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assfault junkies new rider training


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  Todd#43 said:
RE-read my post, fucktard. I told him what he should do. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to see that.

I did dickhead. You should go back and reread your own post you illiterate cock nozzle.

Feel free to point out where you gave any constructive criticism.

Was it here?

  ToddtheCockNozzle said:
A performance street riding school taught on the street by a guy who claims he "isn't doing any high speed street riding anymore". That's rich.


Maybe here:

  ToddtheDirtyDouchebag said:
Of course he's doing it on the street, where else would he do it? He'll run it out of his new "Used Parts" and "Salvage Bike" business he's starting up in his garage.

You gotta give the guy credit. Not everyone gets those gigantic testicles.

Again no.

Let us try again. Maybe here:

  ToddthePoleSmoker said:
And this from the chick that wadded up a 250 and doesn't know why or how it happened.

Sheesh....and Fonzie asked why I'm here. You couldn't get this shit for free anywhere else (ok, maybe at gixxer.com) - THAT's why I'm here.

Goddamn I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!

Still not seeing it. Here then?

  ToddtheHypocrite said:
If you don't like what I have to say, there's the handy "ignore" button.

Maybe you should have followed your own advice.

Or here:

  ToddtheE-peen said:
Typical psycho chick that can't make up her mind. I'm not surprised. Seems like there's quite a few of those around here too.

Urrrrm still no.

Oh here:

  ToddtheBottomBitch said:
Novice riding is what the MSF course is for. Take it. Take their more advanced courses too. When you've passed them and need more, take a track based school. There are several that offer street focused courses.

Or, you could take the assfault junkies approach wad up a few bikes, get a couple of tickets, spend a shitload of money, and still learn nothing.

Good Choice!

At least it started constructive after being insulting, but then turning to being a complete cock again.


  ToddtheLookWhatIveDone said:
I'm not hating.

I know plenty about this topic, as well as the "assfault junkies". Besides the fact that your play on words sounds like you all have hemmroids, anyone can find out all they need to know about your little group by searching the forums (here, and several others), local news sites, and YouTube. Your "group" has a GREAT reputation. Keep up the good work.

I've been riding motorcycles on the street for nearly 30 years. I can guarantee that I've logged more miles, been to more places, and seen more things (right and wrong) than you ever will. I've personally raced motorcylces for more than 10 years. I've won club championships, and I've torn more shit up at the track than most people own in a life time. I've organized, promoted, coordinated and run track based advanced rider schools, and I've been involved with racing at the AMA Superbike level.

I've done my part to promote this sport and help riders. I'm doing it here now. While your intentions are noble, you're misguided. Trying to teach people performance riding on the street is STUPID, IRRESPONSIBLE, and in some circles CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT - especially from someone with a checkered past like yours.

Take the advice of the people here that know what they're talking about. If you want to teach, get involved with a group that does it right and go from there. Do it at the track. Not on the street.

Of course, what do I know?

I guess you kind of ended that large bit puke with something a bit constructive.

Yeah you're a whole lot of fucking help.

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  fusion said:

Feel free to point out where you gave any constructive criticism.

Why dont you get NinjaNick's cock outta your mouth. Obviously his ballsack is blocking your view of the monitor.

I was constructive in several places. I've taken the liberty of highlighting them for you:

  Todd#43 said:
My guess is its only a matter of time. Good Luck!

I'm not hating.

I know plenty about this topic, as well as the "assfault junkies". Besides the fact that your play on words sounds like you all have hemmroids, anyone can find out all they need to know about your little group by searching the forums (here, and several others), local news sites, and YouTube. Your "group" has a GREAT reputation. Keep up the good work.

I've been riding motorcycles on the street for nearly 30 years. I can guarantee that I've logged more miles, been to more places, and seen more things (right and wrong) than you ever will. I've personally raced motorcylces for more than 10 years. I've won club championships, and I've torn more shit up at the track than most people own in a life time. I've organized, promoted, coordinated and run track based advanced rider schools, and I've been involved with racing at the AMA Superbike level.

I've done my part to promote this sport and help riders. I'm doing it here now. While your intentions are noble, you're misguided. Trying to teach people performance riding on the street is STUPID, IRRESPONSIBLE, and in some circles CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT - especially from someone with a checkered past like yours.

Take the advice of the people here that know what they're talking about. If you want to teach, get involved with a group that does it right and go from there. Do it at the track. Not on the street.

Of course, what do I know?

  Todd#43 said:
You're welcome.

I never said you didn't know anything, and you'd probably actually like racing with me. I've always been willing to share my knowledge with new guys, for what its worth. You may well be a fast guy. Actually, I said that your intentions were noble, (That means I can appreciate what you want to do) but your way of doing it is wrong and could certainly get people hurt or worse and expose you to a shitstorm of financial and criminal liability that I don't think you're prepared for.

What I know about the "junkies" is limited to what I've seen and heard here and other places. Not my fault that your "bad press" is all that shows up. Go forward with what you're proposing, and my guess is there will be more.

There's nothing wrong with helping street riders do better. I never said there was. What's wrong is doing it ON THE STREET. Teach at the track, put it into practice on the street. The street is not the place to learn because there are so many variables that you can't control. The track is a controlled environment, teaching is best done there.

I have no problem with change, as long as its for the better. Its your method that I have a problem with. The street is not the place to learn.

IF you still can't see it, maybe you can get your bitch to read it to you. IF he knows how to read that is.

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  Todd#43 said:
Why dont you get NinjaNick's cock outta your mouth. Obviously his ballsack is blocking your view of the monitor.

Wow you really have a hard on for Nick. You brought him up in a thread that doesn't even have anything to do with him. Why don't you come out of the closet and just let him know how you want it.

  Todd#43 said:
I was constructive in several places. I've taken the liberty of highlighting them for you:

Good job. I already made comment on the first in mine:

I guess you kind of ended that large bit puke with something a bit constructive.

And that second quote came after I made my comment. Feel free to ignore the pile of shit you left in this thread before that.

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  fusion said:
Wow you really have a hard on for Nick. You brought him up in a thread that doesn't even have anything to do with him. Why don't you come out of the closet and just let him know how you want it.

Yup, don't like him. And its no secret you're one of his biggest supporters. Guess you Dayton guys stick together

  fusion said:
Good job. I already made comment on the first in mine:

And that second quote came after I made my comment. Feel free to ignore the pile of shit you left in this thread before that.

So because I made that comment AFTER you made yours its somehow invalid? Tell you what, go fuck yourself.

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  Todd#43 said:
Why dont you get NinjaNick's cock outta your mouth. Obviously his ballsack is blocking your view of the monitor.

I was constructive in several places. I've taken the liberty of highlighting them for you:

IF you still can't see it, maybe you can get your bitch to read it to you. IF he knows how to read that is.

Do you think one day I can have as big of an e-penis and be as fast of an e-racer as you? I really hope so! Todd, you are my hero. :fruit:

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  Todd#43 said:
OOOOOOOOoooooh. Good one. Yup, ya got me on that one.

You can add asshole, prick, and motherfucker to your list too.


no one on this site...

take your constructive criticism and shove it up your ass. That's where you like it anyways....

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Ok so let me just say this. I know gixxie, and i have ridden with him at the track and he is a nice guy. What it all boils down to is that no one wants him to get put in a situation where he could be held accountable for someone else doing something and getting hurt or hurting someone else.

The advice is solely to protect him from getting in trouble or sued because no one here wants to see that happen.

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  flounder said:
Ok so let me just say this. I know gixxie, and i have ridden with him at the track and he is a nice guy. What it all boils down to is that no one wants him to get put in a situation where he could be held accountable for someone else doing something and getting hurt or hurting someone else.

The advice is solely to protect him from getting in trouble or sued because no one here wants to see that happen.

I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

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