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Reynoldsburg homeless guy...


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Is this the same guy thats been around Reynoldsburg for 20 years or so. I remember as a kid always seeing the same one and spotting him in the park. As I have gotten older I am not in Reynoldsburg more than a couple times a month to visit so I haven't seen him in years.
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.. once i was walking to my car coming out of blockbuster and this guy, seemed well spoken and dressed decently, comes up to me and gives me this story on how he needs $10 for a burger and how he served in the military and showed me his military ID and his wife left him and all this stuff... and i'm like.. no sorry i don't have anything to give and then he FLIPPED on me... called me a racist and a cunt and grabbed my car door!!!! luckily there was a guy pulling up and he came over and scared the guy away... fuck that scared me...


so no, i dont make it a habit to talk to people i see on the street.

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I pretty much can't stand the homeless (I work downtown get hit up for cash damn near daily), but in cases of obvious mental disorder, I try to be a little empathetic.


Word. I don't give money to people who are too fuckin lazy to go find a job. Or at least attempt to search for one. (even with our economy sucking balls, they can still least pull a part time job)


But in the case of a mental disorder. Let alone a vet with some severe ptsd, I can feel for him, thats just not cool

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damn, that sucks, hes nice guy to. my mom always gives the guy cigarettes whenever hes around.


Im careful with the people i give money/talk to. ive met a few people that are just to lazy to get a job and i dont feel the least bit sorry for them, but their are some people that really didnt do anything to deserve to be where they are at (the streets) and i feel bad for them.

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Too many of these people end up going through crap like this. Guy fights for his country, comes back messed up, only to fight an even bigger war. My thought is; But for the grace of God it could be any one of us. Think about when and where you were born, and the support you have had through your life... I used to work out there, and believe I know who you are talking about. Too damn bad. Hopefully karma catches up with them.
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Too many of these people end up going through crap like this. Guy fights for his country, comes back messed up, only to fight an even bigger war. My thought is; But for the grace of God it could be any one of us. Think about when and where you were born, and the support you have had through your life... I used to work out there, and believe I know who you are talking about. Too damn bad. Hopefully karma catches up with them.


Well said. This makes me mad as hell reading this. What hospital do you think he was taken to? whats Local?

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Word. I don't give money to people who are too fuckin lazy to go find a job. Or at least attempt to search for one. (even with our economy sucking balls, they can still least pull a part time job)


I never give money to lazy bums either, i'll tell them I dont have any cash on me, then walk away with a pocket full of change clinging loudly every step i take.


I do however toss quarters to bums that work for it by singing me terrible songs lol. My fav was the guy that sat at the gas station on 15th and summit that would rap (not the rapping bum, he got annoying).. but eventually he started posting up on our porch drinking 40's so we had to call the cops and had him relocated to another part of town.


Anyways I would rank beating up a poor homeless guy on the same level as that dude in iraq that kicked a dog off a cliff. Pretty fucking pathetic.

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Did anyone see the news tonight? They did a story on him. I missed it. I had dvr'd another show and at the end, they were talking about a homeless guy and how the community was in shock. The reporter was standing in front of a Reynoldsburg sign.
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