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Reynoldsburg homeless guy...


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I think anyone thats been in the area probably has seen this guy. Hes always doing some two-step thing and is really strange. Seems to always be around the downtown area of Reynoldsburg.


Doesnt seem to me like he really bothers anyone but I really dont know him so you never know. All I know is I kinda feel sorry for him and I always hope the best for him.


Well, on may to drop the old lady off at work I notice a fire truck and ambulance right where the guy sleeps at and they got him strapped in like his neck is broke and his face looked like a purple version of that mask dude.


So after I make the drop off and Im on my way back home I go ahead and pull over in front of the store the guy sleeps at and talk to the owner who found the homeless guy and called the medics. Him along with several others were out there talking about it.


He told me that someone had beat him up in a bad way. It looked like it from what I seen and usually when someone gets beat down to that extent they had it coming to them. So I asked the store owner if the homeless guy caused any problems or was a child molester. He and the other people said never and that he was just really unusual.


This upsets me cause the guy never does shit except be really fucking wierd.


All I know is people love to brag about doing shit like this. If anyone hears someone bragging about this please send them my way. I want some of the love to...

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damn i know that guy. thats kinda fucked up for someone just to fuck a person up like that. I never see him doing anything but eaither walking or sitting down some where. Or sleeping on a park bench.


karma, it will happen

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I know who you are talking about. I have heard alot of different stories about him with one being that his family is super rich and they all died and he has boat loads of money but went crazy after losing his parents and now roams the streets cause he is alil crazy in the head or something. I dunno how much of that is true but I do know who you are talking about. Feel sorry for the guy as well. Sad to hear something with problems already has to indue more.
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I know who you are talking about. I have heard alot of different stories about him with one being that his family is super rich and they all died and he has boat loads of money but went crazy after losing his parents and now roams the streets cause he is alil crazy in the head or something. I dunno how much of that is true but I do know who you are talking about. Feel sorry for the guy as well. Sad to hear something with problems already has to indue more.

i heard that too...


that really sucks.. i hope whoever did that gets caught in a dark alley with some not-so-nice men.

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His name is Robert, he's originally from the Circleville area.


One of my supervisors in the past went to school with him and his two brothers. The short version is that his dad was the owner of some huge agricultural company. Robert went off to Vietnam and came back the way you see him now. He obviously has severe psychological trauma.


His dad died and split the assets three ways while leaving the business between the three of them. His brothers were in court for years fighting over who "owned" him so they could stake their claim to his share, while he was in the status you see currently.


As far as I know, they're still fighting this legal battle while Robert the Homeless Millionaire is wandering around the city.

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So I have asked my friends that are still in the schools to keep a ear open I have been wanting to give a ass whooping for a good min so I hear who did it... i found my ass whooping.


Get well "Homeless Bob"



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His name is Robert, he's originally from the Circleville area.


One of my supervisors in the past went to school with him and his two brothers. The short version is that his dad was the owner of some huge agricultural company. Robert went off to Vietnam and came back the way you see him now. He obviously has severe psychological trauma.


His dad died and split the assets three ways while leaving the business between the three of them. His brothers were in court for years fighting over who "owned" him so they could stake their claim to his share, while he was in the status you see currently.


As far as I know, they're still fighting this legal battle while Robert the Homeless Millionaire is wandering around the city.


He looks pretty good for his age then to have been in Vietnam...


Its to bad shit like this happens all the time. I think this city needs a Super Hero.

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Wow, beating up the homeless. Just kind of pointless, hell I'd be worried about catching a disease. I'd run from em.


We had a "Homeless Bob" in Westerville, when I was younger. Me and some buddies recorded an interview with him and it was about the funniest shit I've ever heard. We asked him how he ended up homeless, and why he didn't just get a job, and a bunch of other shit. Gave him $5.00 for his time. He seemed pretty "off" though, and anytime I saw him after that I usually gave him some change. He was going off about getting into fights at the shelters, and how he was sucking off dudes for drugs ... ah, good times.



Then I went and bought some drugs ... for personal use.

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Oh this is so sad. I love talking to homeless people. Back when I was a goody church boy (long time ago) I used to serve food to homeless people. After we were done I would go outside and talk to them. They were always nice people and had many stories they would love to share. They always offered to roll me a cigarette even though they had nothing else but clothes on their backs.


I sometimes talk to beggars on the street when I am walking downtown.

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Am I the only one who can't stand a lot of the homeless people? Not that I am inconsiderate, or don't feel bad for someone less fortunate, I have just had more than a few bad encounters with homeless men on campus. There has been too many late nights walking home with a group of girls and a couple homeless guys start getting out of line. I do not agree that the guy got his ass kicked for no reason, but I guess over the years I have lost all my sympathy for the homeless just after the few bad interactions that i had. Its horrible too because my girlfriend loves helping out the homeless and she even volunteers a couple times a year to help feed them kinda deal and we always end up in a fight anytime we are around a homeless person and I am not at all the nicest person towards them. I guess I have never really sat back and thought about all the unfortunate reasons that different people could be homeless and that some things are out of their control to change. Just dont really care to either I guess.
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