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Do or Die: Obama gives Chrysler 30 days and GM 60 days


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03/30/2009, 1:55 AM

Chrysler News

Do or die: Obama gives Chrysler 30 days, GM 60 days


It appears the resignation of GM CEO Rick Wagoner was just the tip of the iceberg. New reports indicate President Barack Obama will give General Motors just 60 days to completely restructure. Meanwhile, the administration has determined that Chrysler cannot survive as an independent company, and must partner with Fiat within 30 days or be forced into Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation.


Administration sources told the Associated Press the “viability plans” submitted by Chrysler and General Motors earlier this year were completely inadequate. The companies were recently given a short deadline to convince the White House they were worth saving, and they reportedly failed in this effort, too.


In an announcement scheduled for 11:00 a.m. ET Monday morning, Mr. Obama is expected to announce a 30-day window of opportunity for Chrysler to seal a deal with Italian automaker Fiat, which previously expressed an interest in Chrysler. If a deal is made, the U.S. government will offer up to $6 billion in loans. If an agreement cannot be reached, all funding to Chrysler will be cut off, at the company will be forced to liquidate.


Meanwhile, General Motors must completely restructure within 60 days. The ouster of CEO Rick Wagoner is only a part of that plan. Most of the company’s board of directors will also be replaced. The Administration is offering GM 60 days of operating funds in order to reach viability. GM will likely have to negotiate massive union concessions and debt reductions in order to avoid bankruptcy at the end of the 60 day period.

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Good. If they can't make it with the large sums of $$$ that have been given to them so far, they deserve to fail.


IMO, all of the Board of Directors / Upper Lelev Mgmt should be removed.




PS - Why do all of these atricles, and reporters in general, keep referring to Obama as "Mr. Obama" and not "President Obama"? I do not recall W being called "Mr. Bush"...

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Since when is this the business of the president. I am deeply disappointed with the current state of this country.


I agree, but it became his business when they started grabbing for our money. Whether or not that should've occurred ... well Ill leave that alone.

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sorta like someone on another forum im on got in a tizzy about them taxing the fuck out of AIG's bonuses to get the $ back.


umm...hello? if we hadnt bailed them out, those contracts wouldnt have been worth shit. thats some of my money going to support that company, if you're operating and losing BILLIONS of dollars, no one deserves bonuses $1m +. i can *almost* see if theres some people down on the food chain that did what they were supposed to, get a 2-4k bonus check, but when you get into 6+ figure checks, nuh uh.

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PS - Why do all of these atricles, and reporters in general, keep referring to Obama as "Mr. Obama" and not "President Obama"? I do not recall W being called "Mr. Bush"...


i was thinking the same exact thing. it almost pisses me off a little

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I think Obama is doing the right thing... two things are really the root of all this mess... Banks, and car companies. The banks obviously gave away money they didnt have, then got jacked, and tightened up so no one could buy shit. The loans they DID give out were practically eaten up buy foreclosures... The car companies caught the "no loans" part and said, "but but but... we need money to survive this time of recession." So they said, BAM, well take this free money, business as usual, and the end. Well, shit got worse, and no one really ran the business like a business... more like a circus, with even worse cars coming out of the fun house rather than puking children. Mean while, foreign motor companies ate that shit up and just spent mad cash to pump out enough cool things to get Americans to buy, which fucked the big 3 even more. So now, the president has stepped in and said basically, "All you mother fuckers just went and fucked shit up, no you best unfuck yourselves real quick or I will rip off your head and shit down your neck... and by that I mean, you're all fired."


Whats worse, that everyone pissed and moaned about a having an African American, Muslim president... or that it took one to put foot to ass to clean up this shit that's been brewing since Carter left office?

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The banks obviously gave away money they didnt have, then got jacked, and tightened up so no one could buy shit. The loans they DID give out were practically eaten up buy foreclosures... The car companies caught the "no loans" part and said, "but but but... we need money to survive this time of recession." So they said, BAM, well take this free money, business as usual, and the end. Well, shit got worse, and no one really ran the business like a business... more like a circus, with even worse cars coming out of the fun house rather than puking children. Mean while, foreign motor companies ate that shit up and just spent mad cash to pump out enough cool things to get Americans to buy, which fucked the big 3 even more. So now, the president has stepped in and said basically, "All you mother fuckers just went and fucked shit up, no you best unfuck yourselves real quick or I will rip off your head and shit down your neck... and by that I mean, you're all fired."


hahahahaha! You have a way with words my friend. Definitely put things into a language I can understand.

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I think Obama is doing the right thing... two things are really the root of all this mess... Banks, and car companies. The banks obviously gave away money they didnt have, then got jacked, and tightened up so no one could buy shit. The loans they DID give out were practically eaten up buy foreclosures... The car companies caught the "no loans" part and said, "but but but... we need money to survive this time of recession." So they said, BAM, well take this free money, business as usual, and the end. Well, shit got worse, and no one really ran the business like a business... more like a circus, with even worse cars coming out of the fun house rather than puking children. Mean while, foreign motor companies ate that shit up and just spent mad cash to pump out enough cool things to get Americans to buy, which fucked the big 3 even more. So now, the president has stepped in and said basically, "All you mother fuckers just went and fucked shit up, no you best unfuck yourselves real quick or I will rip off your head and shit down your neck... and by that I mean, you're all fired."


Whats worse, that everyone pissed and moaned about a having an African American, Muslim president... or that it took one to put foot to ass to clean up this shit that's been brewing since Carter left office?



True story...

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Whats worse, that everyone pissed and moaned about a having an African American, Muslim president... or that it took one to put foot to ass to clean up this shit that's been brewing since Carter left office?



This made me laugh....why was Carter a one term Pres if everything was fine when he left. Read a book.

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if I wanted to be communist I'd move to china


they never should have given any of those companies money, instead they should have just banned labor unions, then a guy thats worth 10 bucks an hour doesn't get paid 20, made in the u.s.a. used to mean quality now it just means overpriced

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if I wanted to be communist I'd move to china


they never should have given any of those companies money, instead they should have just banned labor unions, then a guy thats worth 10 bucks an hour doesn't get paid 20, made in the u.s.a. used to mean quality now it just means overpriced




I am disgusted by our government and out population. How can there be no outrage over this? How can we allow of government to continue to move in the direction it is?


It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
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Guest 614Streets


I am disgusted by our government and out population. How can there be no outrage over this? How can we allow of government to continue to move in the direction it is?


The people of the Usa are just as bad as the government and our government is great compared to any other nation. Things can't operate like they did in the 90's , everything is global. There is no outrage because face it the qualitly of life today sustains good tolerance.


Religion has been crushed , prositition is back thanks to pornography , drug use and alcohol are normal , hustling has become the in thing, life is 100 times faster everyday.



Melting pot , more like melting pie , and every nation wants to keep sticking their finger in so they can taste it.


Im just glad I still belive in that jew that wasn't really a god but he deserved to be belived in , just like any other man without an evil heart.


Its really not that bad people , wake up and remember the guys who got killed for us to have what what we have and just role like that. At least with a click like cr , if shit really hit the fan , it would be no different then the rest of the usa , everybody would pull together.


So what are we going to do about it. You can't do anything , what do you want to do , put together 1000 guys and buy a bunch of trucks on ebay and knock out every substation in the state? And then what? Swallow your pride.


Its real cool obama got in office , I'll be the first to say I didn't vote for him. But now its cool, its like a load off the white mans shoulders. Let him do as if it was any different.


You know dam well as I do you knock out the sub staions and the media and you got this whole behive kicked in. But that won't crush the USA.


Face it guys the USA is the new Europe. We are becoming old money. Would you rather have been born in China , Iran , or the good olde USA.


Hey I know bulgarian hookers are fucking hot and cheap.



Shit is wild son. Enjoy the ride.

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Sorry Will, I disagree with most of what you just said.


I don't want anything run like it was in the 90s. We've slowly been moving toward what we are now, and I can't stand it. You don't have to do anything like knocking out substations, that is wrong. I don't know what to do yet but, I know things like that are not the answer.


I'll spare you all my huge rant but, things need to change.

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Guest 614Streets
Sorry Will, I disagree with most of what you just said.


I don't want anything run like it was in the 90s. We've slowly been moving toward what we are now, and I can't stand it. You don't have to do anything like knocking out substations, that is wrong. I don't know what to do yet but, I know things like that are not the answer.


I'll spare you all my huge rant but, things need to change.


History says otherwise. Change that widespread is forced not diplomatic. I gotta say that.


If snoop dog was still talking about gun play like he was 18 , either he would bring it back or he would sound old. He said your forced to change or get run over. I'll say this dude , when you find out the anwser you tell us.

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