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Unconfirmed: Largest U.S. Lambo dealership sold


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I can't find any online or news confirmation for it, but I was told today by a reputable source that Nelson Lamborghini was just sold to MAG (Midwestern Auto Group) of Columbus. If it's true, MAG will have about every luxury/European marque except for Mercedes and Jag (Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, Audi, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Mini, Lotus, Aston Martin, Saab, BMW, Land Rover, Maserati, and now Lambo).


And I've been told Mercedes may not be far behind. :)



Just in case you hate to drive around shopping for your DD.

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my dad knows them pretty well i guess him and his wife got a divorce-she got the hyundia store and sold it and he had the dodge/lambo.


just what i heard...sucks bout the lambo store...i remember getting a ride in the diablo vt roadsters when they came out

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Hopefully they don't move it, or change much if this is true. Lambo Ohio is located on the exit I get off at and it is only 3 miles from my house. Sometimes late at night if I am coming home I will make some rounds through Roby, Nelsons, and always finish it up by strolling around the Lambo dealership. They are nice to look at and sometimes they even have some decent used cars in there worth looking at.
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This may have just been my experience, but when I walked in there last summer a lot of the cars had scratches on them, one had some semi-nasty swirl marks... I could tell that they did a quick detail at one point, but there were even water marks left - it looked liked somebody wiped them down with a sponge. Not complaining, really... just would have expected more for such high-end cars. The people that actually buy those cars may be less worried about the finer details? Todd would sh!t himself!!


The important thing is the dealership is going to remain intact...

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This is a done deal. Been in the works for a while. They haven't been the largest in the country for quite some time (if ever). Their hay day was about 2-4 years ago and have tapered off the last couple of years.
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This is not surprising to me. Months ago I heard that Nelson was having some financial difficulties. The story I got was that he put too much in the Lamborghini franchise, and with the market turning the way it did hasn't recovered. Like I said guys that is the story I got from a friend who worked in that circle. As for the rumor of Mercedes, I did hear MAG is going to purchase a Mercedes dealership, one very close to them. Now for the disclaimer: For the 13+ years I have been in the auto sales industry I have learned it is no different than any other line of work in one regard. You hear stories, some true, some false, some half true. Take it for what it's worth.


If anyone has any info on the Mercedes or Nelson situation that contradicts what I said here, let me know.

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You're quick, Jason. :)


I had been watching the news for the announcement, but you got the scoop first.


On the Mercedes question, what I heard was that the MAG owners approached Crown Mercedes with an offer to buy them about 2 months ago. My understanding was that Crown was for sale only as a package deal (with Kia and Chrysler), and that the Mercedes division would not be sold separately.


Of course, things change, and you have to take into consideration that I'm getting this second-hand.

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