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Eye of the beholder


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See Alex, Hal and I used to post whore all night long. That was until Phil and friends went crazy with it. I think Phil reached 1000 posts in 4 months. Even with whoring it took me a year to reach 1000.






And now I'm doing exactly what I told Tyler and Alex not to do. I suck!


Yes but posts in the kitchen don't count, boy did this thread get off track in a hurry. :rolleyes:

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hmm not sure how i ended up in 8 posts in here but


hey thanks for the kind words sam

rob your a homo but a good guy

ginger fuck you your slow lol

ryan you cant even grow facial hair baby face lol btw your fbodys slow as shit

tyler homo

B C your the shits

hal your myhero

an im out for no reason.

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That is when I was told about IPS...So, my question is...why IS IPS all tweaked about one guy that is an amazing tech, going after his dream of owning his own shop? Not in the same neighborhood...not even close. He does have several shops that are feeling threatened with his labor rate...but, if Rob has been able to negotiate a deal where his overhead is low enough that he can pull off that kind of discount to his customers...maybe, just maybe, those companies should start evaluating the current economic trend and the possibility that they might have to cut some fat and get a leaner business strategy y too).


This is about the 75th time I have read about the "IPS Guy's" being "Threatened" by Rob and his little shop. I post one time about him using a picture of Eric's RX7 that we did the LS1 swap on in his little flyer and ever since all I hear about is how we are so worried about him and blah blah blah. I honestly could care less what he does or who he does it for or how little he charges to do it. Why Rob has so little confidence in himself/his shop to keep my one post (That was strictly about taste and nothing to do with quality of work or anything else) that day going all the way to now is beyond me. Nobody cares !!!! LOL. I am glad in your little world everybody else is talking about you 24/7 and are so enamored with your skills (Both English and otherwise). You are your biggest fan and your biggest hater all in one -- congrats!


Now, on to your next point. Yes, it has been brought to our attention that we are too much of a "High-end" shop now and are out of touch with "Most" of the active CR members that can't afford to pay "Top dollar" to have work done. Keep in mind, last I checked our $75/hour rate is less than the typical dealership rate and on-par with what Slow-Motion and Auto Assets and other performance shops charge in town. That being said, we have expanded to the point where I am able to be more flexible. Instead of that labor rate needing to go up to cover my bills, it can actually go down, a lot down.


I will make a separate post tomorrow about our new CR labor rate and price-match policy. Certain Vendors that probably get 95% of their business from here might not be so crazy about it but it will level out the playing field a little bit for those of us that get very little :)


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hmm not sure how i ended up in 8 posts in here but


hey thanks for the kind words sam

rob your a homo but a good guy

ginger fuck you your slow lol

ryan you cant even grow facial hair baby face lol btw your fbodys slow as shit

tyler homo

B C your the shits

hal your myhero

an im out for no reason.


Hey, I was being nice. :p

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i just find it funny that all the ips nutswingers are so concerned with robs little one person shop thats been open for what, a month? shit, i cant imagine how its gonna be once robs been in business for a few years....youre on the right path though rob, got 'em sweatin


Please define the "IPS nutswingers" for me? As far as the rest of your post goes all I can do is laugh :)


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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
This is about the 75th time I have read about the "IPS Guy's" being "Threatened" by Rob and his little shop. I post one time about him using a picture of Eric's RX7 that we did the LS1 swap on in his little flyer and ever since all I hear about is how we are so worried about him and blah blah blah. I honestly could care less what he does or who he does it for or how little he charges to do it. Why Rob has so little confidence in himself/his shop to keep my one post (That was strictly about taste and nothing to do with quality of work or anything else) that day going all the way to now is beyond me. Nobody cares !!!! LOL. I am glad in your little world everybody else is talking about you 24/7 and are so enamored with your skills (Both English and otherwise). You are your biggest fan and your biggest hater all in one -- congrats!


Now, on to your next point. Yes, it has been brought to our attention that we are too much of a "High-end" shop now and are out of touch with "Most" of the active CR members that can't afford to pay "Top dollar" to have work done. Keep in mind, last I checked our $75/hour rate is less than the typical dealership rate and on-par with what Slow-Motion and Auto Assets and other performance shops charge in town. That being said, we have expanded to the point where I am able to be more flexible. Instead of that labor rate needing to go up to cover my bills, it can actually go down, a lot down.


I will make a separate post tomorrow about our new CR labor rate and price-match policy. Certain Vendors that probably get 95% of their business from here might not be so crazy about it but it will level out the playing field a little bit for those of us that get very little :)



Well Im so glad that poeple of CR that truely love there cars, dont have to pay through the nose to get quality upgrades/mods done to their cars. Im glad we can both be pioneers in this field. While, we can never get corporate dealerships to lower their rates, maybe more locally owned shops will understand cost effective labor rates can lead to the ability of the enthusiast to be able to schedule mulitple mods at one time

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I sense this going downhill again tomorrow morning when everyone gets back online.


Not on my end it isn't. I learned a long long time ago that getting into stupid pissing matches (Regardless of who was actually right or wrong) might be entertaining for the peanut-gallery but makes even the knowledgeable look ignorant in the end.


I own a business that is a sponsor here. Said business exists because of happy customers and incredibly positive word-of-mouth advertising. I am on here not just because I have been since day one (I was member #12) and like to keep up with what is going on locally, but also to help many friends and customers on here every way I can save money and do things others can not. IPS is to the point now that on a forum such as this, there is no stress in making money. If I get a sale or two from here great and if I don't I don't lose an ounce of sleep over it. I don't have to "Push" anything on anybody to make ends meet. If I can provide great deals to somebody and save them some money I pass it along. If they choose to take me up on it then I feel like I helped somebody out. If they don't then so be it. You can't ever please everyone and everyone isn't always going to choose you -- the quicker you can accept both the happier and more stress-free you will be :)


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Wasn't necessarily saying on your end, just alluding to the fact that the shit storm will start up more violently tomorrow morning.


Your username makes me smile as well. I will have my own "turbo trio" as soon as I get the rest of the parts to finish my SC300 build. :)

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Not on my end it isn't. I learned a long long time ago that getting into stupid pissing matches (Regardless of who was actually right or wrong) might be entertaining for the peanut-gallery but makes even the knowledgeable look ignorant in the end.


Now, that being said, I can still debate with the best of them :) If I was on here purely for entertainment purposes I would do-so every chance I got lol.


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Guest Removed
Please define the "IPS nutswingers" for me? As far as the rest of your post goes all I can do is laugh :)


that can be summed up in 2 words brother man. John Linn. A so called employee of marketing for your shop, on a forum that your a sponsor of, treating other sponsors the way he has/does. maybe you should sit him down and have a chat with him about that.

You are racist. There I said it. :p

i heart you too my brother of another color

Not on my end it isn't. I learned a long long time ago that getting into stupid pissing matches (Regardless of who was actually right or wrong)

like the match in the speed shop knowing damn good and well i was in no way claming said engine swap


might be entertaining for the peanut-gallery but makes even the knowledgeable look ignorant in the end.

peanut-gallery,IMO bad choice of words when talking to potential customers

I own a business that is a sponsor here. Said business exists because of happy customers and incredibly positive word-of-mouth advertising.

Me and you both


I am on here not just because I have been since day one (I was member #12) and like to keep up with what is going on locally, but also to help many friends and customers on here every way I can save money and do things others can not. IPS is to the point now that on a forum such as this, there is no stress in making money. If I get a sale or two from here great and if I don't I don't lose an ounce of sleep over it. I don't have to "Push" anything on anybody to make ends meet. If I can provide great deals to somebody and save them some money I pass it along. If they choose to take me up on it then I feel like I helped somebody out. If they don't then so be it. You can't ever please everyone and everyone isn't always going to choose you -- the quicker you can accept both the happier and more stress-free you will be :)



Jeff i will say you have one hell of shop, in a tough market. Am i'm glad to see you trying to get back in touch with the little people, or peanut gallery as you so refer to them. And like dana has already stated here, there is no reason that we cannot co exist. I am only one man working trying to make happy people, with happy running cars. you have many. GL to us both



Now, that being said, I can still debate with the best of them :) If I was on here purely for entertainment purposes I would do-so every chance I got lol.



IN all fairness, it does help relief the stress of everyday grind so to speak. i know who i can talk to certain ways, and when not to.

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Not on my end it isn't. I learned a long long time ago that getting into stupid pissing matches (Regardless of who was actually right or wrong) might be entertaining for the peanut-gallery but makes even the knowledgeable look ignorant in the end.


I own a business that is a sponsor here. Said business exists because of happy customers and incredibly positive word-of-mouth advertising. I am on here not just because I have been since day one (I was member #12) and like to keep up with what is going on locally, but also to help many friends and customers on here every way I can save money and do things others can not. IPS is to the point now that on a forum such as this, there is no stress in making money. If I get a sale or two from here great and if I don't I don't lose an ounce of sleep over it. I don't have to "Push" anything on anybody to make ends meet. If I can provide great deals to somebody and save them some money I pass it along. If they choose to take me up on it then I feel like I helped somebody out. If they don't then so be it. You can't ever please everyone and everyone isn't always going to choose you -- the quicker you can accept both the happier and more stress-free you will be :)



Jeff i will say you have one hell of shop, in a tough market. Am i'm glad to see you trying to get back in touch with the little people, or peanut gallery as you so refer to them. And like dana has already stated here, there is no reason that we cannot co exist. I am only one man working trying to make happy people, with happy running cars. you have many. GL to us both


Best thing i've seen out of the both of you. Now if the kids and nutswingers would get told to chill most of this pointless bullshit would calm down. While I think there are faults on both sides, the never ending pissing match is getting old and is pointless.

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Guest Removed
Best thing i've seen out of the both of you. Now if the kids and nutswingers would get told to chill most of this pointless bullshit would calm down. While I think there are faults on both sides, the never ending pissing match is getting old and is pointless.


It's CR. it just seems to go that way. Granted i have played the childish game myself. not saying i havent. but it is getting very old and tiring. i have a business to run now.

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Rob, in all fairness to IPS and Linn, I do not think he is a paid employee/ or non paid employee for IPS for marketing. I could be wrong, what linn does should not have any ill effect on IPS's business. I would think only the owners/workers of a shop would effect business if they came on here and talked down to others. You arguement doesnt hold to much water because that could be said about any car that rolls out of your shop and said owner starts shit on here with others. Yes Linn has his car worked on at IPS, and yes he talks about them alot on here trying to get people to go there but that is just supporting a shop that he has had good business with. Should you be punished for every person on here with your logo in their sig if they talk shit to someone or hurt someones feelings? No I would not think so.
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A few things...



Tyler and Alex stop fucking up the kitchen! This thread should be two pages but you guys always jump in and whore up serious threads. I know I do it at times too, but there is a time and place for the b.s. You guys are overdoing it big time.



Sam is a cool guy. I'm wondering what people would say about me if I wore my $1000 suits out to meets after a business meeting :o The fact that he stopped by to see the shop and give a little but of support was overshadowed by someone talking about his clothes. I did think what Linn did was way over the line.. but what doesnt Linn do that isnt crossing lines. In the CR world if you insult anyone the weather man usually calls for a 99% chance of a shit storm. From what I've seen Sam works hard for his pay check just as most of us do. Looks more like a misunderstanding with the rocks flying. This is a perfect example of how a pm could have stopped some useless drama... but then again CR= Drama so carry on.


In closing,

IPS is not posting here so leave them out of this. I dont feel like deleting a bunch of posts upon their request so just stop now please.



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This is about the 75th time I have read about the "IPS Guy's" being "Threatened" by Rob and his little shop. I post one time about him using a picture of Eric's RX7 that we did the LS1 swap on in his little flyer and ever since all I hear about is how we are so worried about him and blah blah blah. I honestly could care less what he does or who he does it for or how little he charges to do it. Why Rob has so little confidence in himself/his shop to keep my one post (That was strictly about taste and nothing to do with quality of work or anything else) that day going all the way to now is beyond me. Nobody cares !!!! LOL. I am glad in your little world everybody else is talking about you 24/7 and are so enamored with your skills (Both English and otherwise). You are your biggest fan and your biggest hater all in one -- congrats!


Now, on to your next point. Yes, it has been brought to our attention that we are too much of a "High-end" shop now and are out of touch with "Most" of the active CR members that can't afford to pay "Top dollar" to have work done. Keep in mind, last I checked our $75/hour rate is less than the typical dealership rate and on-par with what Slow-Motion and Auto Assets and other performance shops charge in town. That being said, we have expanded to the point where I am able to be more flexible. Instead of that labor rate needing to go up to cover my bills, it can actually go down, a lot down.


I will make a separate post tomorrow about our new CR labor rate and price-match policy. Certain Vendors that probably get 95% of their business from here might not be so crazy about it but it will level out the playing field a little bit for those of us that get very little :)




I guess I could be considered the little guy. I had IPS do work to my SRT-4, and they did a helluva job. I work in a dealership, selling service, so 75/hour doesnt make me flinch in the least. Just because they charge more, but stand behind there work, doesnt make me mad at all.


Now, before it gets turned around, I havent used gearheadz and have nothing negative to say about them at all.

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Thanks everyone for coming out. I know all of us had a GREAT time.


Anthony, maybe next time you want to invite everyone from CR to the shop for a cookout, you might want to tell everyone that it is a " Night at the Roxbury " costume contest, not just dudes in Hummers.


The winners of the contest didn't stick around long enough to claim their award, must have been LBGT night at The Eagle.


Rob this is funny to you as THE business owner? :nono:

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Am i'm glad to see you trying to get back in touch with the little people, or peanut gallery as you so refer to them. ot to.


The term "Peanut Gallery" has nothing to do with financial status or age or anything else. It simply means somebody reading along with no first-hand information about a topic.


If I am reading a thread on here where Anthony is saying something about you or DynoBrian or Randy or anybody else then I am sitting in the peanut gallery just like 99% of the members are. I have no first-hand info to post (Most likely) and I am following along purely for curiosity or entertainment value. Get it?


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