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Jon & Kate Plus 8


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I won't lie...my wife TiVo's the show and I'll sometimes watch if she's playing it...


Did anyone else see the 5th Birthday episode? It was PAINFUL for me to watch. Certainly, the world knows of their current marital issues, but watching two people just drift apart is shocking. I cannot see how those two will ever be able to come back together as a married couple, and I also cannot see how their kids (which both of them say are the most important things in their lives) will not be negatively affected.


I guess from my standpoint as a husband and a father, I'm very sensitive to marital separations and the huge problems that come about from them. Credit goes to any of you that have been through parents' divorce, or a divorce/separation yourselves...lotta unnecessary drama to me...


EDIT: I realize after reading this that I'll get the CR "pu$$ of the week" award, but I needed to express my disdain for what I watched just now. I hope/work to never let that happen to my wife and I...

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Honestly, I saw it coming. Most couples who are on reality TV end up splitting up. Really sad that all those kids are going to have to deal with this bullshit, and we get to watch it all unfold on the E! channel.
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My wife watches it all the time too, the few times I saw it I knew they'd never make it. Its sad but they never really got along. Still whether you have 1 kid...or 8, you gotta hold it together for the kids, especially when they're that young.
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i dont normally follow this show but i happened to record it so ill have to watch it. i knew they were falling apart due to all the attention on who cheated on who or whatever. that really sucks though, their kids are so cute!
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Kate is a controlling bitch. John is resentful.


Do the math?


They have gone from him working during the day in IT at a real job, and her staying home and taking care of the kids, to him being a stay at home Dad, and her traveling all over doing speakings and book signings.


Not too hard to see it was coming....




Also - The TV show is NOT helping their Marriage. It thier Marriage is to last, the Show needs to end.

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Kate is a controlling bitch. John is resentful.


They have gone from him working during the day in IT at a real job, and her staying home and taking care of the kids, to him being a stay at home Dad, and her traveling all over doing speakings and book signings.


Also - The TV show is NOT helping their Marriage. It thier Marriage is to last, the Show needs to end.


Bingo. IMO, the money and fame are amplifying the issues they are having.

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really sad to see this. Having mutliples on its own is a stressfull. I couldn't imagine having to deal with that on top of the show and all the media attention. I hope they are able to work it out for the kids but it was very hard to watch.



On a side note Multiples are not delivered tradionally they are delivered via C-section the va-j-j is untouched.

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yeah that dude fucked up real bad. you can just see the "god kill me now" look on his face.


Kate drives me insane so I could not even imagine what he has to deal with. When I say insane I mean like 28 days later insane where I want to kill anything that looks like, acts like, or sounds like kate.

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yeah that dude fucked up real bad. you can just see the "god kill me now" look on his face.

nothing to do with your post other than I see you're a Stern listener :)


on a side note, looks like she has a nice bod for having that many kids..

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nothing to do with your post other than I see you're a Stern listener :)


on a side note, looks like she has a nice bod for having that many kids..


Lots of surgery

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My parents divorced when I was real young so yes the whole thing is a pain in the ass. I remember reading an article before that said married couples who have their first kid have their happiness drop dramatically over married couples without kids. Now that is not to say that marriage lowers your happiness over time because the study showed that did too. It makes sense though the more stress you add to your life the less happy you are.


My wife watches the show every now and then and you can see it in Jon's face. He is hating his life and I don't blame him.


Now that other show with the family with 17 kids is even more extreme. They are religious though so that seems to help keep their family together. The mother and father seem to be happy with their life. The only thing I don't like about that family is because they have so many kids the girls are taking care of the little kids most of their life. I still feel the parents need to do most if not all of raising of their kids.

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