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Hineygate is no more...:(


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Campus Partners strikes again. They suck the life out of everything. Was the need for more dorms that pressing? Seems like a convenient way for the administration to stick it to the "undesirables" during game day.


They will never get another dime of my money.

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Get used to more life being sucked out of the Campus area. Most of the businesses along the North Campus Orange Barrel Blockade will be gone even before the moved-up October finish. Follow the money there...within two years, that whole stretch will be more soulless glass and steel facades over faggotty little bistros, coffee bars, and emo clubs. Fuck Campus Partners.
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Funny ting...the company I work for did the market study for Campus Partners that concluded they need more modern dorms if they want to require sophomores to live on campus in a few years. This is part of that deal. We didn't say how to do it, just that it needed done. Looks like they're moving in on the conclusion pretty quickly.
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Someone in here just about had a new asshole ripped.. :mad:


Ohh, you mean San Francisco? :gay:








Gaying up Columbus, especially Campus is a crime. You don't bleed scarlet and grey to understand it fully. Keep all that artsy, cultured bullshit out of Columbus, it's Ohio. I swear this town gets more liberal by the second.

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Ohh, you mean San Francisco? :gay:








Gaying up Columbus, especially Campus is a crime. You don't bleed scarlet and grey to understand it fully. Keep all that artsy, cultured bullshit out of Columbus, it's Ohio. I swear this town gets more liberal by the second.


I really couldn't give a shit about OSU Campus... I stay away from it for the most part. My comment was directed about someone else.

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Fear not, in a few years The Gap and the artsy coffee houses will run out of start up money and start looking at their bottom line. The rent for the space will drop, and The Pit, The Edge, Edge II, will be back. (dating myself with this post).
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