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Straight "A" Student girl texts 303,000 texts a month on her iPhone.


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Incoming texts count towards the count which the new does not talk about. But man that is a stupid number. My brother in law had to go unlimited after he broke 1500 a month and I think that number is stupid....

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I don't remember what mine are, I just remember looking at my bill once and seeing I had like a million of whatever they use to determine how long you are on the net. I am always in it with my phone, even as we speak lol.
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I hate texting. Just call the fucker if you want to talk.


See I'm the opposite, I HATE talking on the phone. Especially with girls haha. See with texting, a conversation that would take 45 minutes on the phone, can take close to 2 hours via text. And then this way you can tell the girl "babe what do you mean I don't care? We talked for 2 hours last night", or something along those lines...and there you go, argument over. That's also the the thing with my texting. I have unlimited, but I doubt I REALLY need it unless I'm "talking" to a girl, or actually dating one.


But even with my friends texting is our main form of communication. Its easier to send a mass text to 10 people to tell them about a party, rather than to have to call all 10 of them.

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