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Tried some different techniques.


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I went out the other night just to screw around and try some new things. Overall I'm pretty happy with a few of them... not so much on some others but hey, that's what experimenting is all about.


Let me know what you guys think.













I really liked this spot so I did a typical shot here.



Some shots from yesterday







Edited by Sco0terzsl
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If you have any questions I am more than happy to answer them for you. If I don't know the answer I can at least send you in the right direction. 90% of it is knowing how to work your camera the other 10% is the quality of the equipment. To this day, some of my favorite pictures were taken with my bottom of the barrel, plain old Digital Rebel.
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I have an old Canon with most normal features but still cannot take night pics worth a damn. How do you get your car to show up so clearly? Mine always look crappy


Long exposures with a tripod. Manual controls aren't a must for good pics, but to get the really good ones, they are a must. Here and in many others he likes to make use of off camera flash too.

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My wife just bought some fugi camera. Seemed over priced to me and I dont know anything about camera quality.


Do you know whast Megapixel? Is it a point and shoot or an SLR?


Long exposures with a tripod. Manual controls aren't a must for good pics, but to get the really good ones, they are a must. Here and in many others he likes to make use of off camera flash too.


Very true, I would invest in a tripod and read through the manual on how to adjust your shutter speed for long exposures. I'm sure I've said it before, but the best way to get an understanding of photography is to think of a bucket of water. Instead of water you use light and the bucket is the picture. If you have a dark picture you don't have enough water, so you need to let light in longer, if it is too bright it is the exact opposite.

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I have an old Canon with most normal features but still cannot take night pics worth a damn. How do you get your car to show up so clearly? Mine always look crappy like this




Quick clean up in Photoshop.




Key to that type of shot would be to find a location where the hundreds of small lights are gone and your parking lights off. Long exposure time. The background would have a nice blur or bokeh yet be interesting enough. The one here works thanks to the color and fountain. Frame it so that the street gutter is out of the shot. You had the idea overall.

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My future brother in law has one very similar to that one... if not that exact model. He has taken some killer shots with it. From doing a quick search on dpreview I would say that it is a pretty capable camera. Not only does it take high quality pictures you can shoot manually and it has a pretty good continuous shooting feature.

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My future brother in law has one very similar to that one... if not that exact model. He has taken some killer shots with it. From doing a quick search on dpreview I would say that it is a pretty capable camera. Not only does it take high quality pictures you can shoot manually and it has a pretty good continuous shooting feature.

Its like your speaking chinese.

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Its like your speaking chinese.


Your camera > You ;)


Grab a tutorial online or at the bookstore on getting to use a camera and walk through the basics. Seriously, just do a chapter per night and by the end of the month you'll be amazed at how you've improved. Bring it on 4/24.

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Great pictures as always Scott. Your threads are always worth a peek for the outstanding photography.


However, Clean your front wheels...they're always dirty in your pictures :D




Thanks Andy! At least I am consistent!:D

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Out of sheer curiosity, how would this work with a backwards opening hood like on a Datsun?


You'd either have to do it from an angle favorable to your style of bonnet, or remove it from the car for the exposed shot.

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