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U.S. pledges $100M to help displaced Pakistanis





Our economy sucks, gas just went up $.70 in three weeks, people are unemployed everywhere you look, and they're looking at cutting more programs across the US.


Pakistan? Seriously?

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The only way the Taliban can gain control of the Swat valley is by turning the public against an already unpopular government. If the Taliban can gain control of the region, they will have a clearer path toward Islamabad. Allowing the civilian population to be displaced and abused would quicken the potential for Pakistan becoming a failed state.


That's the short and sweet reason.

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The only way the Taliban can gain control of the Swat valley is by turning the public against an already unpopular government. If the Taliban can gain control of the region, they will have a clearer path toward Islamabad. Allowing the civilian population to be displaced and abused would quicken the potential for Pakistan becoming a failed state.


That's the short and sweet reason.




Its $100 million being spent to PREVENT Iraq#2 from happening.

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I say unload one of the gangs which populate our prison systems and give them guns. Take them over there and say this is your country now. They arent going to let people disrespect women(in theory), or come on their turf. When its all over, they have our basic values and will be easier to negotiate with.
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Its $100 million being spent to PREVENT Iraq#2 from happening.


And thats our problem how? For all I care they can blow themselves to pieces and the US should not stick their nose in others business. However the US thinks they are big billy badass and will stick their nose in anywhere just in attempt to make themselves look better, ultimately making us look worse. Theres a reason so many countries in the world hate us

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Its $100 million being spent to PREVENT Iraq#2 from happening.


Not to prevent another conflict like that, no. The US would not begin that war if it went that far IMO.


Here are some problems with Pakistan failing:


• The fall of the traditional Pakistani government would cause widespread destabilization of the region.

• The fall of Pakistan would mean the loss of a pro western government in the region.

• Without a real government in place, the Taliban could likely size control.


The Taliban seizing control of Pakistan would mean terrorist organizations would have ready access to nuclear weapons and materials. The ability for terrorist and extremist organizations to wage war would increase exponentially. These organizations would also gain a strong foothold from which to launch their attacks. The response from the world powers would likely be swift but, the style of war with terrorist organizations will change entirely.


• Control of nuclear facilities and weapons would provide terrorist organizations with the ability to wage a new type of war throughout the world.

• The international community would be forced to enter a new war with the Taliban controlled Pakistan. The war would likely be unlike any we have seen before.

• Control of nuclear materials will allow the Taliban to increase their monetary standing through the sale of technologies and materials.

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And thats our problem how? For all I care they can blow themselves to pieces and the US should not stick their nose in others business. However the US thinks they are big billy badass and will stick their nose in anywhere just in attempt to make themselves look better, ultimately making us look worse. Theres a reason so many countries in the world hate us


There's a reason you're not any type of analyst too.

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There's a reason you're not any type of analyst too.



Yeah your right, sorry i'm not a sheep like most and think political correctness is the way to go. Here we'll fix your country while ours goes to hell and back. BTW how many weapons of mass destruction has our country found over there? Oh thats right....but im sure the taliban is just hoarding them underground waiting to release them on us. Nah instead they'll just send people over to be trained by us then fly our planes into our buildings, all because we allowed them to live in our country illegally. Wanna debate?

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The prison gangs have "our values"... are you still on pain pills?

Core values. I am sure most believe in family, honor thy mother and father. Womens rights. Even if they havent lived them. You cant negotiate with people who is doing something for god. They dont want money, women, a good life. They do what they think god wants them to do. Gangs want money, respect............. these are things we can deal with. Just make a large prison over there when its all said and done. Most arent willing to die for their beliefs like the taliban members. Hey I am just putting it out there. Theres nothing to lose if they go over there and fail and who would you think it is easier to negotiate with?

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Yeah your right, sorry i'm not a sheep like most and think political correctness is the way to go. Here we'll fix your country while ours goes to hell and back. BTW how many weapons of mass destruction has our country found over there? Oh thats right....but im sure the taliban is just hoarding them underground waiting to release them on us. Nah instead they'll just send people over to be trained by us then fly our planes into our buildings, all because we allowed them to live in our country illegally. Wanna debate?


What soap box are you even on? Yes I want to debate you. You want to try to stay within the topic?


Hey, try reading. Pakistan is a nuclear country that recently expanded its nuclear arsenal. If the Taliban in Pakistan were to take Islamabad, they would then control the nuclear arsenal. They most likely would not be able to gain access to the launch codes due to the current security in place but, they would control nuclear materials.


The Taliban in Pakistan functions separately from the Taliban in Afghanistan. I guess you didn't know that when you started spouting off about WMDs that neither one has.

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Core values. I am sure most believe in family, honor thy mother and father. Womens rights. Even if they havent lived them. You cant negotiate with people who is doing something for god. They dont want money, women, a good life. They do what they think god wants them to do. Gangs want money, respect............. these are things we can deal with. Just make a large prison over there when its all said and done. Most arent willing to die for their beliefs like the taliban members. Hey I am just putting it out there. Theres nothing to lose if they go over there and fail and who would you think it is easier to negotiate with?


Most suicide bombers are lured in by promises of heaven and God but, that's not usually why they blow themselves up. In most cases, the bomber has been told if he doesn't complete his task, his entire family will be killed. They have also been using backup detonators just for the case of a bomber getting cold feet. Often times there is no way to back out of the bombing.

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Most suicide bombers are lured in by promises of heaven and God but, that's not usually why they blow themselves up. In most cases, the bomber has been told if he doesn't complete his task, his entire family will be killed. They have also been using backup detonators just for the case of a bomber getting cold feet. Often times there is no way to back out of the bombing.

Do you think that same logic will work with a gangbanger whos family is over here?

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Do you think that same logic will work with a gangbanger whos family is over here?


It would depend on the individual. What lures him in to begin with? They typically don't start by saying "Hi, we're going to kill your family if you don't blow some shit up." The individual becomes a part of the terrorist/extremist organization first.

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I am saying take the gang dynamic as a whole and say this is your country. Run it as you may. Do you think they are going to side and join the bad guys? Keep in mind this is all to invoke conversation. In the end I would rather deal with americans than who we are trying to deal with. There is nor will there ever be any negotiations which end the nonsense and common ground met.
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I am saying take the gang dynamic as a whole and say this is your country. Run it as you may. Do you think they are going to side and join the bad guys? Keep in mind this is all to invoke conversation. In the end I would rather deal with americans than who we are trying to deal with. There is nor will there ever be any negotiations which end the nonsense and common ground met.


I think that's quite a bit different than the ideology the current terrorist groups use.


It runs along the same lines as Mexico's drug cartels not doing business with terrorists. Terror is bad for business, bottom line. The gangs and similar groups use monetary gain as their main motivation.Terrorist groups see money only as a requirement to accomplish their goals.


To quote Alfred "Some men just want to watch the world burn."

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And as an american I can relate. I cant relate to destroying my country and its people based on a religeous belief. Look at what they have done with their countries. It will never end. They need to make actual cities instead of smaller communities spread out throughout the country. You cant effectively police such small areas.
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And as an american I can relate. I cant relate to destroying my country and its people based on a religeous belief. Look at what they have done with their countries. It will never end. They need to make actual cities instead of smaller communities spread out throughout the country. You cant effectively police such small areas.


That isn't a concern of theirs though. Theses groups usually have a small core of leaders but, they branch out into smaller sects acting largely unsupervised. From there, they make their own cities and run them as they see fit. They don't usually care about having their own sovereign nation.


Oddly enough, the best way to destroy a terrorist group is to give them a government. They then have to care for the people or they lose everything. It's a strange situation.

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