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Didnt last long but life is short.


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I want V8 power, Then when the ls1 gets boring drop in a bigger LSX:bangbang:


Sorry import power just isnt my thing. LSx is proven power.


Now you're talking my kinda language. Sucks though man, having seen your Vdub I was really looking forward to seeing what this could do.

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Sure I've done it. Did it at like 19, then again at 22, LOL. Then worked on Air Force career / school until I started making a decent wage and had a real job. I've wondered for years how people can sink money into their car when they haven't really locked their career down. That being said, good for you for stepping up to the plate. We'll see you on the other side... :cool:
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Sure I've done it. Did it at like 19, then again at 22, LOL. Then worked on Air Force career / school until I started making a decent wage and had a real job. I've wondered for years how people can sink money into their car when they haven't really locked their career down. That being said, good for you for stepping up to the plate. We'll see you on the other side... :cool:



Ill High five ya when I walk thru:cool:



so wait, when you sell it the car isn't going to come w/ the 5.0 motor that came with it? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/../ubb/confused.gif


Nope, I tore the motor down to do head gaskets and found out it wasnt a 5.o ho...


But I have a whole master rebuild kit ready to go in layin next to me....


All u gotta do is drop in a 50 and connect wires/ hoses




Ramsey I gotta sell the shell first.

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Sorry to hear it, but sounds like it may be for the better in your situation. Look at it as a pos thing, especially since you can get out of the hole on other debt. At least we got to use it for killer donuts in the hotel parking lot before I left.



P.S. Just don't go selling your ski on me and we won't have any problems. ;) I'm only a matter of days now from being able to get mine wet.

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Shanton, this is a post that has been needed on here for a long time. And I think you are a great person to set the example. We get caught up in the status or show of having a "CAR" to have for show/race/brag/status. I'm happy to see you do the right thing for YOU. I would have loved to seen the finished project, but by fixing the $ now you will have more projects in the future.


I put the FD a side for a while. Now shits straight and I'm doing it the way I want it. It's worth it.


Good luck with the sale.

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I'm kinda going through the same thing right now with my Silverado. My dad just gave me his Ram that I've wanted since he first got it ten years ago when I was 16, but now I have two trucks along with my new Jeep daily driver. I wouldn't mind trading the Chevy off for an ATV, but I like it enough I don't really want to get rid of it, but the Dodge needs attention first. So, if I can't find a trade I like, I think I'm going to toss it into my uncle's polebarn for a couple years, until I've got the resources to devote to it.
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what you want for it? beside's the motor and turbo kit? i'd like to know the figure for rolling ready to drop a 5.0ish motor in it... injection harness is not needed tho.
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most of us have been there man.....it sucks but sometimes other things in life are more priority and need to come first. i am just coming up from a similar situation and am hoping shit falls in place better this time around. ive known you for years shanton and probably longer than almost anyone on this board. hell i think i was one of the first to drive your GTI other than your mom. that was like 5 years ago or some shit at cruisefest lol then we passed out drunk in your car. anyways we have had our issues over the years, but i wish you the best of luck with everything!
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I want V8 power, Then when the ls1 gets boring drop in a bigger LSX:bangbang:


Sorry import power just isnt my thing. LSx is proven power.


The 1UZ is a V8, one of the best ever made, actually.



How can you not love that sound?

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On one hand I am sorry to see a project abandoned. On the other I understand completly, you need to lay the foundation for a successful life first.

I have been spending every spare minute I have on my car. Lately I have been questioning my commitment. Last week when it was nice outside I told my wife that I was going to push the car in the driveway so I could finaly get some sunlight.

Maybe I should just clean my boat up and chill for the summer,,,,,,,,,,, NAH

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I've already fucked my life up, and my car is about the most fun I have (next to playing with my daughter). So on one hand I can't believe you're going to part with the project. However I have a lot of respect for someone taking a break to get things in order, it should really help you out in the long run of things. At least you'll still have the VW. Best of luck to you.
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I can totally understand about everything. Sometimes other things are more important then the cars. I tossed aside the 3 J-body's and the Turbo T3/T4 system so I can put everything to sell to help with the wedding. My girls parents can't even pay some of there bills right now since things have been slow. So it has been up to us to save for the wedding. As for CC's just don't use them unless you need them. It is a good idea to still use them to have credit, but only use what you can pay for the next month. Having open credit is good incase something happens, and closing up credit can hurt your credit score and cost you money in the long run.
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That really sucks dude I was really digging this project.


Have you thought about, that if you really don't want to sell it that much than maybe it is important? Happiness is a pretty important thing brotatoe.


Thats the problem i did think I could do that, but however not gonna lie but I have a CC and its sitting at 28.9% intrest. I got my first CC at age 23 and now I understand why I always paid cash for everything before.


And I got a great deal on solving that problem from a friend and a buisness loan with a fixed looooooow intrest rate:cool: Im not in the gutter a bunch but I just wanna be out of it and in the clear before I start my career. School first.



But I guess in life you must make sacrifices, Im not a person to say no Im a YES man. Ask people I party, race, boat, work or anything thats dangerouse and they will say the same. Im not happy but I understand that good things can come in time.


Well it's all in how you look at it. The right decisions are often the hardest ones to make. I believe most people know what to do 90% of the time; it's just about being disciplined enough to make those tuff decisions... With that being said, G/L with everything else, if you are successful with school and work, later on you can afford to get another project car and have the funds to do it right!

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I want V8 power, Then when the ls1 gets boring drop in a bigger LSX:bangbang:


Sorry import power just isnt my thing. LSx is proven power.


Welcome to the club


i bought a del sol to turbo it and ended up spending all the turbo money i had saved just fixing it up and trying to keep it running. got tired of fixing it and sold it the cavy and my Raptor (which i absolutely loved and miss) in order to have enough to buy the vette, best decision i ever made.


when one door closes another one opens and this one is deffinitely going to be for the better.

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For anyone with a new CC keep a $500 limit on it.com

That's good advice if you want to hurt your credit score.


Rather, you want a high limit, and use very little (or better yet none) of that limit.


Obviously you have made some mistakes, and sounds like you are trying to sell stuff to get out of those mistakes, so that's always a plus.


Too many people out there live above their means (including a number of folks on this board), then wonder latter why they are full of debt and how their "baller" status for a couple of years came to a quick end.

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I want V8 power, Then when the ls1 gets boring drop in a bigger LSX:bangbang:


Sorry import power just isnt my thing. LSx is proven power.


Like Pat said, the 1UZ is a V-8, and a damn good one at that. I'll post a few pictures when I get home of a twin turbo 1UZ SC400 that someone is doing on Supraforums and see if you still think that way. :p

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Had to sell my bike for rent once. And I still know in the back of my mind that if I sold my car for a reasonable price I could finish my bachelors this year and have two degrees. I don't like that thought, but it seems to always be there.
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I got really lucky I did the same with credit cards back when i was 20. Until one day I relized I had over 17k in Credit card debt.


I now have 0 in CC debt. It sucks, There have been some many times I wanted to waste money on toys. anyone want to by my bike =)

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I know what you mean. I have been thinking about selling the Talon lately. I NEVER drive it anymore. School has become so intense that I just never get the chance to enjoy the car anymore. I usually get the Si out if anything. I have been seriously considering selling both for an S2000.


Then, there is the part of me that says to just hold onto the 1G until I am done with school. I dunno what the hell to do.


I was in the same mindset as you. Last summer i think i drove my Z like 9 times, and was debating on getting rid of it and my daily for an sti or 370z. I think something about getting super busy and tied down pushes us away from our hobbies and into just vegging out and doing as little as possible whenever we get some time off. In the end I held onto the car and I'm glad I did because I won't get another fun fast ride like this for what I've already invested, and neither will you. I didn't really word that last sentence right because I'm tired as fuck but you get the idea.

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