and the g/f walked by the guy, then i realized i left my wallet in the car, went back out to get it (left her waiting), coming back in guy goes "you got your ID?" i was like "are you serious???" and he says "i wouldnt ask you if i wasn't serious"


i gave him my CCW permit for shits and giggles, he looked at it for a minute, looked at me somewhat oddly and said "thanks". lol

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  AJ said:
yes you need a before and after not only for you but for insurance reasons if ever need be.


ive got a few before pics saved. i wish i took more...like the upstairs bathroom had a rotted floor in the corner...really small...i took pics of the rotted area, but not the whole bathroom, so it'll be hard to see a change if i dont have pics to compare it to

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few pics to update


yes, this orange is pretty loud, but once the mess is cleaned, itll look good with my oscars (black/orange)




living room/room you walk into house into



kitchen getting ready for paint tomorrow. sanded, primed, mudded walls today. tomorrow morning have to sand the mud, and painting starting








bathroom floor tiled and grouted. its not 100% perfect, theres a few spots where the tiles are too close or too far apart, but its pretty decent and im happy with it




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Looks like youve got your hands full of work to do. The work sucks but like most things, when your done you will appreciate it a lot more. A little late but if you put big tiles in a small room it tends to make it look smaller. Overall though looks like your gettin through the worst of it. Kudos to you.
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theres already silver knobs...i considered painting them, but once i get my car accident settled out (should be soon) and i can get my 1st time homebuyer credit done, im putting in maple cabinets, granite counter tops, undermount sink, and a 30"x60" island (with a 9" overhang on 2 sides in an L shape) in the middle of the room. we hardly eat in the kitchen, but it should give enough space to sit 4 people if we have someone over, and a lot of extra counter space when we need it, and the kitchen will still have plenty of room to move around in
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The wallpaper in my rental house had 4 layers in parts of the kitchen. 4 fuking layers.


I've used the spray. I've used the score thing pictured. A couple putty knives, some water, and work is what has worked best for me. And I pulled a LOT of wallpaper out of my rental.


I hate wallpaper, with a passion.

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more done today. primed/painted our bedroom, painted main coat in kitchen (putting a stripe in tomorrow but have to wait for paint to dry so tape doesnt tear it up). gas finally got turned on so i have hot water and heat, got new sink faucet put in (i f'ed up the one i got for free from g/fs dad, twisted copper line on faucet. FUCK. lol) by about 5 i was done with all that, and her parents had to run to their church for something. i decided i was going to start the downstairs bathroom floor. ripped up 2 layers of linoleum, pulled baseboards (to get tile underneath them, instead of up next to them. pulled toilet.


tiling around corners/crap is tough at first, i messed up 2 tiles before getting the 3rd correct. luckily, i was able to use the good sides of them for the small pieces on the edge. probably spent 4-5 hours or so doing everything (ripping linoleum, scraping floor to make somewhat level, mixing quickset, measuring/cutting tiles, etc). im happy with the results. especially since i did it 100% on my own, g/fs dad wasnt even there to say "do this, do that". lol







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update - what you cant see in that last bathroom pic, is that i broke the f'n flange off pulling up what i thought was just the old wax ring. luckily, i realized what i did when i went to put the new toilet bolts in, before the trash went out. few bucks for some PVC cement and a couple hours later and it was good again. whew.


pics from just a few minutes ago. house is still a mess since we havent unpacked but about 50% of our stuff, and been tearing apart boxes to get what we need then.


got kitchen painted (no stripe like i wanted. apparently getting painters tape in a perfectly straight line is harder than it sounds). still need to paint and reinstall baseboards in kitchen and lower bathroom. got blinds hung up. fucking 60" windows ended up costing me $180 for 4 horizontal blinds and 1 set of verticals for the living room












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