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F-16's Over Westerville


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Anyone else see them? Was a trio of them flew over Westerville and directly over my house pretty low around 12:15-12:30pm today.


I dont know why but its always cooler seeing them doing their normal business rather than at the airshow.

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its pretty cool that all you guys think this kind of thing is awesome. I would see them all the time in iraq and japan. I never really thought anything about it.



Yeah its awesome until you work out at the base that they fly out of and you have to listen to it ALL day long.

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its pretty cool that all you guys think this kind of thing is awesome. I would see them all the time in iraq and japan. I never really thought anything about it.




My shop is only 100 meters from the flight line here at the Air Station. Ospreys, CH-53s, Hueys, and Cobras fly over all day long. Harriers do touch-and-go's as well.

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My shop is only 100 meters from the flight line here at the Air Station. Ospreys, CH-53s, Hueys, and Cobras fly over all day long. Harriers do touch-and-go's as well.


You might want to put your shop underground before one of those things crash through the roof

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You might want to put your shop underground before one of those things crash through the roof


That was early on in their development. As with almost every aircraft, there were accidents during the early stages of R&D. That's just a fact of life. In the two years that I've worked here, I've never seen one go down. Even rode in one in Iraq. They're much faster and more versatile than the 53s, 47s, and 46s.

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That was early on in their development. As with almost every aircraft, there were accidents during the early stages of R&D. That's just a fact of life. In the two years that I've worked here, I've never seen one go down. Even rode in one in Iraq. They're much faster and more versatile than the 53s, 47s, and 46s.


The design is and always will be flawed. It is seriously inferior to all the aircraft it was intended to replace.

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The design is and always will be flawed. It is seriously inferior to all the aircraft it was intended to replace.



You do realize that the Air Force is fielding these for their special operations units, right? Oh, and they didn't jump on the band wagon until AFTER we had spent all of our measly funds on getting these things built, flying, and deployed in a combat environment. Makes you wonder how much smoother things would've gone if we had the trillions of dollars that the Air Force spends annually on projects like this...

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