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assfault junkies new rider training


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  gixxie750 said:
I know its stupid to you all who have had mass track practice to only go to the track. I have a ton of friends with friends who are new to riding and they will get hurt or die trying if someone doest hold their speed back. I'm just trying to help our sport out a little and it starts at the street level then they want to do track time. I will use this time to work on the simple things and maybe it will help people. Thanks for the imput either way!

You should be an example and not be associated with stunting on the street. Maybe post you do NOT condone such behavior and that your club is no longer doing that and why... Give examples.

It starts with the rider these kids follow and associate with. I don't have a problem going out with some buddies and trying to get them better as riders, but if you do that and then promote stunting on the street, you can't have it both ways...

All it takes is a search on You Tube...

Also, advertising that you are wanting to do this and asking people to contact you sets you up for some serious issues.

The fundamentals you can teach on the street can be done in a parking lot. Performance riding as seen in canyon environments and similar should be taught on a track. Kids who ride street and think they are killer riders get to the track and are usually way behind the curve. Those that see they need more training and come to the track to get it are better street riders...

Point is that an MSF class is a great start. IF the riders listen and use their head and the groups around them aren't doing stupid stuff, they will excel. If they hang around poor choices for riders, they will get hurt and should go to the track to learn...

I think your intentions are noble, but coming on here and promoting something like this with what you are associated with and the people that are linked to you is something that should be reconsidered...

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  cbrjess0815 said:
I think its a good idea to get some constructive criticism and direction toward smarter riding habits. The twisties we have are a very good place to learn. I learned there within a week of riding my first bike. And my BMV records and news exposure(or lack thereof) are flawless. As long as people are not moronic enough to realize that they are not taking an actual school so much as a guidance to get thru the novice part of riding from mutual friends, it could be a fantabulous idea....

First, learning what? Smarter riding habits? You folks can't be on both sides. As they say - you make your own bed... Todd is simply calling out that it doesn't make sense. The girl he was also calling out is a great example of where she really has no idea (been covered in other threads) why she crashed.

You saying you learned on the "twisties" is comical. Sure, you may learn some things, but I guarantee that I could have taken you off the street and taught you at the track and placed you back into that twisties environment and you'd be a better rider even now.

Again, helping friends is one thing. Saying you want to teach people is another. The street is no place for any of that...

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  Mellogsxr said:
I'll be there helping out too... Your riding will get better if you ride with good riders, and that is a fact. Unless you have issues...:)

What constitutes a good rider? Wanna share your ability at say Bluegrass this year? If I can find an instructor we have that is faster, smoother and packed with hearty ability, does that mean he should take over?

Just curious because a LOT of street guys think they are uber badass and have great ability. Until they are asked to use it...

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  Lizard 1 said:
First, learning what? Smarter riding habits? You folks can't be on both sides. As they say - you make your own bed... Todd is simply calling out that it doesn't make sense. The girl he was also calling out is a great example of where she really has no idea (been covered in other threads) why she crashed.

You saying you learned on the "twisties" is comical. Sure, you may learn some things, but I guarantee that I could have taken you off the street and taught you at the track and placed you back into that twisties environment and you'd be a better rider even now.

Again, helping friends is one thing. Saying you want to teach people is another. The street is no place for any of that...

I still learned alot and there is always room to learn more and gain better riding skills. A week later I was at the track learning. But I could only afford a few days of track time before I got a good job. Hence why I'm so pumped to go this year and leanr all kinds of shit... It does suck learning on the street but ya still gotta make lemonade with the lemons you're handed in life. Maybe I just got lucky, but I sure don't regret my first couple years of learning down on the twisties... :cool:

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Get everyone a copy of twist of the wrist and Just Do it at putnum !! It's safe as shit there ,and cheep too, geta big ass uhaul and do it up. It's only bout 120.00 each or something. There are soooooo many helpfull riders there esp. the older guys who still race in wera !!!

Safer than east miami river road !!! LOL

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  Catman said:
Get everyone a copy of twist of the wrist and Just Do it at putnum !! It's safe as shit there ,and cheep too, geta big ass uhaul and do it up. It's only bout 120.00 each or something. There are soooooo many helpfull riders there esp. the older guys who still race in wera !!!

Safer than east miami river road !!! LOL

Yea I hate that road... Trust me, if I could afford to go to Putnam every single Sunday, it would be on like donkey kong..

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  cbrjess0815 said:
Dude i sometimes wish it was you that disappeared off the forums.. Then I wouldn't feel like I was reading posts from a 15 year old little boy who gets off on thinking one day he might rule the world with his vag because he knows all...

If you don't like what I have to say, there's the handy "ignore" button.

  cbrjess0815 said:
hmmm, on another hand its entertaining to watch you be a complete db and be further convinced that I never wanna meet ya.. so post on with yo badass self... we'll all just keep laughin it up :badgerrock:

Typical psycho chick that can't make up her mind. I'm not surprised. Seems like there's quite a few of those around here too.

  cbrjess0815 said:
as for the "school"(and I say this with quotes because its not a real school). I think its a good idea to get some constructive criticism and direction toward smarter riding habits. The twisties we have are a very good place to learn. I learned there within a week of riding my first bike. And my BMV records and news exposure(or lack thereof) are flawless. As long as people are not moronic enough to realize that they are not taking an actual school so much as a guidance to get thru the novice part of riding from mutual friends, it could be a fantabulous idea....

Novice riding is what the MSF course is for. Take it. Take their more advanced courses too. When you've passed them and need more, take a track based school. There are several that offer street focused courses.

Or, you could take the assfault junkies approach wad up a few bikes, get a couple of tickets, spend a shitload of money, and still learn nothing.

Good Choice!

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  Todd#43 said:
If you don't like what I have to say, there's the handy "ignore" button.

Typical psycho chick that can't make up her mind. I'm not surprised. Seems like there's quite a few of those around here too.

Novice riding is what the MSF course is for. Take it. Take their more advanced courses too. When you've passed them and need more, take a track based school. There are several that offer street focused courses.

Or, you could take the assfault junkies approach wad up a few bikes, get a couple of tickets, spend a shitload of money, and still learn nothing.

Good Choice!

Thanks, but I've done none of these :D

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todd why do u speak of what you dont know? Do u know any assfault junkies? have you even been to the track with us? We were at 15 diff track events and many WERA events this year and i didnt see ya. This is not a school and it will never be. It is rider training! I want everyone to go to the track for sure! I took 25+people to putnam last year many for their first time. I am taking another huge group there in April to help them learn in a safer way. I am trying to get the newer riders to set a safe pace on the road where most people get hurt or killed. What are you doing to promote safety to your fellow riders? What are you doing to help our sport advance? I am trying to make up for the bad things i have done and trying to make sure that other riders at least have someone they can go to if they need help weather on the street or on the track! Stop being haters!

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  cbrjess0815 said:
Thanks, but I've done none of these :D

My guess is its only a matter of time. Good Luck!

  gixxie750 said:
todd why do u speak of what you dont know? Do u know any assfault junkies? have you even been to the track with us? We were at 15 diff track events and many WERA events this year and i didnt see ya. This is not a school and it will never be. It is rider training! I want everyone to go to the track for sure! I took 25+people to putnam last year many for their first time. I am taking another huge group there in April to help them learn in a safer way. I am trying to get the newer riders to set a safe pace on the road where most people get hurt or killed. What are you doing to promote safety to your fellow riders? What are you doing to help our sport advance? I am trying to make up for the bad things i have done and trying to make sure that other riders at least have someone they can go to if they need help weather on the street or on the track! Stop being haters!

I'm not hating.

I know plenty about this topic, as well as the "assfault junkies". Besides the fact that your play on words sounds like you all have hemmroids, anyone can find out all they need to know about your little group by searching the forums (here, and several others), local news sites, and YouTube. Your "group" has a GREAT reputation. Keep up the good work.

I've been riding motorcycles on the street for nearly 30 years. I can guarantee that I've logged more miles, been to more places, and seen more things (right and wrong) than you ever will. I've personally raced motorcylces for more than 10 years. I've won club championships, and I've torn more shit up at the track than most people own in a life time. I've organized, promoted, coordinated and run track based advanced rider schools, and I've been involved with racing at the AMA Superbike level.

I've done my part to promote this sport and help riders. I'm doing it here now. While your intentions are noble, you're misguided. Trying to teach people performance riding on the street is STUPID, IRRESPONSIBLE, and in some circles CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT - especially from someone with a checkered past like yours.

Take the advice of the people here that know what they're talking about. If you want to teach, get involved with a group that does it right and go from there. Do it at the track. Not on the street.

Of course, what do I know?

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lead by example is the on thing that comes to mind for me. you dont need to call it a school for that. if thats all you wanna do you can do that anytime you take a ride. lead the slower pack and keep it slow. plant it into kids heads right off the bat that motorcycling is a really fun way to die and not becoming a statistic is the goal. anyone of my friends that gets a first bike i drill that into their heads. and about the msf course, i took it and they lay the foundation of being a good rider. take what you learn from that class and move on. i have friends on here that i helped "teach" or just pushing them in the right direction.

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I gladly take advice from people who are willing to help. Thank you for all your help for the sport in the PAST. I am glad i dont have to race with you because i'm just a petty novice and have not won any races so i couldnt know anything. You dont know dick about the junkies and if you think you do ur sadly mistaken. I guess racing started at the track and no one ever rides the road so what am i thinking??? Your so right! I am going to help bring mass people to the track,but here on planet earth riders start out on the street and thats where i want to help. U may have been riding before i was even born,but like many people old to a sport they cant stand change or anything that they dont aprove of. I have many friends that are current racers and they all are not world champions like you,but they are good people and so are we. I dont care how good you were or are doesnt mean you are the sportbike god! Give me a couple years racing and we will see.

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  Todd#43 said:

I've been riding motorcycles on the street for nearly 30 years. I can guarantee that I've logged more miles, been to more places, and seen more things (right and wrong) than you ever will. I've personally raced motorcylces for more than 10 years. I've won club championships, and I've torn more shit up at the track than most people own in a life time. I've organized, promoted, coordinated and run track based advanced rider schools, and I've been involved with racing at the AMA Superbike level.


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Of course, what do I know?

How to be a worthless douche? So in all your self proclaimed high and mighty experience you didn't learn to provide constructive criticism and that coming into a thread and being a complete dick was better?

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  fusion said:
How to be a worthless douche? So in all your self proclaimed high and mighty experience you didn't learn to provide constructive criticism and that coming into a thread and being a complete dick was better?

RE-read my post, fucktard. I told him what he should do. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to see that.

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  gixxie750 said:
I gladly take advice from people who are willing to help. Thank you for all your help for the sport in the PAST.

You're welcome.

  gixxie750 said:
I am glad i dont have to race with you because i'm just a petty novice and have not won any races so i couldnt know anything.

I never said you didn't know anything, and you'd probably actually like racing with me. I've always been willing to share my knowledge with new guys, for what its worth. You may well be a fast guy. Actually, I said that your intentions were noble, (That means I can appreciate what you want to do) but your way of doing it is wrong and could certainly get people hurt or worse and expose you to a shitstorm of financial and criminal liability that I don't think you're prepared for.

  gixxie750 said:
You dont know dick about the junkies and if you think you do ur sadly mistaken.

What I know about the "junkies" is limited to what I've seen and heard here and other places. Not my fault that your "bad press" is all that shows up. Go forward with what you're proposing, and my guess is there will be more.

  gixxie750 said:
I guess racing started at the track and no one ever rides the road so what am i thinking??? Your so right! I am going to help bring mass people to the track,but here on planet earth riders start out on the street and thats where i want to help.

There's nothing wrong with helping street riders do better. I never said there was. What's wrong is doing it ON THE STREET. Teach at the track, put it into practice on the street. The street is not the place to learn because there are so many variables that you can't control. The track is a controlled environment, teaching is best done there.

  gixxie750 said:
U may have been riding before i was even born,but like many people old to a sport they cant stand change or anything that they dont aprove of. I have many friends that are current racers and they all are not world champions like you,but they are good people and so are we. I dont care how good you were or are doesnt mean you are the sportbike god! Give me a couple years racing and we will see.

I have no problem with change, as long as its for the better. Its your method that I have a problem with. The street is not the place to learn.

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Ok I know the street isnt the place to learn! These people are going to be out on the street riding and doing track days possibly. They are going to the street no matter waht so i want to be there where they are to help them stay safe. Maybe my method is not perfect,but my intent is to help people and really didnt know i had to word it correctly. I just want to help everyone and if you want help and i see you out on the street i will help you. It will be good for some new street riders to be held back till they can go to the track and really open it up. On street rides too many new riders play catch up and thats not safe. I am just going to take the new people out at a pace where no one has to catch up because we are all right there with them. I guess i really dont have to explain this to anyone who is a streetrider,but I think everyone gets the "Idea".

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Yeah 10/22 will be a great place to learn, yeah right... If you aren't getting passed mid corner by every Rossi Wannabe out on that stretch..

It is different if it is a few friends asking you to follow them and give them tips. If you turn this into trying to get them to mimic you then your asking for it. Most riders the first time they try something new and it goes wrong (even if speed isn't up) you will be blamed.

First time they try to hang off to far and end up pulling the bike farther and low side cause they don't know what they are doing you will be blamed.

Now if you put this out and say I will follow you and give you pointers at the end you may be ok, due to it is them who are doing everything first. If something happens with them following you, your life will be FUBAR.

Hell my dad's only track crash was because he was trying to remember what the instructor just showed him.

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