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My daughter is 8 years old, and is finishing up 2nd grade this year. I am really proud of her she brought home a report card today and had A's in everything but handwriting where she had a B+. How fucking well do 2nd graders really have to write? She writes better then I do, and it seriously looks good to me. It just pisses me off to see all the effort that my daughter puts into her school work to have some hardass teacher hold up a straight A report card over fucking handwriting. How the fuck do you grade handwriting anyway, it's just the teachers opinion anyway.


I had to rant a little about it, I just wanted some fellow parents opinions.

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Licking Heights. and I have talked to her teacher, she's just a picky bitch :mad:


Did the teacher give reasoning to marking her down on handwriting? My mom is a k-6 teacher; my best advice is to not let yourself or your daughter take it personally and realistically consider that she may just have a few things to work on. Logically, you can't have perfect handwriting, as you said, because it's very subjective.

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I just got a curriculum lesson, but its too hard to explain to you why... It all has to do with the big ass lined paper with the dashes on it. They are sticklers about making the letter meet the correct line.


Is she doing printing or cursive? Either way you will still run into the same issues. Amy said its because the kids get into a hurry when they are doing the papers. She said it pisses her off when she has to mark them wrong on papers. But if she didnt, we would have a thread about how teachers arent doing their jobs.

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Did the teacher give reasoning to marking her down on handwriting? My mom is a k-6 teacher; my best advice is to not let yourself or your daughter take it personally and realistically consider that she may just have a few things to work on. Logically, you can't have perfect handwriting, as you said, because it's very subjective.


How does that work for being licensed? Pre-k - 3rd, 4th-9th, and 7th-12th is how licensing is broken down? Just curious.


I write like a moron. I win.


PS. Scott, you didn't make it very far through school. "Made" shouldn't have been capitalized just to show emphasis.

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That sucks man, handwriting in this day in age? When is the last time you wrote something formal to anyone where it mattered how it looks? Hell you can't even turn in a college paper, let alone a thesis unless it is typed.....

A very good point.

I just got a curriculum lesson, but its too hard to explain to you why... It all has to do with the big ass lined paper with the dashes on it. They are sticklers about making the letter meet the correct line.


Is she doing printing or cursive? Either way you will still run into the same issues. Amy said its because the kids get into a hurry when they are doing the papers. She said it pisses her off when she has to mark them wrong on papers. But if she didnt, we would have a thread about how teachers arent doing their jobs.


She's just printing right now, and you have a very good point also.

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That sucks man, handwriting in this day in age? When is the last time you wrote something formal to anyone where it mattered how it looks? Hell you can't even turn in a college paper, let alone a thesis unless it is typed.....


I cannot imagine someone being able to type legibly that cannot handwrite.*










*Thorne is exempted universally from any formal or informal grammatical subjection. Many linguists commonly refer to his language as a phenomenon of the fabric of space and time.

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How does that work for being licensed? Pre-k - 3rd, 4th-9th, and 7th-12th is how licensing is broken down? Just curious.


The next time I talk to her, I'll ask. I think she's technically licensed k-12, but the last 5-10 years she has only taught 2nd-4th.

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I cannot imagine someone being able to type legibly that cannot handwrite.*



I can print, but can't remember how to do cursive(sp?). I think its probably been at least 15 yrs since I last wrote a page worth of that. I type constantly for work and hobby.

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Mr. Hal, I am a teacher and am licensed for PK-3, but teachers who are much older than me can hold a license for different grade levels. Most teachers that I teach with either have a K-8, or a 1-8. The state changes the licensing laws frequently which is a major pain in the ass!!!


As for your daughters handwriting, I am very surprised to see that the kids are even given a specific grade on writing. Usually handwriting isn't taken into consideration as a grade by itself, the teacher is usually looking at how well the student can write (such as grammatically, sentence structure etc.). If I was you, I would make sure you communicate your feelings with your daughter's teacher. She might be able to explain her reasoning so that it makes more sense than just looking at it on a piece of paper.


Hope this helps some!!

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Licking Heights. and I have talked to her teacher, she's just a picky bitch :mad:


That's the problem. Licking Heights is not the greatest of school districts when it comes to faculty. You will be dealing with much worse when she hits high school.


And my mom teaches 3rd grade in the inner city and has been in the lower levels for 28 years now, and I'm surprised they look at hand writing in general. When did they even start giving kids letter grades before 4th grade?

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