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Suicide Girl party

Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

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I don't get this, some manish, guy tatooed, face pierced to hell, women that have been photoed topless. All the sudden they are hot? I'll save my $5 cover. Reminds me of pulp Fiction when Travolta gets asked what he thought of that chic, he responds "is she the one with all the shit in her face?" :lol:


I never dated supermodels, but I know I don't find multiple facial piercings "attractive".

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Suicide Girls sends out the message that you don't have to be hot or have big tits for guys to pay $4 a month to jack off to your pictures.


The Girls are usually women who used to be fat and lost the weight, but not the fat mentality. They are still attention whores, and they still use internet disease photos. Most of them have little or no boobiez, and the few that actually do, have old lady sags.


They also buy into that new age hippie bullshit that "everyone is beautiful, I'm just alternative." Let's face it: you didn't lose enough weight, your tattoos are ugly, blood is not sexy and you're a stupid cow who needs to learn to fucking wax before a photo shoot, or at least put on a facial expression that doesn't scream "Fine, Daddy! I don't need your love!"


At some point, a female friend of yours may decide that she is going to send some pics to Suicide Girls. This is code for "I'm unhappy right now and I'm desperate for someone to tell me I'm pretty, even if it means threatening to show off my cunt to an internet audience." Let her know that regular porn pays better.

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  sol740 said:
Some of you folks is gay.


Love me some tattooed chicks, that shit is hot. Love the piercings too, the only ones I don't care for are piercings that are stretched.


Exactly. From the way these guys describe suicide girls, I wonder if they have ever seen them. Not all are hot, but not all are pierced or tattooed to hell. There are quite a few "regular" looking chics.

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Guest Removed
ok ill give some of you credit on some of these chicks are over the top with the emo type shit.. i find the gods girls look much nicer...well most of them
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