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assfault junkies new rider training


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Since i have decided not to do any high speed street riding anymore i thought i would put on a rider school of sorts. I recomend that all riders take some sort of MSF course first so they can get the basics of riding a motorcycle. These rider schools will be held on Sundays along with the normal street riding group. I am going to set a pace for new people and help them work on their skills of leaning the bike and nagotiating twisty roads. For all of you that want to learn how to drag knee or for those of you who simply want to learn more about your bike and its potential. I really wont be able to help riders who dont have a min amount of gear(helmet,jacket,boots,gloves and heavy duty pants). Gear is mandatory!!!!! Let me know if anyone from here is interested.

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that is a a really great idea. I'd love to join in, but i'm a bit far away (NE ohio... basically, the farthest place from the nati). I guess I'll just have to keep watching the rapidly disappearing backs of CORE guys, and hope they don't vanish quite as quickly as last year.

Have fun!

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Are you doing this on the street?!?!? Please tell me you're trying to get involved in some school thing on the track or whatnot...

Also, insurance is going to KILL you. First guy/gal who gets hurt doing your school and decides to hold you at fault, you're doomed. The track day school insurance is WAY high...

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Are you doing this on the street?!?!? Please tell me you're trying to get involved in some school thing on the track or whatnot...

Also, insurance is going to KILL you. First guy/gal who gets hurt doing your school and decides to hold you at fault, you're doomed. The track day school insurance is WAY high...

correct me if im wrong, but i dont think he is starting this as a business

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It doesnt matter if he is trying to do this as a business or just try and pass along some track skills to new street riders. The first time someone gets hurt while trying to follow him on the street, he will be doomed. Someone will press charges saying that he is teaching people how to be reckless on the street and endangering peoples lives. No matter if his intentions are good, any judge/jury will agree that teaching track skills in a street environment is an endangerment to all those involved or bystanders. DO NOT TRY AND TEACH TRACK SKILLS ON THE STREET. YOU WILL BE FOUND AT FAULT FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS.

And dont take this personally but your past BMV record and news exposure is only going to make it that much worse on you.

Edited by flounder
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what do most of us do anyway?? follow the leader.

yes, i know you should keep your own pace, but you will never get better or faster if you don't push yourself a little. i know for me, i do that by following someone.

i love the idea.

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i am not at all resposible for how people ride. I know its sue happy world out there,but i dont think it will be like that. Lizard i am doing this on the street with people that are not as fast or new to riding. I will never break the speed limit or any road rules. I am just going to ride in front of people and behind them and help them with tips and pointers. It is not a buss. nor will it be run like one. Its for people who are going out to ride,but not be pressured to follow the fast guys. I know track skills can only be learned at the track,but theres things i've learned street riding that i can pass along to people. Obviously i want everyone to go to the track and learn there,but most people go out blindly on the street and get hurt or killed. I will deff try to get everyone to the track,but till they do they still need help!

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I'll teach a course for half whatever gixxie wants, and I'll do it on a sanctioned racing surface*!!

*For those that like to live their lives 1/4 mile at a time only. :p

What, no one likes acceleration anymore? It's always the twisties with you guys. :D

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I think it is great to cretique ( haha spell ) each others riding at every stop. It's a great way to learn ! I pick my friends brains all the time and ask them to watch what I'm doing. I have a roadrace buddy and a Gncc buddy !! Lucky me !!!! I would hate to ever regress !

To do this formaly, I think DUde is right, Your setting yourself up !!

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Since i have decided not to do any high speed street riding anymore i thought i would put on a rider school of sorts. I recomend that all riders take some sort of MSF course first so they can get the basics of riding a motorcycle. These rider schools will be held on Sundays along with the normal street riding group. I am going to set a pace for new people and help them work on their skills of leaning the bike and nagotiating twisty roads. For all of you that want to learn how to drag knee or for those of you who simply want to learn more about your bike and its potential. I really wont be able to help riders who dont have a min amount of gear(helmet,jacket,boots,gloves and heavy duty pants). Gear is mandatory!!!!! Let me know if anyone from here is interested.

A performance street riding school taught on the street by a guy who claims he "isn't doing any high speed street riding anymore". That's rich.

Are you doing this on the street?!?!? Please tell me you're trying to get involved in some school thing on the track or whatnot...

Also, insurance is going to KILL you. First guy/gal who gets hurt doing your school and decides to hold you at fault, you're doomed. The track day school insurance is WAY high...

Of course he's doing it on the street, where else would he do it? He'll run it out of his new "Used Parts" and "Salvage Bike" business he's starting up in his garage.

You gotta give the guy credit. Not everyone gets those gigantic testicles.

what do most of us do anyway?? follow the leader.

yes, i know you should keep your own pace, but you will never get better or faster if you don't push yourself a little. i know for me, i do that by following someone.

i love the idea.

And this from the chick that wadded up a 250 and doesn't know why or how it happened.

Sheesh....and Fonzie asked why I'm here. You couldn't get this shit for free anywhere else (ok, maybe at gixxer.com) - THAT's why I'm here.

Goddamn I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!

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I know its stupid to you all who have had mass track practice to only go to the track. I have a ton of friends with friends who are new to riding and they will get hurt or die trying if someone doest hold their speed back. I'm just trying to help our sport out a little and it starts at the street level then they want to do track time. I will use this time to work on the simple things and maybe it will help people. Thanks for the imput either way!

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It doesnt matter if he is trying to do this as a business or just try and pass along some track skills to new street riders. The first time someone gets hurt while trying to follow him on the street, he will be doomed. Someone will press charges saying that he is teaching people how to be reckless on the street and endangering peoples lives. No matter if his intentions are good, any judge/jury will agree that teaching track skills in a street environment is an endangerment to all those involved or bystanders. DO NOT TRY AND TEACH TRACK SKILLS ON THE STREET. YOU WILL BE FOUND AT FAULT FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS.

And dont take this personally but your past BMV record and news exposure is only going to make it that much worse on you.

Especially with this thread as evidence that he is offering to teach. A little more than follow the leader when you are offering to teach in an open forum.

And one really shouldn't play follow the leader. That's how accidents go from one bike to multiple. Follow the leader = target fixation = multi bike crash

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A performance street riding school taught on the street by a guy who claims he "isn't doing any high speed street riding anymore". That's rich.

Of course he's doing it on the street, where else would he do it? He'll run it out of his new "Used Parts" and "Salvage Bike" business he's starting up in his garage.

You gotta give the guy credit. Not everyone gets those gigantic testicles.

And this from the chick that wadded up a 250 and doesn't know why or how it happened.

Sheesh....and Fonzie asked why I'm here. You couldn't get this shit for free anywhere else (ok, maybe at gixxer.com) - THAT's why I'm here.

Goddamn I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!

Dude i sometimes wish it was you that disappeared off the forums.. Then I wouldn't feel like I was reading posts from a 15 year old little boy who gets off on thinking one day he might rule the world with his vag because he knows all...

hmmm, on another hand its entertaining to watch you be a complete db and be further convinced that I never wanna meet ya.. so post on with yo badass self... we'll all just keep laughin it up :badgerrock:

as for the "school"(and I say this with quotes because its not a real school). I think its a good idea to get some constructive criticism and direction toward smarter riding habits. The twisties we have are a very good place to learn. I learned there within a week of riding my first bike. And my BMV records and news exposure(or lack thereof) are flawless. As long as people are not moronic enough to realize that they are not taking an actual school so much as a guidance to get thru the novice part of riding from mutual friends, it could be a fantabulous idea....

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One more thing, riders that are taught by an amatuer(sorry that's what you are) are going to pick up his bad habits making for even more bad riders.(Never ridden with you so I'm not calling you a bad rider per se)

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Dude i sometimes wish it was you that disappeared off the forums.. Then I wouldn't feel like I was reading posts from a 15 year old little boy who gets off on thinking one day he might rule the world with his vag because he knows all...

hmmm, on another hand its entertaining to watch you be a complete db and be further convinced that I never wanna meet ya.. so post on with yo badass self... we'll all just keep laughin it up :badgerrock:

You just e-bitch slapped Todd... :lol::lol:

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A performance street riding school taught on the street by a guy who claims he "isn't doing any high speed street riding anymore". That's rich.

Of course he's doing it on the street, where else would he do it? He'll run it out of his new "Used Parts" and "Salvage Bike" business he's starting up in his garage.

You gotta give the guy credit. Not everyone gets those gigantic testicles.

And this from the chick that wadded up a 250 and doesn't know why or how it happened.

Sheesh....and Fonzie asked why I'm here. You couldn't get this shit for free anywhere else (ok, maybe at gixxer.com) - THAT's why I'm here.

Goddamn I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!


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