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mech-n-neck fabratated boost tubes



updated, boost tube is on the left if you cant tell, and it dont hang below the car now.



wheel bearings so bad, you dont think the car will make it up the drive way






no more spiting boost tubes at passing cars :D



paul :gtfo:

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Hey I'm my defense that boost tubes were a last minuite quick fab up to work. It just happen to stay on the car for 2 years ha. An the wheel bearing yeas not sure how that happen. Haha the cars got 90000 miles on it. Craps gonna brreak. Haha assholes
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you said the bearing was making that noise last year...fag

No ilast year when my axels were going out it made the same noice ect so I figured it was the same issue. Stfu. An quit racing my car haha


An brandon stfu also. Get ur pos fixed so my broke down pos neon can walk it.

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Some people just don't have "it". Paul you're a cool dude, car is kinda quick for a neon, but leave fab work to the professionals lol. S


Sidenote: I saw the kia after bdubs last night, what the hell happened lmao?

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Some people just don't have "it". Paul you're a cool dude, car is kinda quick for a neon, but leave fab work to the professionals lol. S


Sidenote: I saw the kia after bdubs last night, what the hell happened lmao?

Assholes I was pissed cause u guys bent the plates but god it was funny as shit haha

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Assholes I qwas pisseds cause u guys belt the plates but god it was funny as shit haha


Translation: Assholes, I was pissed because you guys bent the license plates. God, it was funny as shit.


Yea, I saw that shit and about fell from laughing! Someone got your ass good

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Martin Sleeper? I know he works on a Blue SRT all the time.I have seen him touch pauls car.


omg martin that drives jordans blue skittle and doesnt own anything worth mentioning martin????? martin that phil's rips into martin???? martin that sees me at the bar and trys to get me to get him in passed the line martin??? martin that wears button ups and acts all kool martin?? lol i keed i keed but really!! lmao

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omg martin that drives jordans blue skittle and doesnt own anything worth mentioning martin????? martin that phil's rips into martin???? martin that sees me at the bar and trys to get me to get him in passed the line martin??? martin that wears button ups and acts all kool martin?? lol i keed i keed but really!! lmao


The Martin that doesnt shower


The Martin who has never owned a car in his life


The Martin who you are talking about..


To the boys who work at Lindsay


Nick the macedonian guy,told me to tell you to straighten up and do your jobs...Im remodeling his sons house.

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