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pics from bike trip to VA beach


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it was a long ride... almost 1500 miles total

went straight to VA beach, then on the way back stopped in roanoke and stayed the night then headed home.


we caught rain the first couple hours or so.. left at 3a.m. from columbus. got caught in some traffic in WV a semi with hauling fertilizer over turned and caught on fire, so we sat for about an hour.


then kept on hauling.. we took route 311 and it was amazing the bit we were on it. road was nice and twisty went up a mountain then back down the other side great views and the state line was on that road as well.

highly recommend that road to anyone interested..


we got a hotel on the beach in VA beach.. not a bad price either. view was awesome, and weather was in the 80s when we arrived at 6pm


got up around 11, and took off. didnt really know where we were going.. we were gonna head south to NC, but figured we might fo to the greenbrier too check the bunker out.. my buddy ended up calling the wrong place and then we found out the bunker wasnt open for a tour.. so we headed to Roanoke for the night.


we got a room at a sketchy hotel, so we decided tit was best to put the bikes in the room, unfortunately his harley didnt fit lol.


that ngiht we went to a resturant/bar we saw when we first arrived that was downtown...

called macadoos

looked like a decent spot to hang out and catch some grub..

start funny story here----

so we go in and sit down order a drink..

my buddy turns to me and says man look at the gym teacher convention over there..

i turn and look and it was like a table full of butch lesbians..

we got to looking around and all the girls were talking to girls... and all the dudes were talking to dudes.. listen to whats playing.. some christina agulara.. oh fuck is this a ...

so i ask the waitress.. is this a gay bar/ resturaunt??

she says well .. primarily.. but alot of straight people come here as well.


we start laughing our asses off...

to top it off.. my buddy is wearing leather chaps.


we say fuck it, stay and eat.. and laugh our asses off.. then a waitress comes up and says a guy at the bar always gets fellow bikers that come in a drink.. my buddy is like well hell yeah we will take free drinks..


you cant write this kind of story lol..


so we leave and then head back to the hotel.


get up the next morning and pull the bike outta the hotel room and get ready to roll..


see some chick moving out of the hotel room next to use.. literally .. bitch look liked she stayed there a month or 2 soo ghetto.


we rode mostly highway back being pressed for time.


didnt take many pics, cause we were riding more than anything.. but here are some i snapped. enjoy












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We stayed at the Holiday Inn right down the street from there last year. They were sending fighter jets out over the water all afternoon the one day, and looked like they were practicing with some of the helicopters right over the water 300yds off the beach.


I spotted a MKI MR2 in your pics lol.

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i suppose ill be posting pics in a few weeks of charleston...BTW....blueridge parkway is the BOMB...rode that from Roanoke up close to DC and back north to johnstown PA thunder in the valley. Here are a few pics from last year. This is the stuff i was talkin about Hoblick...u should come on our trip this year... Red River Gorge(kentucky) then down to knoxville ...then over to western carolina (cherohala skyway...tail of the dragon) then up 77 back home to rip through the WVA turnpike...cant wait







taken with my blackberry...

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