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Pirates and United States Ship


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Have you ever read anything about the army or marines that were there back in the early 90's? you have to be out of your fucking mind to think that.


Right, the marines went in their armed. I'm much more likely to shoot someone if they are armed rather than unarmed. I know the Somalis are some crazy fucking bastards, but on google I was only able to find 2 people on hijacked boats that were killed by pirates.


You all can have your opinions, I'll have mine. There is not enough data out their to prove either side right or wrong.

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Right, the marines went in their armed. I'm much more likely to shoot someone if they are armed rather than unarmed. I know the Somalis are some crazy fucking bastards, but on google I was only able to find 2 people on hijacked boats that were killed by pirates.


You all can have your opinions, I'll have mine. There is not enough data out their to prove either side right or wrong.


I'll say that your right that they won't shoot "typically" they are pirates trying to run a business. That business is ransoming ships/crews. If the pirates play nice and give back the ships/crews when money is handed over then the pirates are just an annoyance that will eventually be dealt with. If however the pirates were to murder a crew and send a ship to the bottom then the pirates would basically "break" their business plan and would then likely be hunted and the threat removed much faster.


Now if a crew were armed or staffed with military guard and put up a good resistance the pirates would turn to weaker prey. Its possible that until they decide to go after a softer target a few crew members could get killed.

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Right, the marines went in their armed. I'm much more likely to shoot someone if they are armed rather than unarmed. I know the Somalis are some crazy fucking bastards, but on google I was only able to find 2 people on hijacked boats that were killed by pirates.


You all can have your opinions, I'll have mine. There is not enough data out their to prove either side right or wrong.


They are criminals, and criminals go after easy targets. Your typical street thug would rather go after the 100 pound woman with a purse they can grab, rather than a 250 pound OSU linebacker. Same deal with these pirates, they are targeting ships that are ordered to go unarmed. Think they would go after the same ship if it had missile launchers all along the sides?

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Updates on the pirates.




This is the Ship that is watching the pirates lifeboat.




I want to see what a Tomahawk or a Hellfire missle does to a lifeboat.

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Updates on the pirates.




This is the Ship that is watching the pirates lifeboat.




I want to see what a Tomahawk or a Hellfire missle does to a lifeboat.



haha, +1....we do have some bad ass naval destroyers as well as aircraft carriers. So idk im pretty sure we can own them if we wanted to and it will be over before they even know...

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Idea 2..


Start arming people on the boats..


Let people kill the pirates..


Profit again?


Problem with idea 2: The ships are allowed to be armed. However, if they are, they must stop at every checkpoint, as well as be randomly, thoroughly searched. This can add DAYS to a ships trip. When time is money, it isn't worth it to the shipping companies. Unarmed ships have the right away in international waters. That's what needs to change.

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Updates on the pirates.




This is the Ship that is watching the pirates lifeboat.




I want to see what a Tomahawk or a Hellfire missle does to a lifeboat.


We had deck mounted 50 cals for boats that size. (




is a video taken on board my old ship; ffw to 0:40 if you're easily bored.
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The part that I think it the funniest is that the boat they hijacked was taking FREE FOOD to them.... what a worthless place. It really should just be blown up. I read somewhere that somali woman were flocking to the port cities in hopes of marrying a pirate.... lol
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I had a thought, my plan is . . .


Meet thier demands, give them 2 million in trade for the captian.

While the exchange is going on, have a diver put a bomb under thier boat.

as Pirates leave BOOM! dead pirates! Film the whole thing showing the world what we do to scum.

A bully won't stop taking your lunch money till you beat the hell out of him 1 time.

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I love naval warfare. I think I like it even more than air warfare. Something so cool about the specific strategy and all of the different classes and ways to address a problem. Warfare itself is very interesting, from boots on the ground to sorties in the air, but there is just something to me now about the water.
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Pirates killed and ship captain returned safe.


They killed 3 of the pirates and took another into custody that was being used in negotiations.


I bet it was a sight to see. I cant wait till they post details of the assault.


I bet a Seal team came from underneath and slit all there throats. At least thats the way I want tosee it.

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I am so happy to see it end this way.


In the article there is a response saying that the pirates will kill hostages the next time there countries try to attack them. Do they seriously think that is a good idea at this point?


They declared US Forces there number one enemy.


Can we get Kevin R. in here for a chart on Pirates vs US Forces...

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