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odd. when my sister was 10 or 11, she was riding to the pool, on the sidewalk, and going thru a crosswalk...someone waiting on a light moved forward as she was going thru the crosswalk, knocking her off her bike


when the cop came, he said legally, being on a bike, she should have been riding in the street. didnt do anything because she was 10 and i dont think a sidewalk was a crazy idea for a 10 year old, but still...said bicycles belong on the streets

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odd. when my sister was 10 or 11, she was riding to the pool, on the sidewalk, and going thru a crosswalk...someone waiting on a light moved forward as she was going thru the crosswalk, knocking her off her bike


when the cop came, he said legally, being on a bike, she should have been riding in the street. didnt do anything because she was 10 and i dont think a sidewalk was a crazy idea for a 10 year old, but still...said bicycles belong on the streets


That's crazy. I didn't ride my bike in the street until I was older and I won't have my kids riding in the street for long while either. If any cop has a problem with that then they can kiss my butt and do what they want with their kids.

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§ 4511.711. Driving upon sidewalk area.

No person shall drive any vehicle, other than a bicycle, upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area except upon a permanent or duly authorized temporary driveway.


Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting local authorities from regulating the operation of bicycles within their respective jurisdictions, except that no local authority may require that bicycles be operated on sidewalks.

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that really sucks, but I can see the attack without much provocation, especially in columbus.


There are a lot of bicycle riders in columbus, and I doubt most are as lawful as you are. I know I've observed many not observing the proper traffic laws. Perhaps he has had multiple run-ins with other bikers and finally lost his cool with you.

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prolly cause the attackers know they wont catch up to them, thus, making them an easy target


If your in a car and you fuck with me on my bike,.... (assuming I didn't provoke you) you better hope I never catch you or your gonna have some nasty scratches down the side of your car from my clip ins..


I had one old lady look straight at me while she was waiting to turn out (im doing 20+ mph and at the last second she just cuts me off... fortunately I saw it coming so I could avoid it but she got a nice fist on her passenger window hopefully scaring the shit out of her.


Sorry I have to fight back, too many people don't respect riders, we are equal to cars on all roads except highways.

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I hope you find out who did that to you.


I admit, riding your bike to work is some hardcore shit. I've tried it couple times to my work and it was fun and yet scary because of all the people who don't pay attention to the road.

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