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Anyone bought sod, or had it put down?


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I'm thinking about buying sod for my lawn, I'm not happy with the results of seeding and want some fucking grass this year, so I'm gonna man up and spend the money.


Best price I've found locally is .20 cents per sqft.


Just seeing if anyone has gone this route, what it cost, if you did it yourself or had it done, who you used, etc etc.



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If seeds won't grow in your yard, sod wont either.


Have you tried using a seed planter, not a scatter and pray method? I planted 2 acres with a Brillion seeder and it all came up. The key to grass is excellent soil contact and loads of water.


Sod has the same requirements, costs tons, and doesn't promise any better results. If you have poor soil, the sod will just die.

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in alot of the newer developments it seems like the throw alot of gravel in the yard and grass doesn't grow for shit.... I finally went ahead and just tilled the areas that wouldn't grow grass... got as much gravel as I could out of there and put down top soil then seeded... seems to do the trick.
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Yeah, I don't live in a new subdivision or anything, I mean I live in Bexley, and the grass came in pretty decent,nice and thick in a bunch of places/the majority,but I still have good size bare patches and then me/my wife made a miscommunication....


I told her to go buy a weed killer, and listed a few brands and used it on 80% of our front lawn, well turns out it was a weed and grass killer, so now I have huge yellow patches. Anyways. I overseeded and fertilized again but I don't think any of it took because of the weed killer.


Anyone know how long the weed killer stays active on the lawn?


I may just reseeed as I think that would do the trick, guess I shouldn't have screwed around with weed killlers yet,:banghead:


And when I first seeded in the first of april i did rent a bull dozer to grade/level/till the surface and raked a bunch of crap out, lots of rocks,etc.



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Most weed killer dissolves in water and stops working after 24 hours. Was it RoundUp? That is def. 24 hours after water touches it.


scattering seed is the least effective way of getting grass to grow. you need to cover it with a light layer of topsoil and water it 2x per day. If you can get a slit-seeder you won't have any problems.

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My lawn was started from sod....Dont get it in the summer months. You MUST water the shit out of it...not just water....SOAK IT. Once it dries up and starts to separate...it's dead. I had mine laid in Nov, so it was almost dormant, not a lot of watering needed, then snow sat on it. By Spring...Scott's new lawn fert and water...it's golden.
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